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Posts posted by Oldmaveric

  1. 1. Look at this video - at 18:10



    There was also another video before that that which they stated it was for CE's only as well.


    Stephen Reid said CLEARLY and PLAINLY that the AREA would be EXCLUSIVE to CE holders. There is no misunderstanding there whatsoever, no matter what ANYONE says. It is told by the community director's lips.


    2. You can't tell me anyone here would think that the variety described by developers is what we expected. We expected variety meant more than just 1 gear set, 2 companion gear sets and a few social items. I can't even use anything in there as a Consular.


    he said excusive to VIPs, and then he said "with credits"


    the VIP ring you can buy with credits lol

  2. "We'll be adding new content over time, but other areas of development are a higher priority right now."


    Is the official word on this.




    I payed for a system to be in place already with various types of gear and items that would be exclusive to CE holders from the get go. I was led to believe we would have tons of different items to choose from and show off to our friends/guild, etc.


    Now, all we have is a few pieces of gear and some social items in the shop right now, and when the time comes to add new things in slowly as explained, people will JUMP ALL OVER those items and THEY WONT BE EXCLUSIVE! Who is going to care any when half the server is wearing those gear pieces because only one thing was added to the store in a certain month. Nobody will! Now, I can't guarantee that people would care if there was 200 different items in the store at launch, but I can say that it would of been exclusive and a large majority of the server wouldn't have just one certain item.


    To be honest now, I'm probably not even going to buy anything from the CE store because everyone will have the item that they added for any given time. kthxbye


    you think you got riped off, i got the Dig delx edition, I get to go in to the VIP room and guess what I get... nothing but a speeder for 1.5mil, some VIP room huh...

  3. You might have misunderstood the nature of this particular MMO, or perhaps thought you could bypass it. This isn't like other MMOs on the market right now: this one is actually focused on story. Each class in the game has a story that takes them from 1st to 50th level. More story is incoming to keep things interesting for those at the level cap so they aren't reduced to just running daily repeatable quests and zerging the same Operations and Flashpoints all the time until they have all the Best In Slot gear they want, and then sit there bored until BioWare releases new 50th level content or raises the level cap.


    Or perhaps you're just suffering the unfortunate effects of having power-leveled to cap without concern for the built-in pacing the game's storytelling provides. That pacing, in addition to telling compelling stories, is meant to force players to take a long-term point of view for this game, which is what BioWare wants: from both a gamer satisfaction standpoint and a fiscal standpoint, they want players playing Old Republic for a long time. They don't want players zerging to the level cap, then running Operations once or twice a week, and spending their gaming time elsewhere the rest of the time.


    Don't treat this game as a "kill stuff and take its loot" game; it has those elements, but it has a lot more as well, and is designed to appeal primarily to players who want an immersive story experience as well as fun gameplay, and not just the players who want to treat it as though they were playing Mass Effect and hitting the spacebar to blaze past Commander Shepard's conversations so they can get back to shooting things.


    so we pay them to make us do things we don't want to do... sounds like a good way to LOSE players to me



    looks like my spacebar is going to get a workout, hope it doesn't break...

  4. Maybe if you didn't rush through the game ignoring all the story, you wouldn't have this problem?


    so you are saying we should do missions that give us 5 exp just because you want us to?



    I would like you to wash my car for $5 but i doubt you would do it... Oh but ill tell you a story to go along with it that makes it better right?

  5. But you're trying to make the game something it's not. It's a story-driven game and the main class story is not optional. That's the game you signed up for.


    if you read, it's not just the "class story"


    10 quest chains tied to multiple planets.


    there are quests that have NOTHING to do with your class story line that we can not delete, for example I have 7 quests on Hoth, 2 on Balmora, and about 4 or 5 others I can't get rid of and they take up space in my mission log...


    We can only pick up 25 missons in our log, so tell me why we have to compleat GRAY missions to be able to pick up our dailys that actualy give us better rewards?

  6. I don't feel sorry for anyone, regarding game playing.


    I do have to wonder though. I mean it wasnt a secret this game was about story. If one doesn't like the story aspect why play a game built on story?


    Seems to me a complaint just to complain.


    I think you are missing the point, all we want to do is get it out of our quest log so we can pick up more quests and not have a bunch of 5 exp quests sitting in there taking up space... and time (if you go do them to get rid of the things)


    Oh and I have a quest I can't get rid of AND i can't compleat it so what do I do then?

  7. You answered your own question and targetted your own gripe and poured it down to hopefully realise the problem is with you. There's a reason we have a storyline and that we can't abandon it. It's like... our story.


    so the bonus mission that i can't compleat because i can't get back in to the space station needs to be compleat?


    or the crap quest chain on a planet that has nothign to do with my class story for a worthles planet the republic doesn't even like has to be compleat?


    I fail to see your arguement...


    and yes that means I have a quest i can't get rid of AND I can never compleat it...




    and don't be a smart azz unless you know the full story or it makes you look like a fool.

  8. at level 25 I had almost 100k credits, you don't need bag slots or bank tabs that early. pluss I got a mail at level 20 saying "Hey save up for your speeder training its exp."


    not to mention I read general chat and hear about how much the speeders and training was. don't blame BW you only have yourself to blame.

  9. I agree, I use to help people on WoW all the time at the start. Rotations, specs, ect. People use to whisper me after patches to ask me how to spec their druids...


    if you do that now people acuse you of telling them how to play their class and get all offended and call you names. I really don't get it.

  10. tbh i think most people don't want people to spam damage meters because on WoW it was your top dps or you were a noob. and people don't want to get that started on here.


    I have to admit I was one of those people who would kick people out of the group for low dps, BUT I only kicked people if we couldn't down a boss.

  11. I want a dmg meter purely for my own information, if it doesn't have the ability to link that is fine by me. Just want to know my output for given spec/rotation.


    exactly, on WoW my druid was normaly top damage, I really don't care to link it to other people. I just want to see my own dps to help my rotation and to push myself when i see it droping.


    or atleast a threat meter for my tank spec lol

  12. To start out, I am enjoying the game it is very fun I PvP PvE mission explore.


    I do have some suggestions I would like to put out there to make the game ever more fun. If you like them let them know if you don't like them, well bash it all you want but atleast put why not just "You blow" (maybe this community is more mature than WoW but who knows these days)


    1. We get "medals" and get to choose who is MVP in BGs. It would be nice to keep track of atleast what medals we earn, and maybe how many MVPs we earn. Along with kills ect.

    To do this you can use a computer on our personal ship. The trooper has a computer in his bedroom and I have yet to play any other class but I am sure there is a personal room for each player on their ship with some sort of electronic device in it.



    2. can you move our "bag" screen to the right by like a 1/2 inch because it covers up our left side bars and makes it hard to put anything from your bags over there



    3. the map in the PvP area where you have to breach doors covers up the right side bars a bit it would be nice if that could be moved to the left just a little bit as well.



    4. Macro system where you can type /use ability and maybe make it to where we can wright a string of abilities. it would be nice to have 2 moves on one button.

    Example: /castsequence reset=3 Storm, Stockstrike

    Once pressed the trooper would charge the enemy and when pressed a second time in under 3 seconds would use the ability Stockstrike once the global cooldown is up.

    This would free up some space on our bars for other things if needed depending on what macros you make.


    another would be a mouse over macro for healers.

    Example: /cast [target=mouseover] Guard

    or any heal spell. so people don't have to click the person then click or hit the button, you just hover over the player and hit your heal button. saves time and needed seconds exp in PvP.

  13. I am a casual gamer.


    I don't have time to wait for some arbitrary countdown to play.


    After a few times I just walk away from the game.


    Devs, you don't want me to walk away.


    It should be made an option for those who are seeking more realism and don't have as limited a time to play.


    A. don't die, do quests that are green to you. XP is still there the credits are still there

    B. rez at the med center, you get no timer other than maybe the 8 seconds.

    C. maybe your doing something wrong?


    Then again I never really die and I'm on a PvP server, yes when I try to solo heroic areas once they are green i die a few times but then i spawn at a med center and go do a dif quest...


    This guy has to be a troll but I thought i would give my 2 credits worth if hes not lol.

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