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Posts posted by Oldmaveric

  1. Legacy name + 2 brain cells = blackballed everywhere.


    How can you possibly think that being AFK in a Warzone is okay? Why bother queueing if you're going to walk outside the deserter buff zone and then just stand around doing nothing?


    you know you can turn the Legacy name off right?


    -2 Brain Cells for you I guess

  2. Yes, and this would be why when the opponent gets to the ramps, we can do nothing to defend except try and burst dps, because hes already immune to all of it....


    because your team uses it at the wrong time, mass CC them on the fire pits and see what happens if you really want MASS dps

  3. Something tells me the other players on your server will be...less than forgiving of that kind of action. I personally would put a player like that on the guild blacklist.


    this efects me how? my PvP character isn't going in to a guild lmao

  4. If this is the way PvPs going to be once everyone hits level 50... god help us :(


    I just got out of a hut ball with mostly level 50s and my god... Stun stun stun nockback stun nockback nockback stun stun stun can't move stun nockback


    I myself have a pull back and 3 stuns now I asume most classes have the same ammount times that by like 9 people... thats 36 stuns and nockbacks you can put on a person... this is a joke.



    I myself plan on just sitting outside the pawn and doing nothing, so you better get a "Vote to kick" plan in action if you want to keep active people in PvP

  5. The idea that people ether be all cheerleaders or should be labeled as a QQer is false. Its a great game so far as I can see [lvl 30] but I have found bugs, players using exploits, visual anomalies, things I wish were in the game and things that are missing that were in beta.


    Belive it or not it is supportive to help Bioware out by pointing issues out as long as its done in a constructive manner.



    pointing out issues is one thing, most people create posts that say "OMG this game sucks it should go die" that on the other hand is QQing and has no use at all.

  6. Yes, we are better off with players who sit there and yell "THIS GAME IS PERFECT BIOWARE ADD NOTHING, IT'S THE PLAYER'S FAULT THAT THEY RAN OUT OF CONTENT IN AN MMO"



    The fact is, he's right, nothing to do at 50 except killing lowbies in warzones. People should be allowed to play at their own pace, and if it is faster than what you deem acceptable they still shouldn't be punished for it.



    Yes, we knew from the beta that there wasn't much there, does this mean that it's OK for there to be a lack of content? Are you saying that you should create a new character at level 40 to ensure you never hit 50?



    Ironic how you think that we'd be better off without people who post reasonable issues with the game, in a calm manner, with clear examples of the problem, while you just yell out "U R WHINY BABY GO AWAY"


    Did you want this game to take another 2 years to make?

  7. Excuse me, friend.


    Since I've playd and tested the beta up to level 50.


    Is the a reason I need to hear the same dialogue!?


    Listening through the side quests is probably even worse than the grind.

    * Blabla save the empire, bla bla your our only hope, etc etc


    I agree and then you get the ones that don't speak english...


    "Noh ahchi blah blah blah"


    I understand it's part of the "Star Wars" thing but if i wanted to hear something other than english I would go to my local home depot store

  8. This game is not SWG. It's not designed around similar systems, it does not have similar content, and it does not provide similar player perks.


    Let me say reiterate the most important part of that statement:








    And you get player housing -- a personal starship. You can go there when you want some time alone to chat with your guild or what have you. They are implementing Guild housing in the form of instanced capital ships in the near future, which will give you yet ANOTHER place to go that's away from the crowd.


    There is absolutely, positively nowhere to put static houses in this game. That means that even if it was implemented they would be in -- check this out -- an INSTANCE that's separate from the rest of the game world.

    Thank you

  9. because the 99.9% of the player base who likes the game is leveling and ignoring the forums



    If you look at every hate post its the same 6 or 7 people who post threads, and post hate in other threads...



    forums are nothing but a place for haters to troll, the people who enjoy the game have no reason to even come to the general forums.

  10. edited - I have confidence in Bioware implementing fixes as swiftly as possible. not everything started out smoothly, but they are improving by leaps and bounds. so far to me it feels like I got my money's worth and then some, subscription fees included.


    I would agree with that, I think for the money the game is worth it, I am how ever disapointed with the DDE and the fact I used the items for 2 days and then they were obsolete :(

  11. tbh, you could make the best MMO in the world and you would still have people saying it sucks, you can't make everyone happy. It's imposable


    I have a friend that says the game sucks and hes never played it, I love watchign him want to play it but then it hits him that he doesn't want to and then makes up some phony excuse on why its bad. XD hes my own friend and i called him an idiot (for the fact he is just going with the hate crowd instead of seeing first hand on what its like)

  12. If SWTOR is considered an MMO then COD has to be considered one as well. I wonder why COD doesn't charge $15 a month?


    I think calling COD a mmo is a streatch BF is more like an mmo than Crap of Duty and i hate BF btw


    Go Arma 2 :p

  13. have any of you thought that maybe you're leveling faster than everyone else?


    I'm on belsavis with a local chat of 6 players, I thought "WOW this game is dead" I then went back to some of the lower level planets and had 50 people on a planet.


    people level at dif speeds, not to mention most of us got to play before the masses so we are a week ahead of everyone.

  14. it is an old tired argument that has no bearing on today, this isn't 7 years ago, this is a 5 year 100 million dollar release in 2012, it should in no way be this messed up on launch, do not jump on the bandwagon of fail, don't excuse them for putting out the game unfinished, we pay for this, we demand accountability, do not let them off the hook by saying they gonna fix it, I know that is a basic function, but the are gonna patch that soon, just wait



    and m for map key was used by others long before wow and the same with / for running/walking


    it just depends on how fast they do it, so far I feel i have got my moneys worth just for buying the game it self, but they will have to prove its worth the $15 a month. I do however feel a bit riped off for buying the DDE. You get 4 in game items that do nothing but sit in my lock box (which i expected) but the speeder really pissed me off when i found out it doesn't scale speed and speeder effects with your riding level, and the VIP wrist band in game was a joke, I don't even have the option to talk to the venders other than a speeder for 1.5 mil. so i don't use ANY of the DDE things i bought. So game content i think is good other than pvp lag, but the DDE I feel i got majory riped off.

  15. WoW afforded to be bad on its launch day. Swtor does not.

    The market conditions upon WoW's release were galaxies different than the ones today.


    I wish people would stop using this absolutely irrelevant argument.


    the point people are trying to make is that it's not that bad... WoW was bad bad, STOR is just meh it could be better


    The true test is end game content, PvP is laggy as hell and needs fixed. I would judge the end game raids but i have yet to hit level cap so i can't. That is what will kill an MMO.


    Every game has bugs and fixes they need to work on once things go live lmao, have any of you played EVE online? We had a patch that had our own starbaces shooting at us and the games still alive at just over 357,000 active accounts EVE Online is around 7 or 8 years old now and still fun to play and puting out good content for its players (once the bugs get worked out) The dif is those 357,000 accounts all play on one server not on seprate servers so it looks more active.

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