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Posts posted by Raani

  1. BOP crafted items are personal rewards for picking up the skill. Just because you don't like the look of this speeder, plenty others probably do. You just don't understand the concept of trying to have a unique character. Some of you are too blinded by stats.


    What do stats have to do with speeders, first of all?


    Secondly, there is no such thing as a "unique" character. If there were 1,000 speeder recipes discoverable through a long and tedious process, there would be semi-unique speeders because different people would discover different recipes, at least for a while. As it is, there is only one crafted speeder for each level and every Cybertech's is going to look the same.


    Also, the recipes are not rare. I have one of each squirreled away, and I still sell 1-2 every couple of days.


    The reason people want BoE speeders is because it would be a nice source of income if we could sell them below vendor cost while still making a bit of profit.


    Or, since they are BoP, they should have unique skins, rather than being recolors. And if they gave an extra 5% speed for example, it would be a nice personal perk.

  2. I've had slicing maxed since I was around level 30 or so. The credit/hour profit is rather small because missions take over half an hour and return at best 6-8K credits when you get a rich yield. The rest is just pocket change. Missions sell modestly on my server because everyone and their cat is a slicer, so I'm mostly saving them for myself, my friend, and our upcoming alts.


    I'd say that the built-in self-sufficiency is what makes it hard to sell things. I have plenty of credits right now, although I'm always saving ahead for piloting/bank bays/inventory expansions, but I rarely buy anything. Most of my gear is moddable, so I can almost fully upgrade it on every planet thanks to the commendation vendor. I give my friend mats to make upgrades for non-moddable stuff.


    The way things are set up, there is low demand for both mats and crafted items. No one can double up on crafting professions like in WoW, so they're forced to take their own gathering professions. If they're too lazy to scavenge, they can just pay their companions to do it. And no one really needs crafted items for leveling because moddable items are like BoAs.


    I'm hoping that there will be something to sell at end-game, whether it be stims, mods, ship parts, etc., because right now the economy is not very dynamic.

  3. I've gotten a few schematics, but, of course, none of them was useful to me, although I could give my friend one. He has it too, so we trade whenever we get something like that from Slicing or Underworld Trading.


    I think that for now, if you don't want to sell yours yet due to volatile prices, you could ask in chat if anyone wants to trade schematics. So far, I've been amazed how nice and helpful everyone is, so you'll probably find people to trade with.

  4. figures, nerfed just as I pick it up. At least so far my earnings are insignificant. As in, after getting the skill to 100 I made about 2k credits in profits. oh well, should still be worth it to get the cybertech schematics.


    You don't start getting the nice lockboxes until you're a bit higher (grade 3 and 4 have been returning much more than the first tiers). Plus, like you said, there are schematics, and people will pay a few hundred to a few thousand for them.


    I agree that while the money seems easy, it's not that much compared to the costs in the game, like repairs, respecs, and even training.


    The nice thing about Slicing is that it gives us a reliable source of income at lower levels, before the AH stabilizes. Right now, especially with the terrible AH interface, people sell things at random prices and it's really hard to derive constant income from anything because someone comes in and sells it at vendor price because they don't know better. As they get more used to the game, they should figure out basic things like the fact that it makes no sense to sell an augment for 40 credits if the mission cost you 100 credits. But until market prices are established, and with inventories so small and so expensive to expand, making money off the AH will be touch and go. Being self-sufficient mats-wise, doing missions, and getting some easy money from Slicing helps people fund their basic needs for now.


    That said, I'm going to milk all the schematics I can out of it, and then drop it for Cybertech. Crafting professions will start being both useful and profitable once a good number of people hit 50 and want serious modifications for their gear, as well as consumables.

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