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Everything posted by MuzluPasta

  1. Uhm, PTS had this for quite a while. What is there to test ?
  2. You should have read the FAQ. Basically even they can't justify a sub post-release.
  3. Jerba, I appreciate your efforts on reporting bugs, I really do. But... They have no intention of fixing bugs that aren't game braking or explotits. SoR willpower ear/implant, can't remember which, STILL has wrong amount of mainstat. EV Soa fight pylons are still bugged. KP Bonecrasher door is still bugged. DP Healing challenge is still bugged. Ruugar phase is still bugged. Underlurker is still bugged. Civil War and Makeb achievements still bugged. Rancor on Makeb still bugged. Rakata HM FP still bugged. Imp/Rep Korriban/Tython HM FP bonus bosses still have different HPs. List goes on and on...
  4. The game doesn't teach players how to play. It is the game's fault. Tutorials on moving with W,A,S,D is laughable. I don't vote kick people, but if a HM FP group can't kill a normal boss in 3 attemps -> Force Cloak -> Exit Group I can't teach people rotations in a FP run, nor compensate for their bad gear. There are lots of players like this and you can't spend time on every one of them. Same goes for operations. In the end they waste other players' time. This is an MMO. Join a guild if you have no idea what to do. This wasn't my first MMO, had played and still playing Eve Online, but it was so unfamiliar. Joined a guild, got the ropes. If you don't want to join a guild for any reason such as being shy, "solo" person or "don't have time", I'm sorry but an MMO isn't a fit for you. RPGs are a better fit. This isn't KOTOR 3, yet, so wait long enough and it will be.
  5. They should make the total number of tanks, heals and dps in the queue visible.
  6. Counting cutscenes that have ls/ds option as 2x. Wasn't that hard to think of.
  7. Don't worry. Some people will support the cartel market to their deaths with their insane number of referrals.
  8. Assuming they haven't completed them all and aren't chopping them all like DLCs.
  9. If you keep clicking on the same console, it will eventually get caught in the fire and jump down. Source: Did it 20 times as a melee dps.
  10. I have 5930K, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, 2x970 and it still drops below 30 in certain fights. Yes the engine sucks. It doesn't even use SLI. Advanced shadow features are bugged. Increase them and you will never see 15+.
  11. Doesn't matter what you get. It won't run flawlessly at full settings because the engine sucks.
  12. Just let it go please. If there is another mass exodus fine, game dies. If there isn't, have fun doing the same story 22 times.
  13. Black Talon (Empire) and Esseles (Republic) are the only flashpoints full of dialogue. Rest is kill with minor dialogue.
  14. Just face a wall and press the auto run key.
  15. Your character becomes the outlander. It is 1 story. References can be made to your class. If you refuse to believe this, you need to Google.
  16. ERP provides an infinite amount of content, hence it can't be finished. Don't troll please.
  17. There were some preliminary patch notes at some point.
  18. By that logic level 1-50 class stories are repeatable as well, therefore we will never run out of content. Stop deluding yourself please.
  19. It doesn't matter because I always have more than enough rep to reach Legend status in the first week. I just wait 5? weeks to be able to spam those.
  20. Nvidia Shadowplay's recording feature doesn't cause your FPS to drop so its better for you to choose an NVIDIA card. 1 980 isn't enough to play all games in 4K, even 2 doesn't make it 60+ FPS. You also need a 4K monitor, because DSR isn't that good. SWTOR performs crap either way, doesn't use multithreading, or SLI for that matter. Don't waste your money on Titans. If your CPU doesnt have enough GPU lanes for 980s, you need to buy a new mobo and a new CPU. Personally, running on 4K smoothly isn't feasible right now, it might be mainstream in 5 years time. If you won't mind FPS drops go for out, but if you do go for 2K. I was in your shoes and chose 2K over 4K. Also bear in mind some games don't support SLI, which sucks because you probably won't be able to run them on 4K. Since I'm assuming you are going to buy a new monitor, check out G-sync/Free-sync monitors too.
  21. Look at Telltale's games people. Slicing up 10 hours of gameplay into 5 episodes and releasing them over a year doesn't justify the money spent upfront. Patient people wait till they are at least 50% off.
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