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Everything posted by Sadishist

  1. Better yet, I wish there was a way to destroy the capital ships. Not just its turrets, but the bridge too, like in those class ship missions.
  2. For friendly fire issue, you can always give penalty points to the person doing it like other games that has FF on.
  3. How long did it take you to get to 55? How many days/matches? Used any XP buffs? Pug or grouped?
  4. And that's how all pugs feel.
  5. Feel free to roll a bomber then.
  6. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/The_Force
  7. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Caedus
  8. Why can't we roll this option for female toons as well? Sexism?
  9. Always backstabbing each other. That's how they work.
  10. EMP probably won't kill a drone right away, just damages it and disables it for a while. At least the Blackbolt's EMP.
  11. I just skimmed the topic, am too busy celebrating the nerf.
  12. It doesn't effect system? The EMP of the Blackbolt does.
  13. You should read Legacy of the Force series and check up on the story of Darth Caedus.
  14. That's only in dumb wargames. Should happen less than real games.
  15. Shien is just deflecting blaster bolts back at your enemy. Don't know why Jugs and Guardians use Shien as a dps form when it's called "saber ward" in the game.
  16. http://tor-fashion.com/restored-triumvirate/
  17. So you can tell who's firing, friend or foe.
  18. Yoda: Do or do not. There is no try. Obi-wan: Only Sith deal in abolutes. That guy's full of contradictions.
  19. Everyone else in the thread so far has.
  20. Kinda with my Dustmaker. I mastered it before 2.6 so I can't get the mastery achievement.
  21. The AFK players seem to have gone away, at least.
  22. If you read The Book of Sith, Palpatine explains how he used xenophobia to keep his Empire powerful by giving the people something to take their anger out on (aliens).
  23. Palpatine wasn't in his prime, as well as Dooku. It's the dark side that corrupts the body, not the light side. The Light side probably allowed Yoda to live even longer.
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