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Everything posted by Annedromeda

  1. After getting my healing companion and going to Kaas, I've finally noticed this green glow everyone was talking about. I was glowing even still after I sent my companion away to run errands.
  2. I concur. It's like anything else in life - play by the rules or beware the consequences.
  3. Have you posted this in customer service yet? If you haven't, maybe you should.
  4. I think probably the best thing to do is wait and see really. The game is barely out of the womb and there's loads of time for expansions/fixes/upgrades and whatever. WoW is only the way it is today because it had time to blossom and mature like a fine wine or cheese. I think we just need to give this one time to grow and it could be something awesome! However, we waited for maturity to come to SWG when it was already so good (man I miss that game, pre NGE) and it was totaly ruined then. HOPEFULLY Bioware will make good decisions and listen to the customers who can give contructive criticism. I know there are a few things that annoy me just a tiny bit, but I am adaptable. I'm trying to be understanding of the newness of it and just taking it all as it comes. In any case, hope you enjoy playing anyway, I know I do!
  5. We would all probably be better off if he did chuck his PC out the window. What I reported in Beta (which was only like 3 things that I experienced) were all fixed by launch for me, so... they musta listened to someone. Overall, they whole experience of beta testing into game play has been pleasant for me. I have much more important things to worry about than what happened to my 470 billion credits when I mailed it, or crap rewards for mobs, and I'm certainly not going to waste my time moaning about it on General Forums. Like everyone else should, I will report issues in the right way and place, and wait my turn in the queue; and not spend all day complaining in the wrong place with the wrong intent. Whatever. I think if people aren't enjoying this game, then the should shut the heck up and stop paying. Simple as =)
  6. I'm glad you posted this. I hadn't thought to try loading the patches and playing till I saw your post. Nice to know were back up and running =)
  7. I AM the missus, and I have to play to give my man peace! Pretty good deal though.
  8. THANK YOU! Finally, a positive, uplifting post. Also, I am in full agreeance with you.
  9. Reading fail. Re-read my last post. I said most readers, not myself. It was meant to be helpful. If you have a legitmate complaint, post it where the people who matter will see it, don't drop it in forum full of jackals. Try using common sense next time.
  10. Perhaps the problem you have with the responses is actually your fault - instead of posting in a section of the forum where it really matters, you posted here. If you feel your complaint is legitimate, post it in the right place. Clearly, most readers in the General Discussion Forum have had enough of senseless whining, and probably felt that the thread was exactly that. /2pence
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