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Everything posted by Taroen

  1. No, I didn't. I think you need to learn how to read. Go back and check again. I'll wait for ya. Maybe.
  2. I don't think it would ruin the community, but I do think it would ruin the game itself *IF* it was implemented in a certain way.
  3. Not everyone. Specific people. And it still applies.
  4. How do you know...? Just because a group of people are crying the loudest doesn't mean they're in the majority. If people here spent as much time making contacts in the game as they spend whining about how they can't get groups, then they might actually... you know... Get groups.
  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man The straw man fallacy occurs in the following pattern of argument: 1.Person A has position X. 2.Person B disregards certain key points of X and instead presents the superficially similar position Y. Thus, Y is a resulting distorted version of X and can be set up in several ways, including: 1.Presenting a misrepresentation of the opponent's position. 2.Quoting an opponent's words out of context — i.e. choosing quotations that misrepresent the opponent's actual intentions (see fallacy of quoting out of context).[2] 3.Presenting someone who defends a position poorly as the defender, then refuting that person's arguments — thus giving the appearance that every upholder of that position (and thus the position itself) has been defeated.[1] 4.Inventing a fictitious persona with actions or beliefs which are then criticized, implying that the person represents a group of whom the speaker is critical. 5.Oversimplifying an opponent's argument, then attacking this oversimplified version. 3.Person B attacks position Y, concluding that X is false/incorrect/flawed. This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious, because attacking a distorted version of a position fails to constitute an attack on the actual position.
  6. I didn't bother, because it's the same crap you said in the last one. Everytime I refute it, your best answer is "false statement" and then your main focus gets to your claim about how a strawman argument wasn't really a strawman argument. Rather boring, dude...
  7. Let's play a game called "How many times is Moricthian going to make the same post over and over"... See... I even managed to spell your name right..!
  8. You've provided no evidence, other than anecdotal, yourself. And if most of you were spending this time in the game trying to make contacts instead of whining to me on the forums about how mean I am for not wanting your insta-gib crappy sleepwalk gaming concept, you'd be running the group content all the time. Problem solved.
  9. Yes, you're really blazing trails with your whole "false statement" rebuttals.. lol
  10. Guess what, I never misused the term in the first place.
  11. Well, you didn't piss me off, so that failed. =P The reason that the term "heroics" in WoW is such a joke is because the faceroll LFD people hit 85, they cried so hard when they couldn't auto-win, and Blizzard caved and nerfed the hell out of them. Now they're tuned for random groups of faceroll people and it's boring as hell. They actually used to be fairly fun, and the content hadn't been out very long at all when that happened. What's sad is that your probably right about the "that's me everytime I try to find a group" part. So many people in this thread seem to think that the only way to get a group is to spam general... Their loss.
  12. We do have regulars and hardmodes, and I am not against a tool for the regulars, or the pre-50 stuff. Just the hardmodes.
  13. Please stop thinking you understand it. He is clearly using hyperbole to satirize the argument that he doesn't like, and constructed the SAME OLD TIRED STRAWMAN That people who dont want the faceroll insta-group crap think that socializing consists of spamming general chat. If you can't get that, I don't know what to tell you.
  14. No, It's NOT. You can claim it all you want to but if they put up a random instance finder tool, and then 99% of the people can't complete it because they've never learned to cooperate with other people, or even how to play their own class, then the content will get nerfed to hell and back to make it more to their level. And then nothing is left for the rest of us but raids.
  15. Your's is the false statement, false statement.
  16. Yes, because spamming the thread with the same tired old strawman really gets more logical somehow when you do it in huge letters, right..?
  17. I wouldn't be. You'd change the game with your tool because all the content needs to be able to be cleared by a bunch of random people with no coordination. Faceroll. NOT WANTED.
  18. Yes, because those flashpoints would then all get tuned to be standard for random groups with no coordination. Get it..? PvP warzones aren't tuned.
  19. And yet that's exactly what you did and you didn't even have the balls to do it directly in a reply to me. Sad trolling is sad. 'nuff said.
  20. The game doesn't reamin the same with the change you want, so, yes you do. You want the game to be a lobby game with your wonderful WoW instance finder that magically puts a group together for you to faceroll the content and hit your purple pinata. That's what WoW has been since that tool was used for heroic endgame runs. Everyone just sits around chatting in general waiting for their queue to pop so they can run in and grab the freebies. That changes the game irrevocably, and wanting to make this into WoW is selfish on your part, when other people DON'T WANT THAT.
  21. You must really be bored if personal attacks and trolling is the only thing you have to do today.
  22. Why would I..? I don't care about the loot you get or how you got it. I'm assuming that you actually had to PvP for it, right..? Or did you afk in the zone or something?
  23. I understand what a strawman is, and you people constantly making the claim that anyone who doesn't want the WoW-type LFG tool thinks that spamming general is socializing is a HUGE strawman. So many people in this thread have used it, and I have yet to see even one single person claim that spamming a LF1M message in the general chat constitues socializing. And most of the people here crying about not being able to find groups sure as hell don't have a problem being completely rude on the forums... Why would they be so timid and afraid to send a short tell to someone to see if they wanted to run something..? Once again, if you guys spent half the time as you do complaining in the forums in the game making contacts with people who like to group, you'd have enough people to group with for the life of this game and probably into the next game too. All I see is a lot of lame excuses as to why it's too hard, and it's a thin veil for their real desire for easy faceroll insta-runs.
  24. And you people wonder why you're getting called anti-social...?
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