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Everything posted by BenjaminminU

  1. Nope, i figured at launch that i'd be at an advantage by keeping everyone on one server, and sure enough when 1.2 came around i saw the legacy abilities. With an extra four character slots given to us itd just be stupid to only have one faction on a server.
  2. I was hoping they'd add the hood toggle when they added the match to chest, being forced to wear a certain piece of headgear "Saber Initiate's Headgear" i believe, in order to hide the hood on my Body Armor of Inexorable Defence, a piece where the hood just looks stupid anyway, is actually very annoying, i want to hide my headgear, and i don't want to see that awful hood. Making a fake conflict by adding a fake piece of headgear would solve the problem, would be simple to do, just add an invisible box that would cause a conflict and cause the hood to be hidden.
  3. Then remove the heat cost for Rocket Punch, and add to the description "Uses accumulated heat from the armor to unleash a powerful punch on a foe" That at least would make more sense than stockstrike costing ammo.
  4. Server forums, theres a section for guild recruitment, alternatively if you're on the Red Eclipse, i have high up positions in both a republic guild and an imperial guild, so i could recruit you to either of them.
  5. Afraid there aren't any in game yet, the only legacy moddable weapons are the event bowcasters but they can't be used to transfer hilts.
  6. Republic Field Commander and Sith Beastmaster. Commands two NPCs (Republic troopers or assorted dark side controlled creatures) Also has one regular companion. In PVP and group content the two NPCs do not count toward the group limit and are considered the player character. Abilities (Republic): -Tactical Orders: commands one of your troopers to fire at a specific weak spot on the currently targeted enemy. -Grenades!: Orders your soldiers to launch a grenade at the target, dealing damage to the intended target with a 4m splash zone -Take Cover!: Orders your soldiers to enter cover, increasing their defences, functioning in the same way to smuggler/agent cover.
  7. My favourite flashpoint in the game, i absolutely refuse to skip the final conversation.
  8. Looks like i'm going to have to finish levelling my Cybertech before 1.5 hits live, and grind a pile of daily comms. Guess i'll have to start doing dailies again for the comms as well.
  9. Not everyone came here for an MMO, lots of people wanted KOTOR III. Honestly i'd have much rather bought this as a single player game, if it were set up like Fallout 3 or New Vegas then i'd enjoy it much more, especially since i wouldn't have to worry about lag or my internet connection actually working.
  10. I wish bioware would just make all the relics have passive bonuses and none of this "on use" rubbish there is now. Either that or give players the choice on the PVE relics, create versions with the clicky buff, and versions with it passive and constantly on.
  11. Yeah this does seem very stupid in my opinion, where are the jedi outfits like they had in SWG? I mean this as a moddable outfit would be so so so much better than the queen amidala style endgame gear: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57524/swg/images/2/21/Padawanrobe.jpg
  12. And after reading this post, somewhere at bioware, someone just yelled a string of profanities
  13. Body armor of inexorable defence, get rid of the damn hood on it!! I have to wear a certain piece of headgear in order to have the hood hidden and it makes me mad in companion cutscenes when the headgear is hidden, and hood appears... I end up cancelling the cutscene and grabbing a piece of gear (aspiring knight's chestpiece, the version from class missions) since it doesn't have a hood at all.
  14. I'll have a look once the PTS is downloaded, i only have a level 50 republic character right now but i'll look inside section X for him, i hope this will be as good as hinted at before. I want a mission to go all over the galaxy, having to follow clues and actually listen to the mission givers to get the clues to the locations of objects, like a man in anchorhead has salvaged a piece. An SIS agent gives a description of the man and you have to find him based on the description. Then on Coruscant, a rogue HK-50 has reawakened and has started creating a droid army in the works, after solving a puzzle to activate the elevator, your character is taken down deep inside the works where you confront the droid army, before salvaging a HK Control Cluster from the remains of HK-50. I also hope HK-51 will use Aim statted Sniper Rifles.
  15. I'm happy theyre finally releasing HK, i'll have to download the PTS tonight and tomorrow so i can have a play.
  16. I agree with this post, there really should be some different designs for starports and space stations, Taris really should have a less built up starport, since it just seems out of place on a planet that is only just being recolonised.
  17. In my opinion, i think that the empire and the republic will eventually merge, but in order to do so, the sith will be taken out of the picture. So i suspect that with the Emperor's death, a power struggle will emerge in the empire with members of the dark council fighting for power. After they fight amongst themselves i believe the military and the citizens of the empire wouldn't be able to be controlled by what is left of the sith, a new treaty could then be forged between the republic and the empire, without the knowledge of the sith. Enabling the republic to step in and wipe out the remaining sith, and then the imperial controlled worlds could then join the republic.
  18. Actually I hear a new bug will make it to the live servers, the range of lightsabers will be increased to 30m and jedi/sith will now wield them like blaster rifles, or in the case of sents/maras, they will be wielded like a mercenary/gunslinger wields pistols. Also in the graphics department: Gault will grow an extra horn on his body. Oh and the animation for master strike on jedi sentinels will now be swapped with /getdown
  19. I guess after the foundry he probably went to Nar Shaddaa, sat down with Zaalbar and had a few beers with his wookiee friend.
  20. Kyle would let Mace give a hit past his defence, and then block it with his beard while slashing him across the chest. Either that or while blocking one of Master Windu's attacks, blast him in the face with a bryar pistol under his beard.
  21. Wouldn't this go better off in your server forum?
  22. well you could always leap out of the hangar as the shuttle flies past.
  23. I miss the old level up system from KOTOR, I also enjoyed all the interacting with everything, like on the Endar Spire you could choose to repair the droid or hack the computer to defeat the sith troopers in the next room. Itd have been better if you got to put skill points into non-combat skills at level up. I think if the game had been more inspired by KOTOR it would've been better. Also attributes, we should be able to pick them on level up. Also one more thing: In KOTOR my character created his/her lightsaber and kept that one throughout the game, I like the cinematic feel to creating one in this one as a jedi knight or Consular but i just think that since it is Your lightsaber you should be able to customise the design of the hilt a lot more than you can currently.
  24. At one point during guild rank reorganisation right after becoming guildmaster of my guild, there were about 12 different ranks that were in the guild. But right now i have: Guildmaster, Guildmaster Alt, Masteratarms, Masteratarms Alt, Officer, Officer Alt, Lieutenant, Lieutenant Alt, Member, Recruit. So there are 10 ranks right now.
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