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Everything posted by RycheMykola

  1. Trade kills with someone on the other faction, dual boxing 2 toons and trading kills between them.
  2. Easily exploitable, will never happen.
  3. ^ This. The only reason for PVP server is to play with a heightened sense of danger while leveling or to gank lowbies.
  4. Some people are cancelling their pre-orders because they have no clue if there boxed sets have shipped or not. So if you have 0 chance to get in the early release, you may as well cancel your pre-order and buy it at the store. You get charged a $5 fee to pre-order. So you are PAYING to get into early release basically.
  5. most of the 50's that will be camping the lower level areas are absolutely horrendous at pvp, simply get a friend(s) that are equal level and chances are they'll high tail it out of the area.
  6. PVP in the RVR lakes in Tier4 for WArhammer Online absolutely rocked as long as it wasn't too unbalanced.
  7. Actually, Horde outnumber Alliance about 2-3 to 1 on most PVP servers. Some have numbers 30+:1 for horde:alliance. Your statement would be correct if you were talking about PVE servers.
  8. Actually, it was good how they did this. Some people might want to level on a pvp server that doesn't have a crowd of 50's before the 20th.
  9. EA should have planned there launch around my vacation time. How dare they not consult my calendar!
  10. Why would they have free weekends? When WOW goes F2P.
  11. Show me on the panda bear where the bad jedi touched you. For those that bought the CE more than a year ago, they deserve to get in today imho. I'm hoping to get in Friday.
  12. ^This. Hows the ground game in Eve compared to SWTOR? I heard the ground game in Eve sucks! /sarcasm off
  13. I stopped reading reviews quite some time ago. They are biased. "blue side alliance, red side horde................" Ya, shows most game reviewers have no clue.
  14. Its because they didn't get into the launch today. A good analogy would be like going to a restaurant, winning a free dinner, then complaining about it being unfair and the restaurant sucks because you didn't get free drinks also.
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