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Posts posted by jedip_enguin

  1. As amusing as it is to watch them tie themselves in knots trying to say 'our system is hot garbage' without actually saying it still speaks volumes that the system made it into the game in the first place and that whoever is in charge of making these kinds of decisions thought it was a good idea despite all previous evidence to the contrary and a strong wave of negative feedback.
  2. No doubt. They'll tell you how much people loved KOTFE and how excited they are to give us more of the same in KOTET!!! Then they'll pat themselves on the back for extending the Bioware legacy of "epic storytelling" and tell us that our choices in KOTFE will matter in KOTET.


    Choices matter :D


    Better than cross server :D:D


    EPIC storytelling :D:D:D


    The memes just keep coming.

  3. Yeah I really doubt they stated all that the staff does not really talks to us that much. Some of the requirements are not said by staff are they?


    It was discussed on the beta forums and several times after release (when yellow text was a more common site), these are the factors the devs gave, whether you believe it or not is your prerogative, but you wont be playing as a Wookiee/Ewok/Hutt regardless.

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