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Everything posted by Rmog

  1. So why not go Crit then? Also when you say 72% surge you mean 72% crit multiplier correct? You are still going power as #1 correct? Sorry for the questions just trying to make since of this.
  2. I am assuming you meant power > alacrity > surge > crit > accuracy? Additionally, why are you wanting surge when your crit will be low? My understanding is that surge increases crit damage.
  3. Morning, Coming back to the game after 2 years of being away. I have read all the stickies posted in our section of the form trying to get a good feel on specs and stats etc, but a lot of the posts are old. Looking for stat priorities for Infil spec. Thanks! Bônes
  4. Pro! And that one session was l33t ownage.
  5. It's to easy to get BM gear, L2P.
  6. More white colored crystals.... I'm easy
  7. Morning This questions is for the PvP side of house. I am currently ankles deep in remoding my 23-1-17 Shadow in full WH. I have done a lot of reading on where expertise starts to fall off but really have not found a straight answer. What is the actual expertise number we should be hovering at? Also accuracy is not nearly as important for us in pvp with the 23-1-17 spec but what percentage is decent for us? I would assume a 100% in force is a must but is melee nearly as imporant? Thanks,
  8. I agree with your post except for this portion here. We run 2 23/1/17 Shadows and do very well. The coordinated CC is unreal: Spinning Kick, Stun, Pull, Lift, Sap, Knockback All are can be done with 1 shadow combine that with another shadow and you have just controlled the battlefield. IMHO 2 is awesome. Bônes
  9. I have stuck with the 23/1/17 spec with very little change to my survivability. The tools that I can bring to rated and regular WZ is remarkable. I just dont see a reason for high DPS when all of the WZ are objective based. I understand that DPS is very important but weight that against a clutch insta lift. As we all know to many of the players focus on DPS rather then keeping their eye on the ball. Great guide and your keybindings are the same as mine... Stop stalking me! Bônes (Nos)
  10. I have a 27" iMac and run SWTOR on bootcamp. It works well, and I still do all my regular stuff on Mac. I am a better human because I have apple. Its a fact, look it up.
  11. OMG, another thread asking for hand outs. Working hard is still part of life people. Samething applies to every aspect of life, doesnt matter if its work or a game. Those that dedicate more time get the gear faster. Stop crying and start Qing more.
  12. Same thing can be said about the PvE portion of this game. Stop asking for hands outs and earn your stuff. You have to earn it in PvE, why should pvp be different.. Get real guys earn your stuff...
  13. Sounds like a free hand out, you have to progress in PvE which in some cases is longer then the PvP grind. Here is a hint to thse wanting FREE HAND-OUTS: START A PUG RANKED WZ GROUP. Is it that hard to grind for a week? Yes I said week, I have guildies that have done it. They lost a lot but won a few. Most are now WH geared. Next thing you guys will be asking for is free health care!
  14. Why is that everyone wants free hand outs? If you want something that is good you need to work at it! Welcome to the same grind that everyone else in WH gear has or still is doing.... Dang, next thing you will be asking for is top tier gear to be free....
  15. Sounds like everyone wants a free ride. Earn your gear like the rest of us and stop asking for hand outs. Oh wait. . . /sarcasm * Its to hard please nerf everyone but me and give me free gear!*
  16. Nice video and well played! I just started working on Crya again, but someone took her name during transfers. See you on soon! : ) Crya/Nos
  17. Nice - Well I am on Fatman now (like everyone). Nice to have some fresh faces! Good luck, and looking forward to some more fights.
  18. Hey buddy Nos here. What are you playing now and what server?
  19. Hey bud it's Nos/Crya, time for a new server! Come to Fatman Good video!
  20. I have done a lot of studying to figure out how to beat these classes. I have video and stats to back it up. I did this NFL style watching game tape. Steps are below! 1. Kite! 2. Kite more! 3. More kiting! There use to be skill in this game. Stop requesting the removal of that skill. Learn your class before you destroy the game. Battlemaster Sorc Nos
  21. Learn to kite guys, this is no different then any other MMO.
  22. We have no sprint, one jump to target and an aoe fear. That's it! Learn to kite that why we have those cool downs.
  23. Kinda funny because I didnt hear any whining prior to 1.2. We had all the defensive cooldowns then and we actually got a nerf in 1.2. The said thing is that the quality of players has gone down because I dont get kited nearly as much anymore. Thats why we have the cooldowns. Learn to PvP is what it comes down to.
  24. So there seems to be a lot of hate towards the Maruader class due to the buff with ravage. Even though the majority of the people that have an issue wtih this buff can't seem to interrupt, LoS, or run out of range. I feel it is necessary for those that actually have an expetise over 1200 to cater to the general population. Make this happen in the near future so we can move on to the next FOTM. Thanks Crya
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