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Everything posted by Dahoff

  1. The Commando knockback sucks. Don't even go there. Terrible CD and no snare and it's the only thing we have to interrupt. Don't even mention the stupid grenade.
  2. It's a breath of fresh air from WoW. I know there's a lot of similarities and it's buggy and imbalanced to boot, but I find the PVP still entertaining enough. Maybe I'm a glutton for punishment. I'll probably cancel when D3 comes out assuming a lot of the crap in this game is still this way 6 months from now.
  3. Couldn't disagree more. Maybe add lower level expertise gear but not the champ gear.
  4. You're assuming they're going to implement a debuff.
  5. Focus fire the healer. Happens to me all of the time.
  6. Haha... We had them pushed into their main base for awhile yesterday. I think we have a lot more 50s on the Pub side then we did about 1-2 weeks ago. We used to get zerged all day but not lately. It's been pretty balanced the last few weeks.
  7. Exactly, I still have 3 centurion pieces and I'm like 16300 without my Biochem buff.
  8. Ajunta Pall I believe the factions are closely matched as far as population goes. Maybe a slight nod towards the Imp side. 50s bracket WZ seem 50/50. Ilum is pretty balanced usually as of late.
  9. Sure they weren't in the same guild? I see that happening a lot. Buddies will vote for buddies.
  10. Dahoff

    Warzone Quitters ...

    Just because it's a "constructive" post doesn't make it any different then the "OMG GIVE WZ DEBUFF!" threads. Your goal is ultimately the same.
  11. That is the funniest thing I've heard all day! HAHAHA!
  12. On an OPs run I could see this applying but for a warzone? Get over yourself.
  13. Wow an in-game email and he messaged you when he got on? Psycho... You had better check your locks when you get home Thuull.
  14. Dahoff

    Is Ilum worth it?

    I agree it needs to be capped at least. However I think it's a bit different depending on servers. My server seems to get good fights going and you can surely get a daily done in an hour or so. Sometimes the weekly done in a few hours. Also to the OP, if your server does moderately well in Ilum, it is much better for valor than warzones.
  15. *Stockstrikes a level 10 to death* I totally agree!
  16. Dahoff

    Is Ilum worth it?

    To get your daily and weekly done as a melee, join an ops and buff. It's worth it for the PVP bags if you're planning on doing warzones.
  17. It's the one with the most stats focused on your build... Come on bro!
  18. Add a cooldown on ganking lowbies! Only allowed to attack once every 30 minutes!
  19. Wow, that is classic! Haha! I got a warning yesterday for saying a derogatory term towards mentally challenged individuals.
  20. And what about those classes that use channel abilities to do their damage? Surely they won't be victimized by this!
  21. I'd still hold onto the gear though. There's been some claims (not sure they've been validated) that BW has stated they're going to do something since PVP gear is not matching well with PVE gear of the same tier. I hope they do it. I'm personally sick of PVE after doing it since the EQ days and refuse to do it.
  22. Yes quitting in video games means you must be a loser in real life! Give me a break.
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