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Everything posted by BenjaminminU

  1. I agree, I suggested whole new actors for voice overs. Also: Jeremy Renner for Imperial Agent
  2. And you know what, i can complain that rakata is also a pathetic reskin, and that the designers were incredibly lazy. But my last post i was complaining about gear in general just looking awful.
  3. Robert Downey Jr for Sith Inquisitor as Cartel Shop voice please, Temeura Morrison for the Trooper, Chris Evans (Steve Rogers/Captain America) for the Jedi Knight, and Seth Rogan for the Jedi Consular.
  4. As title says, i notice so much wasted space on board, no crew quarters, useless objects on board, horrific colourings all over the place. I'm an architecture student and i just really don't like the design of some of the areas, i mean why is the Character's Storage locker in an empty room when it should be in his bedroom? The floor tiles around the ship are just a big turn off for me, it isn't really jedi like at all having them in that awful shade of grey, and downstairs it feels just like a dark tomb, sort of like a sith meditation chamber. I just wish it could be improved. The room which now contains the Storage locker should be fitted with bunk beds, like the ones in Khem Val's room on the Sith Inquisitor's Fury, except in nicer colours.
  5. The art and design team is really doing badly on this game, honestly would it really be too much trouble to find some university students and pay them to come up with some new designs. I mean last night I was in my ship, and i just thought it was horrendously designed throughout, so much wasted space that could be put to better use. (This is the Jedi ship the Defender by the way) Like the storage locker, why does that have to sit in its own room? Surely it should be in the character's bedroom where there already is a locker, replace that useless room, add a set of bunk beds to allow companions to have sleeping room. And then there is the flooring, that shade of grey they have is just dreadful, this is supposed to be a luxurious ship to allow a Jedi to travel in comfort, and that grey just makes the entire ship look dirty. Honestly bioware, hire an actual architect to design things, i could easily fit in one day a week to do a few designs to make a huge improvement in game. As for the art, a lot of the gear sets are just really drab and tasteless, the mid level gear for the smuggler is awful, seriously a long cloak with shoulderpads? It is just a reskin of the Imperial Agent black Talon chest piece anyway, except in bad colours, what is the smuggler supposed to look like? P Diddy? And who in their right mind thought the hat for the Formal Outfit Social Gear was a good idea? It looks awful. Sorry bioware but your gear needs fixing. Seriously.
  6. I agree, In my opinion it should be the theme for the avengers or something cool
  7. I have to admit, after the initial excitement of a new patch, even i am having trouble logging in to play. I want to want to play but i just find it a struggle to actually move on with my class story (I absolutely hate belsavis) If there was something interesting that i could do in game, like aquire HK-51, or have more class story content available making me want to level my guardian and find out what happens in act 4. My wish list for 1.5 is as follows: -New Class Story Content -HK-51 -Class fixes given through listening to the players (no more pointless changes such as force stasis animation) -More companion related content -A new flashpoint or two (i personally find flashpoints much more fun than ops, less time required to do and less people to organise) -A lot more bug fixes -The new warzone -The ability to kill of a few companions depending on conditions, and changes in the future story to adjust to the loss Most of this list relates to the player story content, i would like some more because that is the reason i bought the game in the first place, I want to see more to the companion stories, an actual ending to the Mako arc. I only included the new warzone in the list because it has already been mostly completed. Companion killing and its consequences should have been in from the start, it isn't like replacements can't be added.
  8. I'd create an in-game ticket, and then perhaps if you send in one outside of the game referencing the in-game ticket number. That way it is more likely your ticket will get read quicker.
  9. I prefer having all my characters in one guild. But as a guildmaster there are a few features i would like to have added: -Guild Ships -Guild Mail -Recruitment Board at the fleet
  10. /signed It has already been said over and over again, why shouldn't a person's entire legacy be able to benefit from crafting skills, after all the player has put in the effort to get them this high.
  11. I agree, i would really love to see an update to the class stories, after all it is what this game is all about. Flashpoints and ops are nice to have but in reality i'd much rather have an expansion to the class stories.
  12. I never knew that, proof that an old 10 month veteran can still learn new tricks
  13. I disagree with cross server, The only problem with group finder right now is the fact that most people play as dps classes. I myself play as a tank and most of the time i can get almost instant pops with the finder.
  14. I like all of these ideas, too bad the previous poster disagrees. I love the idea for left handed characters, I am left handed in real life so itd be nice to be able to reflect that on some of my characters. (although not my ranged characters that wield two-handed weapons, as i am right handed for that.)
  15. Agree, I hate how they make changes for PVP that badly affect PVE, i'd rather they just focus on more story content.
  16. I have a level 50 sentinel and a level 50 mercenary and I completely agree, they gave us an interrupt and nerfed two of our abilities. The interrupt is beyond useless against sentinels since their only channeled move cannot be interrupted. (I don't count force stasis because that is a stun as well) I think that if they gave us a melee range stun then it might help as well, could call it "electro glove" or something where you just slap the sentinel round the face and it stuns for 3 seconds. I think that bioware should try and think of imaginative ways to improve mercenaries so that we can't just be jumped on by a sentinel and facerolled.
  17. I intently read the patch notes for jedi Knight because my combined level for the class is 91 (sentinel+guardian). I never saw any changes to force sweep apart from making it more responsive.
  18. glad i'm not the only one that thinks shes ugly. I'd rather kiss Bowdaar.
  19. I wish they had hurried up and added him to 1.4, what were the content team doing all this time?
  20. Wait you can toggle it from the preferences window? Might be easier just to have it on the character sheet it its bugged.
  21. They also gave you a way to show appreciation, the Grin emote Joking aside, these are really good fixes, i just hope they have balanced the classes a bit more now, and haven't catastrophically ruined anything this time.
  22. Okay that is just brilliant, i hope someone at bioware sees this I'm a straight man and i want a bit more skin showing on my gear. I really want to see a chest piece that leaves the arms completely bare added to the game, or something along the lines of starkiller's felucia outfit from the force unleashed.
  23. I'm excited for the mercenary's interrupt and the new companion modifications. Eventually my guardian will get Scourge in some good moddable gear now. Now all i need is for Scourge to be able to wear gear restricted to the sith warrior.
  24. Lord Scourge and Akaavi Spar are prime examples of this, I would absolutely love to see Akaavi rocking the TT-17A Hydra Helmet with the Foundry Mercenary Medic Armor set. Or the Ciridium Onslaught Helmet.
  25. I agree, my credits are down for thursday, hopefully patch will be done by the time i'm ready to play, a shame it can't be patched tomorrow instead, thursday i don't have Uni. Oh well, a perfect oppertunity to do homework
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