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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Raani

  1. Beam chargers are given as quest rewards, including the epic one.


    The drop rate for different schematics has to be different. I'm not basing this only on my own drops, which are a very tiny sample, but also on their availability on the GTN over the past 2 months.


    For the epic ones, for example, the Kuat Drive Missile Magazine seems to be by far the most common, while the others seem to have much lower droprates. I can barely unload the Kuat for 3K on a lucky day, while the others go for 6-20K.

  2. You don't make artifact mods because the ones from dailies are identical. Here, Artificers have an advantage, because their enhancements have more stat combinations than the ones you get from dailies, and some of the daily ones are just awful for any spec.


    It depends on your server, but the things that sell are 49 epic earpieces, 49 augmented blue earpieces, ship parts, some droid parts, and blue leveling armorings/mods. I have sold the 49 blues for a while, at good prices, but that might not work on every server.


    I just find it extremely ironic that the poor guy wants to buy things and can't find them, and people are trying to convince him that demand is non-existent. Demand is there, but there's only so many things we can craft and post at once. Short of calling a server-wide crafter meeting and divying up niches to cover all levels, there will never be enough supply.

  3. Ive had the same issue. Here is my conclusion:


    2.The few that do take cybertech as a profession (and it really is a crappy craft) dont spend the time to be able to make better than what the commendation vendor sells..when they do they are either insanely overpriced and dont sell or get bought right away.


    Cybertech is by no means a "crappy craft." There is more to it than purple armorings/mods. Mastercraft earpieces are not only superior to the Rakata ones, but they offer a greater deal of flexibility, which is very nice considering that stat priorities evolve with gear. If no one bothered with Cybertech, no one would have access to BiS earpieces.


    I can't argue with you that the easily distracted don't bother with RE-ing or take it at face value that anything except Biochem is "worthless." Leveling armorings and mods do sell very fast, along with ship parts, droid parts, and earpieces. Considering that you can only craft so much in one day, and that there are so many different modifications, it's hard to keep up with demand.


    problem is that the blues i can make are worse than the vendors and pumping out enough to RE into purple plans...well by then i can make several levels better and start going for blues on those...


    Let's look at hard data rather than impressions, shall we?


    Aptitude Mod 14A (crafted) - level 33 - 12 Endurance/23 Willpower/3 Power


    Aptitude Mod 14B(vendor) - level 33 - 18 Endurance/16 Willpower/3 Power




    Aptitude Mod 20A (crafted) - level 45 - 20 Endurance/ 35 Willpower/ 6 Power


    Aptitude Mod 21B (vendor) - level 47 - 29 Endurance/ 22 Willpower/ 17 Power


    In the second example, I used the level 45 mod because there isn't a level 47 mod. 13 WP > 9 Power, and you can equip it two levels earlier.


    However, your post illustrates exactly why the OP can't find the things he wants on the GTN. It's a good situation for crafters, who face relatively little competition, but a bad situation for potential buyers.

  4. I don't think Armorings come with any secondary stats - just Endurance and Aim, so they shouldn't be an issue.


    Mods do have a tiny amount of a secondary stat, but I've yet to see one with Alacrity. The only ones I've seen have either Crit or Power. I'm looking at Rakata pieces right now, for example, and the mods are either End/Aim/Power or End/Aim/Crit.


    It's only enhancements that would be problematic, but I don't see replacing them with a crafted enhancement as a downgrade, necessarily. A 58 which is either half or full wasted itemization is inferior to a 50-51 with fully usable itemization.


    I put my trooper on the backburner to level some alts for crafting, but I'm waiting for my friend to grind out some Power/Surge enhancements for me. I'm pretty anxious to try out this new set and run my new stats through the sim. Alacrity felt comfortable for me, but you can't argue with numbers.


    Thanks for writing the spreadsheet and doing the math, RuQu. I did a quick read the other night and I'll digest it over the next few days, but it seems mighty useful. Great work, especially considering that you don't even have access to a combat log.

  5. Check out this gift chart:




    It's a little chart which shows you companion gift preferences. Unfortunately, Elara only has one primary preference (Luxury), although she'll also take Courting gifts if you romance her. She has a few "likes," but the affection gain will be pretty small, even for blue/epic grade 5 gifts.


    Since my trooper is female, I couldn't romance her per se, but I've done romances on a few characters and noticed that they generally start accepting Courting gifts once you get a Flirt dialogue option, even if they didn't like Courting gifts at all previously.

  6. They're probably planning to introduce some BoE mounts later, either from drops or crafted, and present them as some great feature in a content patch or expansion.


    Personally, I'd be more interested in seeing them introduce craftable pets. Cybertech could get mini-droids and Biochem could produce critters (a little twisted, but why not?). The pets I've seen so far on the vendors have been very disappointing.

  7. You are more likely to get purple mats from Rich missions, but I've had companions crit on Moderate as well. While I expect crits from Tanno Vik, given his UT bonus, I've had all the other ones crit at various times on missions from which I wasn't expecting Mando Iron (I was just farming Ciridium so I can RE another hundred thousand earpieces).
  8. The Rakata reusables are BoP, so you'll only be able to use them for yourself.


    The level 48 greens can be RE-ed into blues which are BoE and consummable, and those you can send to your alts or sell.


    Regarding Bioanalysis, there are two ways to get mats, aside from sending your companions on missions:


    1. pick up nodes around the world


    2. kill beasts and skin them (only silver and above can be skinned; the weak ones can't).


    Probably the most efficient way to farm is to find a nice secluded corner with a lot of animals and kill them repeatedly. It saves you a lot of running around looking for nodes, especially with planets being so huge and no flying mounts available to us. Also, you can solo dungeons with beast mobs and reset them repeatedly.

  9. You can get 340 missions from the level 5 missions too.


    Also, check the prices of ship parts on your server. Except for the Kuat Drive Missile Drive, the other 4 require the grade 5 epic metal. Thanks to that, it's selling for a lot more than Mando Iron on my server.


    That makes 300 Scav and UT missions extremely valuable, and they seem to be a lot more rare than the 340 ones too. I scan for them all the time, and there are usually none on, while there are pages of 340 missions.

  10. Obviously, you have data, while I only have impressions, but I also noticed that Forex seems to crit less often than others.


    I should start tracking this as well, since my trooper is 50 and all companions are maxed, and I run a lot of missions on her while leveling my sage.


    Thanks for the data you posted. I'll keep watching for your posts.

  11. Something I find very interesting is that CN seems to crit fairly often for my Slicer. I have Slicing on a level 25 character, whose other 2 companions are nearly maxed (one at 8.5K and one at 9.5K), and CN is the only one who seems to bring back missions reliably. I found it extremely odd, since I would expect him to perform the worst.


    Probably the others are just being unlucky, but it made me wonder if the annoying droid is seeded differently for different characters.

  12. There's no difference between return rate for purple mats and companion gifts. What are you getting out of UT and Diplo that you're not getting from Investigation?


    I have stacks of purple Investigation mats I don't get to use because the blues sell too well and too fast for me to try RE-ing them. My Armstech unfortunately only has 3 companions, so I can't spam the missions fast enough. But I get the exact same amounts as from the other professions - 2-3 from moderate, 4-6 from abundant and bountiful, 8 and the occasional epics from rich.


    Companion gifts are exactly the same. My two companions (not counting the annoying droid) are almost maxed and they bring either blue or purple grade 5 gifts.


    Recipes aren't too frequent, but I got a few blue scattergun recipes which I'm crafting for massive profit, since scatterguns can't be RE-ed. I also got a few Biochem implant recipes which I either sold or gave to my Biochemist.


    Considering that we can buy the missions for peanuts, it's very easy to get Investigation mats and high-quality gifts. My level 41 alt (soon to be my new main) maxed her 4 companions so far thanks to the gifts she got from my lv 25 Armstech.

  13. Stick to blue armorings/mods. Unless you're a tank, they will be a ton better than what you can get from the commendation vendors. Blue mats are fairly easy to get from UT, if you know the reset trick. Replace them every 4 levels or so.


    Save your commendations for things you can't make and the occasional upgrade for your companions. If you're gearing a tanking companion, buy the droid parts (which are usually cheap, 4-5 coms) and rip the mods out. It's a lot cheaper than buying them new modded pieces every time.


    Purples aren't really worth it because you outlevel them too fast. Considering how long blues take to make and how many you'll need to make before you proc the purple, it's a huge time investment. If you're a completionist, go for it, but it's not very practical. Blues are more than sufficient, in my opinion.

  14. Here is the problem. With running most FP Hard or Normal mode you get Orange moddalbe gear from it. Most very good to start gear too. This gear looks cool and is worth keeping until end game battlemaster gear. Why would anyone run a crew skill like armortech or sithweaving. .


    Because Battlemaster pieces which don't give a set bonus are garbage for many specs, even more so than some Champion pieces. They are randomly itemized and loaded with a stat which does absolutely nothing in PvE. Both Synthweaving and Armormech have access to Rakata belts/bracers, which are BiS. For some specs, the RE-ed mastercraft epics are preferable. The same goes for Cybertech/Biochem and RE-ed mastercrafts.


    For some things, you won't find upgrades to crafted items, and definitely not in flashpoints or normal ops. Plus, there are some HM and raid drop recipes which give better items.


    Armstech doesn't have Rakata pieces or any raid recipes, so it's behind all the other professions. Hence, Investigation isn't something a lot of people have. It's been said before that it has a lot of potential for profit, but right now, it's not a profession you want on a main. If you understand what to do with it, it makes decent money.

  15. You can, of course, RE it if you want some mats back, but you won't get a better recipe from it. Mat return is also horrible, so RE-ing it would be a bad idea.


    And yes, you can crit a Mastercraft, which will have an open augment slot. You might have to make a bunch before you crit one, but you can always try to sell them.

  16. It sounds like you were unusually unlucky. Even though I rarely get the most desirable blue prefix the first time, going from green to blue has never been excessively painful. I've had dry streaks, even on linear items, where I had to do 20-30 before something popped, but never 100 greens. The pain starts when you try to go from blue to epic, especially for non-linear items. Like everyone else, I'm sitting on my fair share of Presence versions, +Shield on healer items, or +Surge on tanking items.


    The suggestion I liked the most, which someone brought up a while ago, was to leave RE chance as it is for purples, but allow us to choose a path. Hence, even if it takes you 100 blues to get the epic you want, at least you know that you'll eventually get something usable.


    I don't believe it would lead to market flooding, simply because it would still take a lot of mats and a lot of patience (which a lot of people don't have), and because different people have different needs. Stat priorities evolve with gear, and most people have some gear at this point, so they wouldn't all be RE-ing the exact same version. There would be more competition, but at least it wouldn't be this insanely frustrating.

  17. Both Overkill and Redoubt are blue versions. If you RE-ed the Overkill blue, you may have gotten the +Shield epic, i.e. the Rampart prefix, which I agree is pretty horrible (got that too while trying to get the Surge one).


    Just so you know, if the green item didn't have any Crit on it, you will never get an epic with Crit from RE-ing an Overkill blue. You can only get Alacrity/Surge/Accuracy/Shield/Presence as an extra stat.


    If what you're interested in primarily is the Crit, you need to RE the green until you get the Critical blue. From that, you can get an epic with one of the additional stat listed above.

  18. Barrels influence weapon damage. The rest of the mods only add stats.


    It's actually very useful for leveling, since the barrels on the commendation vendors are garbage unless you're a tank. The Commando barrel, which is the tanking one for Trooper/BH, is always available in two higher grades. The Reflex/Skill barrels, for DPS and healers, are always available in one lower grade. Making your own barrels means that you'll always have a decent weapon, but you'll have to buy the rest of the mods (crystal/mod/enhancement) to get the most out of it.


    RE-ing weapons for which moddable versions exist is probably not the best idea, since you outlevel them pretty fast. I'm sure some people buy them, but you'd have to gauge interest on your server. However, RE-ing non-moddable weapon types (like techblades) will be a good source of profit. You can't get better anywhere, and people do buy these for their companions.


    For end-game, you won't get anything out of it. However, if they do allow us to yank barrels out of raid/PvP weapons and put them in moddable weapons, the blue crafted ones with an augment slot will be BiS, since you can replace all the crappy blue mods and add an epic augment. None of the drops/vendor weapons have augment slots, so there is some potential there, but it's not in the game yet.

  19. Thanks much for the reply.


    I think the only DPS options for enhancements from dailies are crit/surge and power/accuracy, so I guess I'll take the power/accuracy for the remaining 3.


    I'm not planning to do anything serious as Gunnery - just dailies and farming, since I prefer healing for HMs/ops, but it's nice for soloing. I just had to put together a different set because all the Alacrity I have on my healing gear felt pretty horrible.

  20. I've played strictly Medic so far, but I need to do a bit of solo-farming and I switched to Gunnery for a bit. It seems like a ton of fun and I definitely want to keep playing it every now and then, so I started putting together a DPS set.


    It's nothing fancy, just an orange set with mods/enhancements from dailies, but I'd like to check that I'm choosing the right ones.


    So far, I went with the Aim/Crit mods and Crit/Surge enhancements. My Crit is at about 31% and my Surge is at 80% (total). I also stuck a Crit crystal in my gun, instead of the Power crystal, since with Armor Piercing Cell on, I don't get the 3% free Crit anymore.


    I have 3 pieces left to mod, and I was wondering if I should stick with the aforementioned items, or if I should mix in some Power/Accuracy enhancements. While my Accuracy is still low, I have a few other pieces to replace which should get me hit-capped, so my question is mostly about Power vs Crit. Around what Crit percentage do you stop actively stacking it and focus on Power?


    Also, should I make the DPS Matrix Cube and wear the two cubes (if that's even possible), or should I go Cube + Clicky trinket? Which clicky do you normally choose - the Power one or the Crit/Surge one?


    Loads of questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

  21. The level 49 greens can be RE-ed to purples. Mastercraft purples (with an augment slot) can be extremely good, depending on your spec. Some people wear them over the Rakata pieces because they have a better stat combination.


    Unless you are looking to build a PvP set for PvP, don't buy into the idea that everything on the PvP vendor is so much better than the crafted items. The mastercraft earpiece and belt I'm wearing make Battlemaster gear look like garbage (and yes, they are level 49 purples).

  22. For Hydian Way, make you sure you arrive at the final stage with as much HP as possible and full shields. Using your EMP Generator in the mine fields will blow up as many as 80-90 at a time, so you won't have to fly around with your blasters on the whole time. Whenever you're not doing a quest objective, just put your shields up for some quick regen.


    If you do so, you will be able to turn your blasters to high for the last minute or so. Start with the missile bay and unload 4 missiles into it, then fire your blasters at it. You'll see it dies much faster with your blasters on high. Then do the same for the missiles.


    The pod trinket is useful in this mission to avoid some damage, but not as much as the EMP Generator.





    For Drexel Sweep, using the pod does make your life easier. When all those ships come, there is also a special ship which you should be focusing on. If you make yourself untargetable with the pod, you get to kill it and drop some missiles on the other ships before the effect wears off. That should allow you to finish the whole cluster without dying. Once you're past that chokepoint, there's not much more damage, but you have to be careful navigating the last big meteorite before the enemy capital ship.


    Also, since there's a fair bit of damage in that mission, you should try to put your shields on high every now and then. There are plenty of ships to kill, so it's okay to let some of them pass and just focus on regening your shields for a bit. If you go into the cluster with your shields maxed and the pod popped, you shouldn't be below 50% when it's over, which is plenty for the rest of the mission.

  23. If there is a bug affecting alignment gains, it is not something which affects everyone. First, turn in a quest with alignment gains, and if nothing changes, you should open a ticket.


    I know for a fact that the system is not broken because I leveled Diplo before they fixed special missions to show alignment. Since I had tons of missions saved from my Slicer and didn't want to waste them, I ended up with about 500 DS points. I did experience the decimal bug which likely affects everyone with Diplo, but that didn't prevent me from reaching 10K LS points. At that point, further LS gains gradually erased my DS points until I was at 10K LS/ 0 DS points (Light V).

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