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Everything posted by CthulhuRyleh

  1. So we need a king of the hill war zone! Anyone familiar with the king of the hill from perfect dark? That would be ideal.
  2. Not many people know of the Echani so people would not know what to make of them during character creation. Same thing goes for Mando's and as stated above Mando's aren't a race.
  3. Warning may contain possible spoiler! (sorry I don't know how to use the spoiler tag!) I maxed out affection with Blizz and all he said was how much he liked me, no quest was given or anything. He talks and talk about his old crew and how he'd like to see them again so I figured at least we'd track down his old crew and bail them out of a problem but nope it was just a pat on the back from my Jawa buddy.
  4. Also I don't think you mentioned the small stat bonus from doing all the companions conversations and quest lines. I'm not able to log in right now but I'm pretty sure the stats bonus is legacy wide but does not stack with getting max affection with another characters similar companion. Getting your ranged tank to max on two character will not give you a 20% health bonus that would be ridiculous.
  5. I know all too well what you mean. Having been in a guild in another mmo for a few years and making friends was probably my favorite aspect of the mmo genre. Building the friendship and then overcoming obstacles, doing anything with people you are having a good time with his always for more enjoyable than with some randoms. I have never been able to get myself into a guild like I previously had. I think it's just me but who's to say really. Well I am playing some republic toons on The Ebon Hawk server as well if you ever want to team up on anything just give Lecky or Ngranek a tell, they are both pre-20!
  6. I disagree with you when there's no potential to craft something new, I enjoy having to RE something a dozen times (usually more) and getting a dozen different stats on the weapon. That way I can use the exact stats that I want, when I eventually get them, this works very well for me. I like your idea of a "cook" (lack of better words) skill, although just like cooking in......that other game.......it should be a free skill that anyone can take or not bother with. It should not give bonus's like stims cause that would make biochem loose some of it's usefulness, although some other type of bonus would be fun.
  7. I know it's a small insignificant thing BUT whenever I put my lightsaber away the blade(?) does not retract like it should. I feel like I'm walking around with a lightsaber wound in my leg.
  8. It's really a segue for class story but I did enjoy it!
  9. I am just a casual pvper and that is maybe why I think pvping at level 50 is just no fun, everyone takes it way to seriously. Any small misstep and your being flamed by your whole team, just not an enjoyable experience. Every WZ prior to level 50 before have been courteous and respectful even if the team is doing awful I usually see someone say "good game". It just disappoints me that I don't want to pvp at level 50 because I will admit I am not great at it but that shouldn't stop me from participating. I don't know for sure a fix for the scenario other people have said that there should be different tiers at level 50 so people wearing the high end pvp gear won't just demolish the fresh 50's which seems like a good idea to me.
  10. Okay, I don't know how I feel about it but am still going to give it a try. It's my alt who has over 2 million credits to spend so I will hopefully be able to make up for in gear what I would lack otherwise. Thank you both for the answers!
  11. I just rolled a shadow yesterday and want to tank with him, I am familiar with tanking with the other two classes. Everyone says that the shadow tank doesn't really take off into later on. Is this true? Will I be able to tank all the pre-50 flashpoints or will I struggle just because the shadow has not yet it's hits peak? Any advice at all for a newbie shadow tank would be appreciated!
  12. This topic is being discussed to death I know! What I am wondering if if future star wars movies will b live action or animated? Disney clearly famous for their animation owning pixar and everything they could probably do a lot with it and this way no one's feelings get hurt by having same characters look different (if they do go that way). On the other hand Disney has had huge success with their live action movies as well.
  13. I find that the Sith order could not truly prosper. With a system where you kill your master because they are weaker than you will leave many empty spots in their order. In the real world I just could not see them really building themselves up to a point where they are so numerous and a huge threat to none Sith. I'd like to hear other peoples opinions and ideas on this idea. What would the Sith be like on the planet earth? I think their order would die out so quickly they'd be barley a footnote in history.
  14. I am level 48 on my Bounty Hunter right now, I have the armor from red reaper flash point and the helmet I got with commendations from belsavis (I'm pretty sure). I have always shown my helmet since I got a cool looking once because, well I like it that way. I recently decided not to show my helmet for some role play purposes, first thing I noticed is how strange I looked. My big bulky armor without a helmet makes me looks like some odd cartoon character who is terribly awkward looking, so I immediately put my helmet back on a vowed to never take it off. I have the body type three which I found most appropriate for the bounty hunter but I wonder if this is the reason I look so odd without a helmet now.
  15. Hey I am looking for a guild! Are you mostly lower levels?
  16. I agree with everyone here that this is a must have for my continued enjoyment of the game although it's doubtful it will come anytime soon. When Makeb comes out the level cap is raising to 55 which is not a full expansion. ( I believe) I think that they will eventually release another large patch/small expansion to up the level cap to 60 and provide another planet with a planet story arc. Then we will see a real expansion that leads to level 70 and continuation of our class story!
  17. I like this idea a lot! Although I bet that if it ever is implemented it would certainly be a legacy unlock, an expensive one at that.
  18. Although I agree with your premise it would have to limit what you can need based on your advanced class not your spec.
  19. Yeah your two saber moves that you have as a Consular are really only used if you pick the shadow AC
  20. The title of your post made me laugh so hard the people next to me gave me odd looks. But seriously let's all move on
  21. It's a great idea but all this talk of hunting and fighting is really hurting life day!
  22. I hope we have other Star Wars species themed holidays: Rodian egg day Ewok love day (I think someone mentioned that) Selkath pumpkin fest Jawa party day any other ones?
  23. Well most banks have like visa or mastercard debit cards. You can transform your regular debit card into a credit card, well not really but you can use it for online things that you normally can't use a debit for.
  24. Oh okay so my Smuggler wouldn't get the "Hunter's Boon" buff but get the trooper version of it instead! Thanks for the info!
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