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Posts posted by jedip_enguin

  1. There are levels in OW, they do not do anything mechanical (yet), but there are levels; when you gain a level you get a "loot box" which has several cosmetic items contained within: visual and audio skins, victory poses, "sprays".


    Your account levels outside of matches, but your toon does not level inside a match the way it does in a MOBA, so its still has no resemblance to MOBA mechanics, So i'm not sure what your point is here?

  2. From people in this thread and multiple gaming forums, Twitch streamers, gaming sites, Reddit...and on and on. Some people are very adamant that it isn't, others are that it is. The current term being applied to it seems to be "MOBA infused FPS".


    There are no lanes, no minions, no items, and no currency or levels, so it not like any Moba that I'm aware of.


    Battleborn and Paragon seem to be shooting more squarely at a moba/fps hybrid, but OW is basically Blizzard taking TF2 and working the their standard 'like X but with everything a bit better' magic on it, Moba experience will benefit you basically nothing in OW.

  3. I hate MOBAs(I'm weird, I know) but am a fan of FPS. Will I like Overwatch?


    Not sure where you got the idea its like a MOBA from, its pretty much a straight up shooter with classes (think Team Fortress 2 but shinier and with less hats)

  4. You don't need to be on the beefiest rig, you just need to be realistic with your fps expectations.


    I managed to play with most settings at full on a 2011 gaming laptop (i7+560m+16GB), and the fps difference between all settings maxed and all settings low during high impact activity (PvP, 16m ops) was in the high single digits at best.


    When I upgraded to a desktop with a top line i7 and a 780 my overall and top line performance shot up, but it still grinds in the exact same spots because the engine has very serious issues with how it handles parts of the game word (gunfire, particle effects and transparency/fogging seem to be particular overheads) and no amount of hardware can make up for this.

  5. You don't think that between collection unlocks, cartel market purchases, and the occasional passes, that maybe Bioware is actually making more money off of them than us? That maybe they are the ones who are contributing more to this game, by shear weight of numbers?


    The bulk of CC are bought by subscribers, BW have said this more than once.


    Your fantasy scenario is not the case.


    The game is supported by subs and CM whales, if you believe otherwise you are demented.

  6. I feel bad for Wildstar because the game had a lot of potential and while it was fun it didn't live up to the hype. The direction of the characters and art probably turned a lot of people away as well. I just started playing again when I heard the announcement the game was going into maintenance mode. Sad day for all the people involved on the project.


    I was super excited when we saw the first Wildstar videos, and I followed the development fairly closely, but when I got into the Beta I realised that despite the obvious talent and effort that had been put into it it suffered one fatal flaw, It was BORING.


    I took three attempts to make it through the opening levels before I actually twigged that I just wasn't having any fun, which was a pretty bitter realisation.


    And the rest as they say, is history.

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