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Everything posted by Captain_Failure

  1. Considering /v/ is an anonymous image board you're statement to the contrary is worthless. Just saying.
  2. So everyone who's enjoying the game and not complaining isn't a "true fan?"
  3. You post this on 4chan's /v/ board about once a day. Since you associate with them you're entire statement is invalid.
  4. This thread was stupid yesterday. It's stupid today too. Dear OP: stop saying words.
  5. You know you've played SWTOR too much when you do something nice for someone in real life and you can just see the blue/white glow of a Lightside choice on the edges of your vision.
  6. My only comment on this is my guild will name our ship "She's One of Ours, Sir!" Should buy us a few minutes of confusion in battle.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/l2I8m.jpg That is all.
  8. So OP ground out XP in a system that is well known for not being fully implemented yet and is upset that they didn't get anything from it. Right, good to know they're not worth taking seriously.
  9. So the hater's latest tactic, since apparently saying "Bioware doesn't care" didn't work, is to complain that the bugs which are found get patched. ... I think the logic gland in my brain just burst. I need to call 911.
  10. I'd say Gungans, but my problem is with a specific Gungan. Based on that I'm willing to let the rest of their race off the hook. Honestly my least favorite alien races in Star Wars are Rodians (Greedo's people) and Cathar. Rodians because I've never seen one I didn't want to gun down for being annoying, and Cathar because they serve no purpose other than to be a race of gratuitous catgirls. Totally out of place in Star Wars if you ask me. At least Empire side in SWTOR I get to kill copious amounts of Cathar.
  11. Stopped reading right there. Concerning OP's post I agree that neutrality should not be punished. It's sort of silly because some classes seem like they would benefit from playing a neutral character. Bounty Hunter, Agent, Smuggler and Trooper come to mind.
  12. So lemme get this straight... 1) You hate Bioware for ignoring the game's bugs. 2) You hate Bioware for patching the game to fix bugs. Right, makes perfect sense.
  13. I'm playing a Light Side Bounty Hunter. I got so sick of the noble's crap I decided to suck up the Darkside points and punch them out at every opportunity. To my surprise I got a massive amount of approval from Mako for doing so. I also shot that chick with the Rebel noble for a lover on Dromund Kaas. She had it coming.
  14. I agree with OP. Pic related: http://i.imgur.com/UoLSX.png
  15. Shady still posts here? I thought he got laughed off the forums?
  16. Considering the MMO market's average player it's probably a good thing they didn't include it to start. The only group of people more homophobic in gaming I can think of are Call of Duty players.
  17. Ummm...ok. Some slight problems here. 1) There are (sadly) no gay companions, so you're not required to form a close relationship with your male ones. 2) You're not required to form a "close" relationship at all. If you don't want to just avoid the dialogue options marked [Flirt]. 3) Same sex romance options are in the works. No, you will not be required to go through those either. 4) Just because you don't want them in game doesn't mean Bioware won't add them. Hate to burst your bubble but they're a pretty progressive game studio. So...yeah. QQ?
  18. No, but that doesn't change the fact that user reviews are unreliable sources of information.
  19. That's kinda the point. User reviews on a public site are going to be full of trolls, especially over something like a game that's market competition to another game.
  20. And people who would like anything by Michael Bay are not worth listening to. This is not complicated. User reviews are trash. End of story.
  21. I'm hardly a fanboy. What I am is someone who knows what a valid source of criticism is. Metacritic user reviews are not a valid source of criticism. By your logic the Transformers movies are good because they have a 80%+ user rating each on Rotten Tomatoes.
  22. Metacritic user reviews are not valid in the least. When people who would make accounts just to downvote the game and not ever play it have unlimited ability to do so the resulting review should be discarded. And who can access Metacritic to post reviews? WoW fans, 4chan (who hate Bioware with a passion), and other such sources of scum on the internet. Your argument fails.
  23. NCsoft is pretty ginormous (at least in Asia) and pretty seedy.
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