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Posts posted by iain_b

  1. Well here's a situation I'm in that makes the OP's question a good one. I rolled several toons on Server A and got them to level 50 then suddenly that server became a ghost town. So I rerolled on Server B and Server C because neither were dead but neither were high population but both had friends I could join in adventures with. Now all 3 servers are transfer servers all with Server D as the destination server. So between Servers A, B and C I have 14 toons. All of which are levelled or geared enough that I'd still play any one of them. We can only have 8 characters per server, so 6 toons will be left stranded.


    That sounds like the ideal situation actually... If you have 14 toons you have duplicate classes anyway.

  2. i wouldnt be shocked if they used some empty servers as the lvl upto 15 never ending trial servers.


    Doubtful since the idea is to get those trial players to keep playing. Putting all these new players, testing out an MMO, on a dead server with no population would be counter-productive to the goal of turning them into subscribers.

  3. One my alt names was taking on my new server, no biggie.


    I didn't.. I planned ahead.


    Since none of the transfer destinations were posted ahead of time the only way you could have "planned ahead" was to reserved your name on every server...

  4. I've got characters for Republic and the Empire on separate servers (Republic on The Courageous and Empire on Whitebeam Run). I did it this way so that I could have two different legacy groups, one for each side. I transferred my Republic characters to Canderous Ordo when I got the chance and re-established that legacy.


    Unfortunately, it now looks like Whitebeam Run is also headed to Canderous Ordo, meaning all of my characters would end up as part of the same legacy. Not the end of the world by any means, but it's not really my preference.


    Am I just out of luck and basically stuck on a zombie server, or is there a chance, maybe, of Bioware widening the selection of destination servers somwehwere down the line?


    I wish my republic server got a free transfer to my new imp server- but i rolled PvE for pub.

  5. :mad: 2 Days after I buy this damn game Origin puts the game on sale!!! The price dropped from 79$ to 44$ I want my 25$ back! That's some BS or atleast like 30 more days of game play. I even bought the Digital Deluxe Version because I thought the Droid thing would actually be useful, but it doesn't even do anything. It's a complete waste of money. The Dancer and Flare gun are pointless I never even use them. I should have just bought the regular version.


    Bad luck. You don't deserve anything.

  6. I've gotten the pet in-game but the 30 days have not shown up on my account yet- it's still expiring in May.


    They sent out a new e-mail when this happened (at least I got one stating the new dates and times). Additionally, we're talking about a one-day delay on an entirely free item.


    Funny, I didn't receive an updated email...

  7. Do you "social butterflys" have any idea how annoying your party bombs were to other players who would have to sit on their speeder all day long, indoors building up massive carbon monoxide and doing significant damage to their lungs, to avoid your stupid emote spam?


    Hail the downfall of the party spammer.





  8. The top tier things in the game, be they titles, equipment, bonuses..etc. etc. etc. should take a lot of time and hard work.


    If they are easy and everyone can get them then the game presents no challenge.


    It's cute how so many people on these forums who defend these massive credit/grind sinks equate grinding the same dailys over and over as "hard work" or that they have anything to do with skill.


    Grinding out millions of credits by doing daily quests is not "hard" work nor is it difficult. It's "boring and tedious" work that is like having a second job.

  9. i was looking forward to the legacy system but now that it means i have to grind dailys again i wont even bother.


    Exactly! The Legacy system was the biggest thing I was looking forward to with 1.2. I love playing alts and this was supposed to be the perfect system for people who love alts.


    But at the end of the day it's just a money sink for people who love to grind daileys. :rolleyes:

  10. Why must everything be bought from NPC vendors in this game, including legacy unlocks which were supposed to be some achievements and not simple money grind?




    Why even bother putting a legacy level restriction on these things at all if they are just going to require millions of credits (ie weeks of grinding stupid dailys), to acquire?

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