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Everything posted by Valsdad

  1. You are switching context to fit your argument. I honestly can't see how you can't understand that your absorb bubble, that can also be cast on other players, let's not forget that, is the best mitigation device this game has to offer. You don't have a big enough raw HP deficit against dps spec tank AC's to warrant the utility you have. I would like for you to understand that there are AC's that have the same exact HP you have that do not share your luxuries. Your bubble would be the best effective health tool in the game even if it couldn't be cast on others. That's how great it is.
  2. Yes and your bubble adds 3000 HP every 20 seconds if you are being attacked. If you aren't being attacked your bubble can be recast once the internal debuff is gone. I can promise you commandos would trade your bubble for their "heavy armor" and a 25% damage reduction on a 3 minute cool down. You have a knockback, sprint, 30m stun (lolwut?... the class trying to get to you can only stun at 4m), 30m snare (lolwut?... the class trying to get to you can only snare at 10m), a slow attached to your filler nuke, etc... An out of stealth scoundrel should theoretically never touch you because if you both use your snares on cool down he would never reach you.
  3. You don't have less HP than non-tank dps AC's.
  4. Light armor is what 3% less than medium armor? So to make up that difference you need a 3000 HP absorb on a 20 sec cool down?
  5. Speccing into sedatives means you can't tranq a mob you have no intention of fighting because once the tranq wears off your debuff puts you into combat with it. (at least it used to, I haven't tried in a long time)
  6. Shadow/Assassin also have another stellar choice for a DPS spec. Dirty Fighting is beyond horrendous for scoundrels so no one plays it. Not even what people would consider bad players. The Shadow/Assassin melee spec is just as bursty as our melee spec, but not everyone who plays a Shadow/Assassin likes that play style. This causes people only to remember being killed by melee scoundrels when they are getting killed by melee and mid range Shadow/Assassin all the time.
  7. Sage and Commando are both superior healers in every sense. You can actually perform well enough to get the job done, but the other healing classes perform better and with less resource frustration. Once you've healed on other classes you really see how much love sawbones needs.
  8. I think you're probably underestimating just how terrible Dirty Fighting is for scoundrels.
  9. Who asked you to prove a negative? All I want to be shown is why a sorc / sage is considered squishy as compared to other dps specs.
  10. I salute you my friend. I made my scoundrel specifically to heal, but the resource management is more frustrating than challenging so I just stick to shooting folk with my shotgun.
  11. I understand you don't want to be nerfed, I really do.
  12. Seems legit FYI, being focused doesn't necessarily mean you're the easiest to kill. It just means you're the most dangerous to be left alive.
  13. Sprint, bubble, knockback aren't defensive cooldowns?
  14. Sorc / Sage is not squishy! FFS! Please give me hard data proving your squishiness over any other dps spec.
  15. The solution is staring you right in the face.
  16. A shadow does have all the CC a Scoundrel has... and more. Know your classes before you try to derail a constructive idea.
  17. There really is no reason at all to play any other healer. The benefit of being a niche healer simply doesn't exist in this game. I want to heal on my scoundrel, but it's just too annoying to manage energy and have fun at the same time. If I cast my mainstay heal twice in a row; I'm already at 75% of my energy regen... It's just stupid when I can play a sage and just chain cast.
  18. Sure, I mean not being able to stand still for a 2 second cast that will heal me for 1.6k will completely break my play style. But, I'm not without the ability to compromise for the greater good.
  19. Yes, Sorc / Sage totally need buffs.
  20. Yes, but it is all relative. You be purposefully stacking endurance, we don't know.
  21. You invalidated your own post by using the 31/31/31 auto defense. Try again later.
  22. Valsdad


    = Don't nerf be BRO! What a worthless troll. 1/10 for getting a response.
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