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Everything posted by Annedromeda

  1. I recommend joining a guild whenever you feel like it. I haven't joined one yet either, but I'm just kind of enjoying things as they are really. I hope you find a happy home, good luck!
  2. In some of the Server forums there are specific threads that are nothing but different guilds with info on playstyle and such. Many also have links to their personal Guild forums for applying as well. Go and have a browse for your server section, you may see something you like!
  3. They're all genuinely necessary. Do you think Bio likes taking the servers down just to see the ragers everytime they take the servers down? Think logically please, because I'm pretty sure a company taking money from people would not intentionally make them unhappy whenever they could, just for the sake of it, because only one of the two server shutdowns a week were necessary. If you want stuff fixed, they are genuinely necessary.
  4. The problem here is this: Using conjecture and speculating on what has happened during development time is just that - conjecture and speculation. We think we may know what happened during this time, but unless we were all working for Bio at that time, on this game, NONE of us can safely assume anything. 6 years is a lot of time for anything to happen - any complications, loss of staff for whatever reasons, difficulties for whatever reasons, things happen that aren't common knowledge, publicised or what have you, because it is company business. So lets try and answer that question again. What happened during development? I don't know, and only the people working for Bio and on this game at that time, have any knowledge of what happened, so I think we should not even bother speculating, as it makes everyone look the fool.
  5. You should come join us on "An Appreciation Thread". People here have a difficult time understanding sincerity.
  6. Exactly - hype is hype, whether negative or positive and I don't feed into any of that nonsense - I prefer to experience things for myself. Thankfully, this game is one of the things I have experienced for myself, and enjoyed, regardless of whatever tripe finds it's way to the forums.
  7. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't be allowed to spread the love, just like everyone else is allowed the right to spread the hate. And if your argument were true, then all the forums are pointless anyway, so who cares!
  8. Aww, thanks for the compliment! Isn't it nice to see that even this thread has spawned some positive feeling towards SOMETHING?! I hope you don't mind female heroes..lol..
  9. Did you miss the sign over the door when you came in? I think you did. It says "An appreciation thread". You are not being constructive or even debatable, or even on topic. So why did you bother?
  10. You would think that would be the case- however, people will complain about everything and anything, so it will happen anyway. Then the complaint would be, "It takes too long to grind to level 150".
  11. Well thank you! It must have been a good day/week whatever for me, sometimes important things elude my memory, and then I remember things like launch day. I waited too, and I'm still on the first server I've chosen. Still happy, still playing, still paying - and just got my first 50 this past weekend! I must admit, for the amount of time I play in a week, which is about 10 hrs on weekend mornings, my perspective on the game may be jaded. I experience very little of the bother/bugs/whatever makes people so ragey, but then again, why would I allow something I enjoy to make me ragey? I just ride the wave and go where it takes me, no stress.
  12. Does that include launch day, when all the servers were red, and everyone made a fuss about havng to wait? Then Bio put in more servers, to placate those people that they did listen too, and look what the situation is now. I think the precious lesson here is "be careful what you ask for". They are also soon going to include a few other things the community have been clammouring for, such as LFG. So yeah, I think they listen, but it's awful hard to decipher what people want when you are having to decipher it through thousands of screaming, raging people. (and the screaming and raging over a game? It doesn't feed millions or anything, or do space research, it's a flipping game, afterall!) I show my appreciation for the game by paying for a service I enjoy, and so are plenty others.
  13. Well, I'm not on a low pop server, but I play like I am. I only spend about 10 hours a week, on the weekends playing, so I'm really spending very little time playing. Every weekend I log on and I'm excited to play, and I don't spend hours looking for groups or standing around in fleet, I just kinda go about my business. I've only just leveled my first 50 since beta. I can keep interested because I limit my play time so I don't get burnt. I think even if I were on a low pop server I really wouldn't care to be honest, I would just be patient and reroll elsewhere, but that's just me.
  14. I would like an answer to this as well. I had to free up loads of space just to download the test centre stuff, and then never got in before 1.2.
  15. Yes. And it succeeds in my eyes anyway. I'm nowhere near as concerned about a lot of the things that are bothering some players. I log in to play and have fun, and no nay-sayers' crying will change my own attitude towards this game, or anything else I find joy in. If it ends, then it ends, sadly. However, it is just a game, not a world changing event.
  16. This was a really good video! Sadly it's been moved, but I would also post it in the Fan section of the Forums as well to attract more people!
  17. That looks like it was a good load of fun. I need to change servers! Congrats on a successful player made social event!
  18. Oh, thats so very interesting! Makes you wonder then why do the people in the UK and beyond still pay more than the Americas?
  19. It does seem silly, but there is also VAT in the UK as well if you're forgetting, but it still doesn't seem enough to justify the huge price hike, especially when the currency exchange is something like $1.60 to the £1.00. We should be paying the equivalent to $4.00 and we are not. I feel like I just spoke gibberish. Just gone to a currenty converter and this is what I get: 4.00 USD = 2.47693 GBP 1 USD = 0.619233 GBP 1 GBP = 1.61490 USD So yeah, we're being cheated by about £5.50.
  20. Why must you look like a clown? Probably because Bio has to many other more pressing issues to work on at the moment, or so the forums would have me believe.
  21. Seeing as how the actual Sith are a race, then LS Sith are still Sith, by race, but not by religion (or belief or teachings or whatever).
  22. I would absolutely love to be able to enlarge font sizes, without making everything else huge.
  23. I enjoy playing. I'm on my second round of paying for 3 months at a go.
  24. 1. If SWTOR had released with the ability to run fast from level 1, would you have turned it off until some later level? -Probably not, but playing since beta I have adapted to slow run anyway. 2. If the game had provided the ability to use the Fleet Pass to go directly to your ship once you had one, would you have chosen to not ever use it? -I still don't even understand how the fleet pass works, so, I don't use it. I travel the long way. 3. If there had been a cross-server LFG tool available from day one, would you have chosen to just spam in chat when looking for a group? -Either way I don't really care about this issue. Usually when I'm online it is very-non-peak time so I play alone anyway. 4. If the game had come equipped with a combat log parsing ability that worked in real time, would you have ignored it? -Yes. 5. If the game provided any number of other features that exist in various MMO's that do not currently exist in SWTOR, would you have decided to not play in the first place? -No, and I'm still here. I think SWTOR is refreshing compared to some of the shall we say, "veteran" games. And finally, If you wanted to purchase a brand new car from a new car manufacturer, would you be defending the choice to not provide a steering wheel because this new company should be provided more time to reach that level of sophistication? -I don't drive anyway, I pay to take the bus. -Any other questions?
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