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Posts posted by Raani

  1. For now, Cybertech is better to have on an alt, since none of the good stuff is BoP.


    While mastercraft earpieces are excellent, they are BoE, so you can have one character making them for all your characters and companions.


    If you plan on PvP-ing a lot, Biochem is a good choice because adrenals are expensive, and there's no substitute for having a free adrenal on CD.

  2. I haven't gotten it yet, though apparently I got the anti-armor purple schematic three times in a row!


    Have you managed this yet? I have reverse engineered ~150 redoubt galactic combat modules and the only recipe I have seen was Anti-armor....which I got twice.



    I am not a conspiracy theorist, and it's clear that some people have been able to obtain the Veracity version (also saw it on my GTN), but I'm in the same boat as the posters above.


    Most RE-ed earpiece for me, got the Anti-Armor relatively early, a bunch of "you already know this schematic," and then nothing.


    I do wonder if there is something fishy happening if you discover the Anti-Armor version first.


    I've RE-ed many other types, and even though I got some crappy versions in the process, new epics popped after a while. This one seems stuck. Possibly just bad RNG, but it struck me that other people mentioned having the Anti-Armor and extremely bad luck RE-ing this one.

  3. This is the quote we have which promises mastercraft orange gear.



    Major changes are currently on schedule for the next major content patch, such as extractable basemods (armoring, barrel, etc.) from purple items, critical crafting successes on orange outfits, more bind-on-equip schematic drops for artifice and other professions, increased relevance of augments, better reverse engineering chance, and other improvements. We want to create significant incentive for players to engage in the crafting economy – as provider of goods or supplier - without requiring players to take up a specific profession as a ticket into endgame.

  4. If you could bottle your luck, many of us would be paying good credits for it, just to never see a Presence version pop up.


    On a more serious note, I am approximately in your boat with my RE attempts for the Veracity Galactic Combat Module (tanking Aim earpiece derived from the blue Redoubt version). I managed to pop the Anti-Armor one (+Surge), which is pretty crap, and nothing but "you already know that schematic" messages afterwards. My other REs have gone pretty well in comparison.


    However, we know, and they know, that something isn't quite working as intended with RE chances. While I welcome whatever slight increase they're giving us next patch, I think that being able to choose our RE paths would be the biggest quality-of-life improvement they could give us.

  5. Movement

    I use the mouse to move and turn.


    Keyboard turning is slow and I wouldn't recommend it. Some people prefer to strafe with the keyboard, but if you can find a way to bind it to your mouse buttons (depending on the model you use), it's probably more convenient.




    A combination of Tab and mouse. Tab in this game works very strangely, so if you need to be super-precise, use your mouse.


    For friendlies, I have operations frames enabled at all times. I prefer to click them, even in small groups, because I have my F keys bound to other things.


    Offensive and Healing spells


    Honestly, this is a matter of personal choice.


    The general rule is that you should use the most convenient keybinds for the spells you use the most.


    Since I'm a healer, my healing spells get my favorite keybinds, which also tend to be closer to the Shift/Ctrl modifiers, which allow me some extra combos.


    My offensive spells get some F-keys and a few others.


    I find this set-up incredibly awkward, because I'm used to healing with mouseclick combos and using my keyboard strictly for offensive spells. That shouldn't be an issue for you, since you don't come with a preset muscle memory from a different game.

  6. His voice is to die for.


    Other that, I thought he was rather grumpy at the beginning, but he definitely grew on me.


    Combat-wise, you're only going to be disappointed if you use him as a tank. He's a DPS kitty, and he does pretty well if you give him appropriate gear. I have him, Elara, and Tanno geared out and I switch them depending on what spec I am, what I'm doing, and whom I'm grouping with.


    I do believe they'll go back and add more romancable companions, but a lot of people are pushing for a full Tharan romance as well as same-sex romances, so it's anyone's guess who will be romancable next. Lol watch it be Qyzen.



    LOL. I'm in.


    Lizard and I are best buddies and all, but let's not go there :p


    I would very much support the idea of making Zenith romanceable. In fact, I initially thought he was and was rather disappointed when I discovered it wasn't possible.


    Felix is sweet, but I find him a bit too simple for my Consular. I just don't see her staying deeply interested in him for a long time, and his smitten-like-a-kitten attitude would probably get tiring after a while. But then she's not me, and she might have spent long enough in the company of brooding Jedi to appreciate him differently.


    I would definitely romance a same-gender companion, but I don't see either my Consular or my Trooper going for theirs. Nadia is just too young and Elara is not my up my alley. On the other hand, my Smuggler would definitely do Risha. If they introduce this option, I would certainly hope that there would be more female companions to choose from.

  8. Armormech and Synthweaving are supposedly getting crittable orange gear, so social gear will continue to be strictly for leveling. If anything, people will buy augmented orange pieces for their alts too.


    As it is, Rakata bracers and some of the BoE mastercrafts are very good unless you have access to dropped modifications from NM raids. The question is whether new Rakatas will be available on trainers once they introduce new raid tiers, but I don't think they've announced a new tier yet.

  9. I do like the system you described. I've always been in favor of redistributing some modifications so each profession gets something in high-demand (rather than a one-time purchase). I'd also like to see all crafted modifications being one-use only and having their mat costs reduced. Raid/PvP modifications could be left as they are, since they will be carrying set bonuses and would be slot-specific.


    I also think they should be adding craftable pets - live ones for Biochem and droid ones for Cybertech.


    Another thing I'd like to see added would be Exotech vanity items, like a craftable Holiday, holodancers, a crafted organic mount, etc.


    But these would still be fluff unless


    - crafted modifications were better than the daily ones


    - all professions got an equal Rakata BoP perk


    - all professions got at least one decent BoE item to sell, on a par with raid drops


    I'm not in favor of crafting making raiding irrelevant, but it should help fill gaps. Rakata tier gear isn't well-itemized for every spec (and abysmally itemized for some), so it would be nice if you could swap to a crafted enhancement without losing too many stats, or if you could use a crafted focus/generator because it has the right stats for your spec.

  10. It doesn't take 3-5 minutes to relog unless your computer can barely run TOR.


    It's not the most convenient system, but it's the best thing you can do if you want to run missions which are useful to you. We could use a shuffle button, which I agree would be a quality-of-life improvement. However, there is something you can do to alleviate the situation at the moment, and it's up to you if you use it or not.


    There are lots of problems with the crafting system right now, but this isn't exactly the most pressing.


    Now, this comment is just wrong. See, those, except for armstech, are the ones that actually make decent bank selling stuff to people. But I'm guessing you are messing up crafting with raising a skill for a personal benefit.


    Armstech actually makes "decent bank" probably more than other professions, mostly because there is demand for low-level items, there are few Armstechs, and the missions to get rare mats are very cheap.


    However, that does not make it worth leveling for oneself. I started out with Cybertech and could make mastercraft earpieces, which are better than Rakata, for both myself and my friend. I can sell the regulars for decent profit and mastercrafts for significant profit. While Cybertech has its problems as far as modifications go, at least it has items which are useful for gearing oneself and for making credits simultaneously.


    Armstech, at this point, does not have anything like this. As I explained, even after the patch, it will need much harder mats to produce a BiS item than Armormech or Synthweaving.



    Not sure why they bored that idea from WoW, that crafting should be something everyone does to make their character more powerful, rather than crafting being about making things for people, but they did it. And they are probably stuck with it now and all the whining about things not being equal that goes with it.


    I'm guessing you never played WoW, or you'd know that professions in WoW provide both a personal benefit (equal stat perk) and the ability to make things for people.


    The reason why that system makes people happy is because everyone can get something from crafting, even if they aren't very invested in it. You have the choice to level Jewelcrafting just for the BoP gems, for example, or to chase all the recipes and sell an extremely in-demand product.


    In this game, I can't justify selling the level 49 epic armorings because anyone can get a slightly better version with 8 daily marks a pop. In WoW, I've sold ridiculous amounts of gems, leg threads/armors, and enchanting scrolls because you can't get them anywhere else - not from dailies, not from dungeons, and not from raids. You NEED someone to craft them for you.


    Please explain how that system doesn't encourage "making things for people."

  12. Rakata bracers/belts/trinkets are NOT useless.


    A lot of people use them in combination with PvP gear because they don't really need Expertise on every single piece. Stat-wise, any mastercraft makes Battlemaster look like garbage (aside from what Armstech can make right now, of course).


    However, it would be nice if each profession also got Rakata PvP items.

  13. Derailing the discussion from how unfinished the crafting system is to how wronged the poor devs are is pretty weak. If your fanboism is that strong, I think that acquiring multiple subscriptions will help BW more in the long run than screaming in caps at people who are disillusioned with how crafting turned out.


    I've defended what you can do with crafting to an extent because I like crafting and I've been able to make decent profit with it when others said it wasn't possible.


    At the same time, there are glaring flaws and imbalances in this crafting system. Each profession has certain problems which have been harped on for months in this forum. Armstech's lack of end-game viability and the excessive reliance on RNG are among the most discussed.


    Even after the patch, those who will be able to make the most out of Armstech are not the most dedicated crafters, but the luckiest. I'm ready to bet that we'll see two types of posts:


    "My Armstech is at 400. All my companions are at 10K affection, and I have Corso Riggs (or another companion with an Armstech Crit bonus), for whom I buy champagne and chocolate every night in between furious lovemaking sessions. I STILL HAVEN'T MADE A MASTERCRAFT BLASTER. I QUIT."




    "Lulz nub kids these want everything on a silver platter. I crit EVERY SINGLE LIGHTSABER. Try punishing ur companions harder. L2CRIT. Kthxbye."


    Even after the patch, mat requirements for crittable weapons will far exceed those required by Armormech/Synthweaving/Cybertech/Biochem for producing very decent mastercrafts, which, depending on itemization, can be BiS or close to BiS right now. Obviously, I can't charge 5 million credits for a mastercraft earpiece, but I also don't depend on 3 other people for my mats, 2 of whom have the chance to be incompetent if I get them from General. I also don't need to run a minimum of 3 heroics to produce a blue no one wants if it doesn't have an augment slot.


    In the meantime, an Armormech can produce a BiS version of my level 10 pants using rank 1-2 mats. Even with a 5% chance to crit, those are infinitely more spammable. No, they won't be selling them for 5 million credits either, but they can get 5 augment slots in a fraction of the time it would take an Armstech to get 1 augment slot.


    If it's not obvious, I'm referring to end-game viability in this post. Profitability is another matter, and I've defended the amount of money you can make crafting low-level Armstech items for a long time. Separate issues, so don't confuse them.


    Yes, he's right. Some epic fail happened when these professions were assembled and the goods distributed, and it needs to be more corrected to a much greater extent than they're doing it right now.

  14. I have the redoubts on all techs as well and I'm working on the veracity purples. Nothing like seeing "you already know that schematic" a dozen times as you go through 40 blue lvl 50 tech blades....



    That I can completely understand, since I've RE-ed my share of earpieces with very specific versions in mind and I have enough Presence versions to make me cry.


    The problem with the Veracity techblade, in addition to RE chances being low across the board, is that there is only one version which is worth crafting. But that applies to any single tanking piece, no matter which profession it comes from.


    I personally haven't bothered RE-ing the level 50 one to epic because my pet tank is using an augmented blue and I can solo the Ilum/Belsavis heroic 2s just fine. When I started adding up opportunity costs, based on my previous RE success rates, I realized that there wasn't a good enough reason, other than selling to people who are OCD about gearing their pets.

  15. They also need to add an Aim healer generator, since all the Aim versions have Accuracy on them.


    I don't understand why all the OHs are level 48 instead of 49, as for the other professions, since the mastercrafts barely compete with a blue drop.


    Most of the Artifice end-game selection is a giant mess of missing recipes for some thingsand duplicate recipes for others. It's embarrassing and I don't understand how they could have allowed it to go live like this and ignore it till March.

  16. All grade 6 metal missions can crit and give epic metals. If you've never seen it and your companions are maxed, you must have the worst luck in the world. If your companions aren't maxed, you need to start using the gift missions.


    The reason why these materials are rare is to keep them valuable. If they were easy to obtain, people would complain that they can't sell them for anything.

  17. Mastercrafts can be better than the Rakatas available in Ilum/Belsavis. For earpieces at least, you get more of your main stat, plus more flexibility in the secondary stats you choose to RE for.


    Regarding getting the type of missions you want, you need to relog a few times to reset your missions if you want to run a specific kind. It's not amazingly convenient, but it's better than running missions you don't want or not running any at all.


    As far as lowbie epics go, I'll start by saying that your server's culture and economy will always influence your sales. Secondly, linear epics have a lower opportunity cost than the non-linear ones, so it's possible to make profit pretty soon. For non-linear epics, getting the correct version can come with huge opportunity costs, which will require you to sell a large number before you cut even and start making profit. That's something to be taken into account.


    Both blues and mats sell very well, so, for myself, I prefer to sell blues. I'm the only one selling certain lv 49 epics on my server, so I'll sell those until I can't make a profit anymore. If other people have more patience with lowbie epics, good for them. Having multiple niches with low competition is good for crafting.

  18. If you have companions who can use them and you really want to make them nice implants, go for it.


    Otherwise, there's no point in making them. They're BoP because they're supposed to be your personal perks for having the profession and doing the content that drops them.


    I imagine they don't make the recipes invisible to classes that can't use them because for one it might be annoying to code, and two, you can still use them for companions.

  19. Mods RE in a linear fashion, which implies that you only get one blue version and one epic version with slightly better stats, rather than a handful of versions per tier.


    I think that with all the RE-ing we've done among all of us, someone would have stumbled upon a different version at some point and contradicted the linear theory.

  20. Success rate on weapons which can be RE-ed (i.e. everything except scatterguns/vibroknives) is the same as for the other professions.


    I have every single techblade, 9-50, RE-ed to Redoubt blue. A few were somewhat annoying, but others popped a blue within 5 tries and the correct blue within 10-15 tries. The level 50 one took 17 REs to get the Redoubt version, for example. Nothing out of the ordinary.

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