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Everything posted by Slinktress

  1. I *clearly* need to re-learn my sage, because I did not see immunity to root with force speed or the extra heal, but I was rushed in my mid-week busy mom day! PLEASE tell me what in the world is a "bunny hop"? I want! Or is it just for sorcs, not sages?
  2. I saw many many gunslingers TEARING UP the field today... SHOOT THE GUY!
  3. Slinktress

    Pvp Devs

    We all know the Devs are SITH However, what you suggest about the Devs playing their own game themselves is torture, and I don't support torture I've noticed some good and bad TBH... more dps = more action/kills/fun, but should add less stuns/roots for even MORE action/fun! I do appreciate when I was sorc mezzed I was resistant to damage, giving me a chance to PLAY, and some other subtle tweaks. I don't appreciate the cone knockback, when Operatives beeline for poor Sages all the time anyway; why help them? It was FUNNY when I kept spinning around tossing rocks at one while he ran in circles to get me in the back, even though he easily killed me 1 v 1 anyway. Seemed to resist my slow debuff =/ TBH, that debuff gets sloughed off or resisted a LOT. Operatives should not be able to go inside walls to backstab you when you are backed up against one or in a corner. HOWEVER: What we must ask ourselves about Balance is 1. Was the game CLOSE? (6 out of 8 were for me today) 2. What is the loss:win ratio? As a Republic with a total mix-mash of gear levels 4:1 (much better than double digits : 1) Now, here's another plug for DITCH RESOLVE! REDUCE stun/root! Save the hassle and programming time/funds, and focus on WORLD EVENTS that prompt PVP on PVP servers and such 98% of my guild that came to SWTOR from EVE went back there, because of lack of world pvp.
  4. Wow, I heard this from a guildmate today as well. 0.0 Seriously though, those 6k+ hits were showing up on the scoreboard today, and sometimes not. My sentinal PVP partner said he was hit for over 6k, but I couldn't find it on the scoreboard when I wanted to see what class did it (he DID die though . I think the devs have been trying to work in some kind of balance with it, since before patch I saw a "smasher" on the scoreboard for OVER 950,000 damage in 1 short game.
  5. Save us ALL from Resolve headaches! I'm truly sorry to the Resolve programmers, but please DITCH RESOLVE and ROOT, and ALL STUNS BUT stuns to light armor wearers in PVP. The maurader and sentinel can keep their 1 second interrupt type stun, not the issue of an unplayable PVP game. Knockback has been nerfed into a cone and distance affect, resolve should NOT apply immunity to this, but it does. DELETE RESOLVE The roots aren't building resolve, exceedingly annoying, and restoration doesn't clean them off. DELETE RESOLVE Note: 79 valor as Republic on server where we had 5:1 Imps to Rep until last week (not taken a count recently).
  6. Open world PVP promises is what brought MANY people to this game initially. The faction balance on PVP servers is typically 5:1 + Imps vs. Repub, which would have to be addressed by some kind of live planet count/limits, which would also help lag issues. Warzone instances ended up being easier to control for numbers/lag, but that's the lazy way out. The "super warzone" idea, maybe with the feeling of being on a whole planet might work, but what happens when the numbers drop off, or is this a queued event idea? Shooting (and building) structures is always fun, as are random world boss spawns to compete for. Even MORE so would be expensive but a game saver... SPACE PVP! Sell it as an expansion like Sony and Funcom did? Make it a pre-order item like Apple did
  7. Coming from a PVP addict and before the 1st server mergers... (78 valor, >6k kills, war hero, etc) INCENTIVE in the form of BALANCED games. When the games are close, there are very few deserters. Do the math, figure the numbers, and make the warzones playable for EVERYONE. Good gear vs. bad gear should have a clear advantage, but not the kind where 1 vs. 3-5 wins. No one wearing level appropriate PVP gear should have to die constantly in under 2 seconds or be perma-stunned to death. Stuns need to come with resists for the stunned, or as it's been suggested so many times; eliminate almost ALL of them in PVP. No one likes inaction, and more mice and keyboards get broken from over stunning/rooting than any other aspect of PVP. After the first server merges, wins and losses were an even, exciting mystery and toss up. THEN came Ranked mess. Ranked groups joining regular PUG warzones has caused more quitting than anything I've seen. I wrote a ticket and was told that a full ranked group of 8 can join a regular warzone! NEVER should you have more than a 4-4 split on that IF you really insist on keeping that feature. It's ridiculous, because you can always queue in regular warzones outside of ranked. OR, you have to allow regular warzones to queue full groups as well. I hate having a really great group that I never see again all together in regular warzones, because they are gear shamed into not joining Ranked. Run metrics on your PVP games, and boost the side/classes losing if it gets worse than 4:1 losses to wins. Keep the game balanced, keep the chance of winning realistic for as many games as possible. Ideally put in a LIVE group vs. group computerized match and adjust the numbers for Regular Warzones so that both sides have a CHANCE. Keep up the good work on eliminating exploits and hacks. Then, people will stop quitting so much. HOPE carries and FUN is THE WIN.
  8. Thank you. The efforts, overextended as they seem, are much appreciated. If this doesn't work, can you *please* take repeated advice to eliminate all but the sorc/cons CC in PVP and do away with resolve completely? That class is the light armor wearer and it's too easy to separate or kill the guardian "help". that is IF you even get it in a pickup group. Any invis DURING combat is really silly, a mini teleport would be much more fun for both sides, and this would give chance of enough confusion to get out of combat if needed and then hide. Rest of it all seems really well thought out and interesting; can't wait!
  9. With the new reusable stun bombs, and roots with the stackable dot interference "exploitation"; these are getting a bit rediculous in Warzones, and not being able to fight/play especially in the larger arenas is becoming too frustrating for many of our guild. These really need to be limited to the cloth wearing classes, like in all other MMOs I've played. I have a 5 second cooldown on my tree ability (a rare class ability at that) to "clean" stuns , roots, and find more and more they just don't work before the player or self is dead and/or re-stunned. The backstab abilities should not have more than 1 stun, especially since they're able to go THROUGH most walls/objects to get to you because of sad coding. It's just TOO MUCH. Eliminate the buggy resolve and reduce stuns/roots, the players and servers will be much happier! DO keep the knockbacks though; they do add to the fun/excitement/strategy. Less resists of them actually would be fine. Group stun really has no place in PVP; it's just silly and annoying. Missile massive dps bombs and this combined is a bit OP. Could also balance some of the stuns with the super self heal ability; ie. force lift heals the player. But, I have so many guildmates just wanting LESS of these in PVP. These opinions are not just my own. Thank you. (over 4500 player kills on a server with fewer numbers Republic side; tons of war zone experience)
  10. I remember the Crossover Quest in Everquest 2 was really fun. Something similar to that would require a lot of sneaking around, so we'd need some player made or vendor stims that can make you temporarily invisible. I'm all for this! I've got 2 evil republic characters
  11. I've had SO MUCH feedback, I'm forced to come here to plead for guildmates and friends from multiple factions, servers. Please just rely on your lockout timers, and open up the number of people that can do these missions! We have horrific problems when 5-7 guildmates want to group and we have to send them away bored/upset. We have some new level 50s with bad gear that need to start somewhere and having a couple extra hands to help finish these missions would really encourage gameplay. We've yet to get through an operation that is so particular with exactly 8 people, and MUST HAVE 2 tanks, 2 healers, because of dissconnections, zone resets, real life happens, group finder uselessnes, etc. Just open the STORY MODE at least please so that it's FLEXIBLE 8-15. Everything needs to be more flexible, and more options are needed other than world bosses that go away once a day for entire guilds to have something to do together. People play MMOS 25% content 25% subject matter and 50% PEOPLE/SOCIAL factor. if not even more on the last one. There also needs to be this flexibility and more options for under level 50; I have 100 guild members that quit before reaching 50 out of too much solo content boredom. Thanks much.
  12. They have the ideas, like random world boss spawns to compete for and 50 on 50 kill missions, BUT you would have to have some resemblance of faction equality to make it FUN or work. On our server, the last average count tonight of Imperial vs. Republic on Fleet and 3 high level worlds was 13:1. So, until they figure out how to balance the factions, I doubt we'll see much investment in that area.
  13. I'm a 50 sage, and really hate suddenly having my hair pulled and held while someone stabs me in the back until I'm dead Even if my clean stun is up, I'm usually left nearly dead and vulnerable to an additional attack /shrug. Thank goodness for force speed in those cases. The rogue/brigand class is quite popular in many MMOs.
  14. Don't think so, we're still quite annoyed with them on Republic side I've been told the lightning is supposed to "slow", but either multiple lightning (from >1 sorcerer) creates a freeze from stacking slows or really does a stun vs. slow even with lvl 50 on 50? The sage's telekinetic throw slows unless there is a "weaker" target, then it "immobilizes", so am I missing some stacking feature at level 50 with that ability?
  15. Animations DO matter. I had a guy "jetpack" right off my screen where only his feet showed up behind my menu bar at the top! I hope they remove this, it's getting confused with one of the known lag hacks in the game and Republic side does not get it. Then all the knockback avoidance questions would be moot. I have a jedi knight/sentinal that "misses" moving targets all the time, especially if there's a lag spike I think.
  16. Slinktress

    Why on Earth?

    I stay to the end no matter what, always have and always will. AND! Today... I noticed my valor score went up because I was the last to leave the scoreboard (I like studying the classes, damage, names, heals etc). Possibly it bought me an extra vote, and that's what did it. I was not paying attention to that. No matter what, staying to the end of a loss will get you more valor with chances for kills, heals, guards, votes. Maybe they even added a "bonus" for non quitters /shrug. If you were guaranteed to get immediately into a new warzone after quitting, I could understand the leaving/joining more but your time statistically is better spent sticking out those last 5 minutes IMO. Once, we had a quitter who ended up rejoining the SAME warzone and quit again. Being that obvious, can buy you a lot of /ignores and less chances of getting into warzones; we NON quitters do NOTICE. Resist quitting!
  17. I've gotten bumped and pulled into the fire while using Rescue [pull friendly] and it killed both me and the ball carrier. No complaints, it was darn impressive Apologies to the ball carriers I *tried* to rescue who ended up dead!
  18. Illum is too COLD; why clone Hoth? Here's an IDEA... give medals credit at level 50 for ALL/ONLY level 50 kills no matter what non-starter planet you are on, true open world PVP. Illum should have some jack in the box additions too like world bosses that spawn in random places every hour, although unbalanced faction servers would still have an issue competing for them to some extent. Still fighting over the big fuzzy monster who drops a bag to random on or medals would be more interesting than lining up on a silly bridge.
  19. OREALLY?? Was too busy in December to see this one... we're having a blast on our server. Looking to reinforce our Scandinavian wing at the moment. Still finding old EVE friends each week. Cheers o/
  20. We have a handful of friends who rolled on other servers because they could not tolerate the long wait times in the beginning, and now wish to join their Brothers. We also have some people who, because of the lack of guild finder services , rolled on the wrong server before finally finding us through old forums from old games, etc. It's time... Thank you!
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