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Everything posted by Irishpierre

  1. Immortal with Quinn, is my choice. You don't miss out on THAT much damage, you simply kill mobs slower. Though you have a healer with you so you can take your time. PVE, I'm able to finish quests 2 levels below recommendation with ease, 3-4 for a challenge. PVP, I take in roughly 7-8 medals a match. I'm level 31, having finished Act 1. Someone else can provide details on rage, though I enjoy Immortal. It's rather simple.
  2. You question should be Vengeance or Rage. Immortal is our tanking tree, despite that high hitting attack at the very TOP of our tree (it'd require too many skill points from you to be considered as "dps", since most of your points will be in Immortal)
  3. I have 3 toons I'm leveling so far. Becaois is a lawful evil, Saica is a Neutral Evil and Seerro is a Chaotic Evil. I pick and choose my choices (depending on what toon I'm playing) according to those very descriptions. It -IS- a Roleplaying game, so, play the role you want =P If you make a good guy, could make an alternate character of the same class, choose a different Advanced Class and choose the bad options. It's fun, don't limit yourself to one playthrough. Each story is different and -loads- of fun
  4. Immortal with Quinn worked/works for me the best. In fact, I'm actually able to finish quests 2 levels below their recommendations. Make sure you do space missions/dailies as well as PVPing while traveling, you'll level fast. Very fast.
  5. I like how everyone's 100% in their answer, yet they're different from other posters....
  6. If it doesn't let you use your companion, run in, drop all your DPS on one of the targets, then run back out. ( I did this at level 28.) It won't reset both NPC's, just one of his health. To do this, constantly use your stun and force push on the target you're NOT trying to kill. Eventually, you'll tag both of them out. Don't forget stims and medpacs
  7. No no, I meant that would be a simple solution. In the other thread, multiple ways to obtain this was presented, I thought this was the best one.
  8. The "75k damage" could be used on a single healer, harassing him the entire time or on multiple targets to stop people from blowing up the doors. I imagine this Jugg didn't do that, but don't judge one or a few people's lack of comprehension of what one AC is supposed to do into one stereotype for all.
  9. There was a huge thread about this not too long ago. Don't allow BH's (PT's) to use Blaster Rifles, simply make a "pistol" (same stats) and cosmetically allow them to use a blaster rifle. Simple change in animations, no need to revamp a combat roll system, win win.
  10. I think you might be playing the class wrong, then. My PT's a Shield Tech as well, only level 22 and I'm taking in about 6-8 medals a WZ. If you're charging in head first and not negating enemy damage whilst supplying decent DPS, you're doing it wrong. End up with 100-150k DPS, 15-20k Protection at level 22, if my team isn't absolutely being slaughtered. It's good, you just need to find the right playstyle.
  11. -After the Burial -Animals as Leaders -Architects -Bulb -Impending Doom -Lamb of God -Meshuggah
  12. Then I recommend Shield Tech. You won't be doing as much damage as a Merc or a Pyro, however, it's not THAT noticeable. Your survivability, however, is. I am Biochem on my Jugg and Powertech, since they don't have a heal. My Sorc is my Synthweaver.
  13. Shield tech is, in my opinion, the best to level the toon. Personally, even after, I stay Shieldtech as I usually bring in 5-8 medals a WZ. Great defense, good damage if you time your attacks right, pretty much the best all--around for PT. As for your crafting skill? Since the profession doesn't have a heal, I went Biochem; crafting my own Stims and Medpacs to keep up to par with my level. Usually makes some good money too.
  14. Do both. Whilst you begin on your 9000000 mile trek across a massive map to click something for 3 seconds and run ALL the way back, queu up. Keep constantly queuing. I do Immortal, easy for PVE and I'm still taking it 5-8 medals per WZ, even when I was in the 30's. By the time you finish one zone on your PVE planet, you should have close to half a level if you're doing WZ's and quests, turning the quests all in at once as they're all finished.
  15. Look at the Shield Tech part he posted on the stickied thread. Works great defensively as far as leveling and PVE goes and you're not missing out on damage, cross class wise, I'm still managing top 3-5 on the boards via Warzones. Of course a Pyro or Merc is going to out damage you, but you're getting the best of both worlds--Good defense, good damage. With biochem, or just some really decent heal stims and a healer companion, you should be able t solo H2's if you're a level or two above it's recommendation
  16. Just also saying if you're going on pure cosmetics, it shouldn't be that difficult to add into the game, if you're JUST doing it for cosmetics, not revamping a whole DPS/Combat roll system.
  17. Thanks for posting this, this REALLY helped me out, seriously. Next time I run a WZ, I'm going by this lol
  18. I've finished every class quest 2 levels below the recommendation. I don't solo H2 heroics, since I don't run the heroics on any of my toons, to be quite honest. Too much time involved and usually, ESPECIALLY with Alderaan, I just want to leave the *********** planet. I haven't really had a problem with Jugg other than deciding if I want to stay Immortal, or go Rage. He's level 31 and just finished Act 1, so I'm sure things will change when I'm 50. I've had a few questions on this class but someone answered them before--Purple gear helping us massively in the end game? Leveling wise, just a matter if I want damage or tanking. So far, I've been doing just fine with Immortal spec but with the Shii form (3% Dam Reduc, 3% Dam Increase....Or 6%. I forget.) Either way, it is the most difficult out of my Sorcerer and Powertech, however, I'm able to manage. Have you considered rolling Biochem by chance? A reusable stim and medpac pertaining to your level REALLY come in handy and help me out in dire situations.
  19. Is this debate really about iconic looks or about in game mechanics and practicality? If it's about the looks and "Boba has this! Boba has that..." Then you could limit it to a single EE3 carbine (which is what he used.) Don't need to make it one handed. It COULD work if you made a bounty hunter only specified blaster rifle series, where the cosmetics of the blaster rifle were more of a carbine or a SMG-type weapon, keeping the same stats AS a pistol, keeping it in a single slot yet being used in both hands visually. Don't imagine it would be difficult, though I could be mistaken. On the subject of cross-class weapon wielding....That could work in a BH's favor as well, though you'd have to rewire our profession and expertise specifications. Instead of giving us anything like pistol damage (if that's a specific % upgrade, I don't remember) make it general for blaster rifles and pistols. Would I love to wield a glowbat as a BH? Yeah, I think it'd be pretty funny to run around Hutta or Korriban wacking various mobs. In theory, pretty simple. Plenty of ways to go about this, just a matter if they WILL go with this idea and if so, which one.
  20. Really just sounds like someone of another profession coming in here and complaining about that one guy in that one warzone that wouldn't leave them alone, probably kept hitting them with a smash/scream combo. Had the exact same thing in the other MMO I transferred from. Nothing new, guess it happens everywhere.
  21. From what I've read in the past week on this forums are complaints FROM warriors (mostly Jugs) about survivability. They say, since our mitigation is completely ignored with majority of every other classes' attacks being able to ignore armor, to either fix it, or give us a decent damage tree that is up to par with ranged damage, since our survivability (lack thereof) doesn't allow us to get close enough half the time to spike damage. Now you want the one attack that we know hits hard/does well to be nerfed? Why? Can't out heal it? Death from above cooldown too long?
  22. I think you also have to remember, storylines move in chapters and arcs, just like say...TV shows. You can have 3 episodes of plot progression and then 1 boring one of explaining details. Each Act leads to another then onto something greater. So again, either stick with it or try another toon until you get bored with that one =P
  23. I'm pretty tempted to skip Alderaan and just PVP the levels I need to do the class quests.
  24. So far my favorite one is Sith Warrior. BH after that, not a huge fan of the Sith Inquisitor story myself. I did enjoy Act 1, but there were a few planets I didn't enjoy such as Nar Shadaa and Alderaan, but that is ust personal opinion. I haven't reached act 2, since I'm leveling 3 toons currently, all going by acts. My Inquisitor is almost to Act 2, then I have to continue with my BH. I'd say level an alt to the next planet (if you don't have one already, make one and get him/her off the starting planet.) This will get you back into the feel of your SW after playing through another classes SL
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