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Posts posted by Oldmaveric

  1. EvE is a good example of a game with a very satisfying amount of depth to the point that it overwhelms some. I couldn't get past the leveling via real time waiting rather than it being a playtime investment which inevitably lead to the game not really being for me. I would argue that they've stayed true to their plan even knowing that fundamentaly changing things like what I mentioned my problem was with the game might have lead to some short term success.


    leveling via real time waiting was kinda meh to me but at the same time you not only level your character with real time but you level your skills on how to play in that time as well, thats what got me to stay. You don't just level your character you level your knowledge irl about the game as well.

  2. Anarchy Online is a 10 year old mmo. Even if you tried it and hated it, it isn't hard to see that aside from it being 10 years dated, it has more depth in one of its hangnails than all mmo combined that have released over the last 3-5 years. Thought its old, with old crappy snails paced mechanics, hard to look at by this point, you can tell whoever made it really cared about it at the time. I can see that in several older titles that I never even liked over many games today mmo or otherwise. When the technology wasn't the focal point of a game's innovation, the actual game part was instead. Ironically, I can almost relate it to special effects VS real immersive acting in movies. Mark Hamill isn't exactly my favorite actor, but hes Al Pacino compared to Hayden Christensen.


    Unless a game developer sacrafices their commercial success expectations to actually craft a game that they prioritize their vision of a quality game over their interpretation of what will appease the masses for the sake of making money, WoW will likely be the last 10 year old mmo we see. I also doubt we will ever see another mmo balloon in popularity like WoW did. We've seen astonishing improvements in all games in the terms of graphics but at the same time have watched alot of it go from novel to comic book in the sense of depth and originality.


    I honestly don't think a game in this genre can't get away with even chasing anything near WoW's commercial success and enjoy longevity at the same time. I think WoW got away with it by fundamentally changing their game mid stride and for a duration satisfied a wider demographic of players simultaneously ontop of mega advertising.


    That has had alot of game makers licking their chops thinking they can do the same thing WoW did right out of the box instead of over years. Well you can't. To make matters worse, once you've made that the purpose of your game it ends up as original as a Milli Vanilli cover band. The real punchline to that bad joke is the last couple games in this genre I've tried I've also heard things tantamount to "were not trying to be different, were just trying to do it better," as though thats a badge of honor. Over the long haul, that kind of attitude is a road to nowhere when you're in the business of selling an interactive artistic digital craft called video games.


    I think at this point in time other mmo developers are becoming the biggest contributor to WoW's lasting success and the reason some other older online games won't die. You can't paint a better Mona Lisa, I'm sorry but you have to paint something different.






    IMHO the next successful mmo we see in reguards to longevity will likely be niche coming from a game developer who doesen't play it safe because they have much lower commercial success expectations.


    EVE Online


    with the new dust 514 PS3 game and the new grafx EVE will grow even more. CCP actually asks their player base what they want. Not to mention has a council of players voted in by players to keep CCP on track. (depending on who gets in there they tend to only hear about one area of the game. nul sec ect for people who know what I'm talking about)


    EVE has been around for 9 years all ready, going on 10 this next year. I'ts because they care about their dedicated player base and not a hand full of cash like LA, BW, and EA.

  3. you will find no such thing, assumption is the mother of all f..ups dont you know that already. The concurent theme through your posts is that your lonely online, thats not the fault of the game but of you being on a quiet server.


    and yet you have the assumption I am on a quiet server, when in fact all servers are quiet due to lack of players on this game.

  4. lol, no, I guess this game is not for me, im currently playing it out of boredom while im still subbed. And the part about the quick rewards is a joke right? I would gladly give people recognition in this game if they achieved something that deserved it, but theres nothing in this game to achieve, its a given, easy mode from start to finish in its current state.


    he just can't understand how anyone could hate Star Wars, it's not about the game.


    you will find Star Wars has a cult like flowing, just like WoW, DnD, any other "nerdie" (for lack of better words) game/movie title. They tend to lack the ability to see issues with something they love so much.


    I play games to have fun. My "fun" is to work toward something or work on my statistics. I am a numbers person. Which is why I enjoy another space game I have mentioned before over SW. But the point is Star Wars clams to be cutting edge with their story line Questing (and it is really neat) but they fall behind in every other aspect in the MMO market.



    While I quested and leveled I really really liked this game. When i got end game 2 months ago, the cool and new cutting edge aspect fell off.

  5. months ago ? its only been out months. And if you need to attain a rank and purple gear to enjoy pvp then your missing the point, ow and qudos for playing a game in the 80's that didnt come out until 93 and just cos its on rails and plays like dont make it any less addictive and fun.


    And if your server is so quiet move to a busier one until the allow migrations and them move your old char to where your new chars are. enjoy a different story.


    the only part of this game that is even half way enjoyable is the leveling, and even that gets old.


    and ok sorry star fox came out what 4 years after the 80s... i was like 8 when I played it, that is old


    My point is, if SW wants to compete with the MMO market they have to make something new and exciting, so far all they have done new would be the story line Questing. I did enjoy that.

  6. ok then smart ####, role playing is where you play as a defined character living as that character within the game, you talk like you are part of the game and interact with other players as if there char is a real person, working through scripts and staying in role of your chars.


    an rpg is a game where you play within the enviroment and story like you do in this game and within fable, assassins creed and the multitude of other rpgs.


    so in a role play you become your character to take on evil and banish it from the world


    and an RPG you control your character to take on evil and banish it from the world....


    ummmm ok...

  7. who are you kidding nothing todo, there is pvp and soon tobe ranked pvp, there is space for commendations and even cos its freaking amazing even if it is on rails, there are nightmare and heroic flashpoints and ops to run with my friends and dont give me no jibber jabber about the rewards bla bla, i dont fight for rewards i fight for the challange.


    Ranked PvP: something they should have had months ago... Congratulations Star wars has moved forward 10 years to present day gaming.


    Space Comedations: I remember playing star fox for the original nentendo it was pretty cool, but this isn't the 1980s anymore


    and Flash points: This i could see if there was a guild big enough to even do them on my server.




    PvP gear: do War zones untill your blue in the face to get WZ points to trade them in for Champion points and then trade them in for Centurian points.... does anyone here see a huge waste of time here? or is this just me... Why do I have to trade in points for points for points when all you have to do is make the higher end gear cost more.........

  8. I really don't see why EA should build a business model around your special needs/wants.


    Besides, you hate the game. So even F2P, you would complain.


    I wouldn't have a reason to, I would log on see if i liked it and then log off. Not spend a month using my 14.99 to talk on the forums.

  9. sorry what, people do play the rpg and they play the rpg together. if they dont with you then thats possibly something your end.


    or maybe there is only 20 people on the republic fleet?


    something is wrong when a "trade hub" only has 20 people on the thing.


    EVE Online (who has a lower player count) has over 1000 people in each of their "trade hubs"

  10. You really need to stop drinking the cola with to many sparkles in you know that, let me give you a hint, this game got nearly 2 mil subs and bliz aparently lost no subs, that tells you that the vast majority of people here are not from wow. Which means when mop hits and it fails they are either going to goto gw2 or here.


    This game has more possibilitys then wow does and wow is coming to the end of its comercial life and thats easy to see by the way blizzard are handling there game and giving out 80's like free candy.


    This game has what, 1.7 mil subs from the last count and yes there maybe a lul in the playerbase at the min for some people whos friends are taking a break but dont dream that this is somehow a sign that its failing, its a sign that people powered through the content they were interested in only.


    Bioware, EA are throwing money hand over fist into the development of this game and Lucas are advertising it, the only place this game is going is up. And if you think the foundation of this game is single player then your missing something cos the foundation of this game is RPG which alot of mmos have severaly lacked.


    this would be an MMORPG if people played it :(


    only thing people do on here is PvP in war zones and thats because it puts them in a group with random people...


    World pvp is nonexistent, groups on my server for flashpoints are nonexistent, people don't even talk in general chat anymore.

  11. Plus F2P actually costs you MORE than a P2P game.


    World of Warcraft, you spend 15 a month. At most you can spend over 100 bucks if you use all the premium services.


    League of Legends costs you over 1000 bucks in a WEEK because you cannot do CRAP without visiting that online store.


    that is a bit over dramatic if you ask me...


    I think SW should go F2P so i can come back after 3 to 4 months and see if it's been improved without wasting money on a month sub.

  12. I renewed my subscription after being away for a few months, and I have to say I am very sad at what I see. :( (omg I'm going to get banned for saying I don't like something)


    anyway -_-


    After all the reviews of "subscription base going up" where is everyone?


    My suggestion is to put all the PvP servers together and all the PvE servers together so you can have some sort of social interaction with people. 7:00pm cst and there is at most 30 people on the republic fleet who don't even talk when you ask a simple question like "Do illium dailys still exist."


    Second suggestion would be a full grafx overhaul. I don't mind my characters looking like cartoons but my gear should at least look like something I want to have on. not some heavy armor with smudges on it for "features"

  13. Another maintenance patch, another slap in the face for EU players.


    Cancel subs until separate maintenance times are implemented.


    Re-subbing only when EU players are not treated like a second class player base.


    yes make other people wait because you want them to...



    Your time zone happens to be when the lowest ammount of people are on AND ITS ONE FLIPING DAY GET OVER IT

  14. I'm just waiting it to firmly close on the 20th then I will watch you ladies cry about having to merge servers. I would estimate 4 US servers and 3 EU servers will remain within 6 months.


    Have fun.


    I agree, what the OP just said is exactly what every other failed MMO player has said in the past


    next thing you know after the free month is up people will be saying "omg theres only 10 on the republic fleet the empire outnumber us 4 to 1 do something BW (Hint you will see only see 40 people on the emp fleet)



    ~edit~ I ended my sub and I'm back on EVE Online

  15. I just now logged in 100 hours since Dec 20th, and I just hit level 34 with my sith sorcerer. Not to mention that I'm also unemployed so I figured I was playing a lot more than most people. Either way, I love this game and will continue to re-sub so I can play all the classes but I can't understand why someone would want to just rush through it so quickly.


    maybe you should try hitting the spacebar and not let your ADD take over while leveling.



    thats how people are 50


    I actualy only hit spacebar on side missions around level 40ish because there all the same... "For the republic blah blah blah blah omg empire bad blah blah blah"


    but yeah levelings not hard you just arn't trying hard enough, or go afk a lot.

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