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Everything posted by grania

  1. The closest thing I have found to basic pants is from a set called Formal Militant. I use them all the time. I checked out security chief and all three sets that were on sale were much cheaper than formal militant set, and they had a similar look. Though I'm sticking with formal militant because I like it more. You know what I'd kill for, a simple breastplate over a body suit, kind of like what Juda in the BH story wears. Though it still has a random blue "light" on it and some other weirdness, it's close to the thing I feel I'm really lacking for my lowbie trooper.
  2. I'm sure it's been asked before, but I need more outfits that are dyeable without the bells and whistles. And pockets and balls and canisters and ammo and backpacks and spikes and antennae and straps and bibs and codpieces and butt flaps and visors and horns and bandoliers and a red dot thing that's on every imperial style outfit and insignia and hoses and chains and buckles and random brown undyeable areas and shoulder pads and buttons. Think what easy money that would be for ya?
  3. I wouldn't have been able to go through with it, but that was well put, I always have a hard time describing that experience. Even if I would never have done it, I do have a morbid curiosity about how it played out.
  4. Yeah, I can see that, that makes sense. (Still my favorite tho ) The easier question to answer is who I *can* get myself to romance, there are only a few I like. I don't play male characters very often, but I never romance any female LIs. I'll sleep around, but for some reason I don't like to do the romances. It feels dishonest or forced, which as we know happens sometimes. They don't like just being friends. I don't romance Corso, I always feel like he's more of a brother or something. I don't romance Andronikos, he's pretty cool really but so ugly I can barely look at him without turning my head and squinting. Neither are good foundations for romance. I don't feel anything for Doc, because I'm so dazzled by Scourge all the time. I've never romanced Koth or Arcan because if I'm not still waiting for my vanilla romance I just pick Theron to be done with it. Speaking of Theron, he's kind of in the middle pile. So is Torian and Iresso. I like them, they're acceptable but eh.. there's no butterflies for those dudes. The romances I actually like are Jorgan, Vector and Quinn. I'm not sure how I'd feel about Jorgan if he weren't voiced by an actor I already really like, but I still think he's kinda adorable and I'm not bothered by the initial grumpiness. Vector is simply a beautiful soul with an angelic voice, he's more perfect than any real person could live up to. Quinn is tops, he actually, how do I say this? Hurt my actual feelings and that's pretty impressive for pixels.
  5. I think I was 1,444. Yeah it would be nice if the larger Star Wars community were more.. inclusive? aware? of SWTOR. I've mentioned the game on a couple different channels I watch that have never talked about it at all. One responded that she plays the game but doesn't discuss it in her videos (for some reason?) Another didn't respond at all and his whole channel is devoted to SW and rpg critiques. I don't know why we're in this situation, we should have a huge thriving game and yet.. ???
  6. <3 Yayy Quinn Dayy I was looking on google to find a new picture to post too, but I noticed that a lot of what came up was screenshots that we posted ourselves in this thread I might ask my daughter to draw a new picture for me, I haven't pestered her for one in awhile.. -edit- Our new fanart is in the works!
  7. There have been times on Oricon I would've loved a hand, that's for sure, but I also accept that death happens. When someone jumps into my fight it just tends to confuse and disorient me. Thinking about this subject makes me realize that I've actually put a lot of thought into it. There are several factors to take into account when deciding whether to involve myself in someone else's fight, I have to calculate them almost instantly and then hope I calculated correctly. Sometimes an outright "save" is appropriate (like when a player is unmoving and near death), sometimes directing my companion to help discreetly whittle a boss down at range seems proper (Kregg for example), sometimes tossing out buffs on a starter planet is enough. Usually, it's best to leave well enough alone. As far as the OP, I doubt many people that post here need the reminder. But on the other hand, there may be a lot of players around who just don't know much about the bounty event. Swtor players tend to be very compartmentalized. Then there's jerks, I haven't figured out what to do about them other than to flip off the screen, vow to get revenge one day and then promptly forget their name
  8. I only do it in two instances - heroic areas so we can all get the hell on with it, and when someone is getting picked off when afk.
  9. When I started recording the stories, I realized I needed a basic outfit, a Tatooine outfit and a Hoth outfit at the very least. There are a few story related costume changes too that I found I needed to address. Some examples - agent on Hutta needs to blend in until she gets to DK then she switches to a uniform. My warrior switches from a robe or long jacket to an armored chest piece after Quesh. My smuggler dyed her outfit black and red after getting fashion tips from the sith lady on Tatooine. Lessee, Gault ruins his shirt at the some point in the story so he needs to change his outfit. The problematic class for me is the bounty hunter, because I refuse to wear that hooptie looking stuff that people constantly refer to during the story. So all I could do was put her in a long jacket with some metallic elements on it and called it a day.
  10. My favorite companion being killable should've been a deal breaker for me but for some reason I let it slide. After that, nothing much they could do would make me any unhappier. I'll play until I decide I need a break, and one of those breaks will eventually be the last. Though other games, like WoW for example, piled on so many things I didn't like that I believe I really have quit it for good. Haven't played in 2-3 years, so it is possible a beloved game becomes so unbearable for me that I can walk away for good. But anyway, Swtor still has things for me to do that I find fun.
  11. Is putting his token thing in the bank and forgetting about him for a little while the safest thing to do? Or maybe I should just stay off my main entirely for the time being? I went on a trip and haven't logged into the game for several days but noticed posts about him popping up. I don't want any multiplying/unavailable/missing companions if I can help it.
  12. I'm sorry OP, I'm having a hard time understanding what you're trying to describe. Since my favorite companion/ my character's spouse is half dead, you'd want someone else to fill in what would normally be his role in my story..? Or you mean, in someone else's story?
  13. Yeah, for one thing it made me unsure of how to treat him during the story. I'm ecstatic about getting back to the empire, but I have to work with this guy..? Plus now apparently Malgus is referred to as the wrath of the empire so he stole my title. I hope this is leading up to something satisfying, obviously Malgus is in a bad situation with Acina so I'm feeling pretty optimistic about the future of the story.
  14. I'm not sure they could if they wanted to. I'm not even sure they know how to fix bugs that appear in the old content, like Vector's eyes for example. So yeah I'm confident Zenith is safe. I agree with and echo your whole post, and if Zenith comes back romanceable I'm totally on board, my ds consular is ready!
  15. That's what I thought, but that part of the story didn't last long enough for me to investigate it further. I've only done it once on my juggernaut and while my health went down, it only became alarming when the groups split and Malgus and I were far apart. I never died but I also suspected that purple poof he was doing was his heal so I tried to stay close.
  16. Yeah, I'm not asking them to solve the hood/hair problem, even though that would be nice. Just that they pick a different chest for her or remove the hood from the one she's got.
  17. I don't want to make assumptions about how this got through, I only want to say that this really would be easy to fix and I will shut up about it if they do. Of course, my Jaesa's fivehead (thanks for reminding me of that term Highsteel, lol) is immortalized forever because I recorded it, but it's still worth saving someone else's reunion.
  18. I'm sorry to hear that sarova, I don't know what to say. I'm starting to feel like, how do I put this, the game is getting so big and complicated that it's all going a little haywire and out of control. I hope it gets sorted for you, I would be unglued. I'm curious though.. if my trooper sides with the empire, will I lose Jorgan too?
  19. Thanks, that's really cool. Though I have no idea who I'd use that on, doesn't really fit any of my swtor characters, thematically. hm.
  20. Also, I can't unfavorite rocket boost: https://i.imgur.com/H6MLE7h.png There are a few things wrong in the picture - rocket boost shouldn't be favorite-able but it just came like that when I made the character. I can't untick rocket boost, and it does activate rocket boost when I use the activate random mount ability. Also, I don't own the roche widow mount on this character. After a few minutes, I looked at the mount list again and suddenly savage nexu was there, which I only wish I could ride because that would be hilarious. Perhaps I could strap one to each foot? Oh hey! I just unfavorited rocket boost by spamming the favorite all/favorite none buttons several times, so that good.
  21. Yes please, I'm getting close to recording that story and I don't want to miss that part, it's important, thank you
  22. I suppose that was kind of strange, would be cool to get missions on the holoterminal of the ship again instead!
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