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Posts posted by SnapWolf

  1. heavy armor is literal armor. its heavy and it stops stuff from htting you as hard as it would otherwise. swtor heavy armor is good. not great, could use more variety, but its good. light armor is all about flexibility and comfort, and of course establishing ones character (simple jedi/ scary sith), and again, tor did a decent job. consular hats are ridiculous, but so are consulars, so it doesnt really matter, and the robes overall are likewise unimaginative and unvaried but not bad either.


    medium armor in this game, however, fails. rather than go into it, ill just give my two cents and go: medium armor should not be so dramatic. its should really be just clothing, simple, sturdy, clothhing for a grounded class of people. im thinking leather jackets and military uniforms, for smuggler and agent respectively, for example, not an indistinguishable from each other selection of space ninja costumes and whatever you want to call the current and 1.2 smuggler look. the problem with the upcoming smuggler gear in particular and a lot fo gear just in general now and upcoming is that it tries to be all spacey, tries to look alien. thats not what star wars is about. its about that used future look, not stuff that intentionally tries to look futuristic.


    You're not telling us the problem about medium armors, you're just telling us your opinion why you don't like the smuggler's looks.

  2. Levelling is the standard way in RPGs to see your character grow in strength. That's all I'm going to say.


    Of course, if you take a look at a game like The Secret World where there is going to be no levelling system... Everyone stands equal from start to beginning, yet are different without being restricted to a set class. Freeform customization has its pros and cons.

  3. Jedi Tanking is useless?


    I disapprove. My main is a lvl 50 Sin Tank and I do quite well with it. I can hold threat very well.


    And I don't lack the tools to generate threat.


    Slow Time, Mass Mind Control, Force Pull, Force Breach (Combat Technique), Whirling Blow, Force Wave, Force Lift...


    I suppose there's more. But those are the main ones I use.

  4. No, that is of course not the way it should work. I am talking about feature suggestions or simple questions to Bioware.


    - Users should be able to rate suggestions with +/- buttons, there should be a user counter (one vote per user of course)


    - Polls, which users can set up and ask the community for feedback on their idea.


    - Polls, done by Bioware - either in the forum or when you open the game.

    Some "Question of the week". What they make out of the info is their business.


    - Q&A Questions by users should be rated by the users. From the 20 highest rated questions, BW could answer 10 to leave them some selection if something is super secret for whatever reason.


    First of all, you talk for everyone, when it's clear that you just speak for yourself. Don't try to talk for other people when you have not confirmed the position of the majority.

  5. Maybe there's other variables I'm not aware of. I can't say that's not possible. BUT I live in a apt with 2 roommates and though our computers all vary in how powerful they are. We all share the game stutter/fps drops that, in my and my t2 comp tech roommate's opinions, are because of client<->server communication problems. When the game queries the server the game freezes while it waits to receive the info.


    That's definitely not normal. But I can't really say that's a problem either.

  6. The problem is certain event cause the game to have to query the server for info and the game freezes for a split sec when this happens. No computer can over power this no matter what the specs.


    Need proof? Hit B to open your bag. or C to open your character sheet.. or L to open the mission log. or any button that opens a UI window. This will cause the game to freeze. This is especially apparent when you're running/riding forward.


    This also occurs anytime one of your quests update or a server message is displayed on screen. Ever wonder why the game seems to freeze every 2 secs in Ilum? It's because of the quest updates that you see displayed on the screen.


    I agree that this holds some water.

  7. You don't have to be a trained professional to see there's a problem, that's like me seeing someone obviously sick, bruised up, and near dead on the ground , but then someone else telling me there's no problem because I'm not a doctor, Which makes it my opinion only.


    I would like to say you're right. I really do. But I've yet to see any evidence that files are managed poorly. You're just telling me that. Give me proof. It's not that I'm lazy. I'm the kind of guy that needs proof. Otherwise your claim has no foundation.

  8. Like I said, then go to another thread or look on the net for that info, which is there. I'm not going to go create one for you because your too lazy, even though I told you, you could find it. Saying the problem doesn't exist because you don't have it is silly, especially when many people- who really have more experience than you, are telling you it is a problem.


    What I'm saying is that you are not a trained professional, so taking in account observations of the users is ridiculous. Just because you think there is a problem simply can't cut it.


    Have a nice day.

  9. What do you mean? How do I know managing data poorly is the problem? Because it's a problem and it's directly linked to performance. Managing files poorly isn't "working as intended", because it's not really a question whether it's poor or normal.


    Just because you think it's managed poorly in your opinion doesn't mean there is a problem. I'm sorry, but your observation doesn't make it a valid problem.

  10. Because it's evident to any tech-savy user simply by observing the way the game reacts to certain situations.


    If you have no issues whatsoever, good for you.


    You are the 1%.


    I'm sorry, but I can't simply trust any of the "tech-savy" users based on observations. I need logs. I need factual proofs. Their observations can't cut it as facts.

  11. Because crysis is well programmed-well optimized, manages files well where Swtor just doesn't. The managing of files and everything isn't handled well and uses a lot more processing power than it should.


    And how do you know that it's the problem? What if it's working as intended? This is an Online-Game afterall. The data required is humongous.

  12. You could google it very easily but-


    It's a first person shooter with very high quality graphics that is very popular.


    It sparked a meme a while back, when people posted computer specs or something, it would follow up with a "But can it run Crisis??"


    Alright then. Why can your computer handle Crysis without any trouble, but has some trouble with an MMO?

  13. The way the engine manages files is inconvenient and causes trouble to some machines that surpass the regular requirements, this is evident in places where particle density is high or view distance is long.


    Like I said before, I can run crisis two, a game that requires a lot more out of a machine than this game, yet I run this even worse.


    The engine problem doesn't effect everyone the same, very high end pc's probably won't suffer a setback due to how good their machines actually are, but many people do, and this is a problem.


    Saying they shouldn't work on a solution because you don't have the same problem is ridiculous, that's like saying they should stop trying to find a cure for cancer because you don't know anyone personally with cancer.


    Remind me again what type of game is Crysis 2?

  14. Most people said it works fine for them, and they conclude that the engine is good..


    Well, from the same logic, cancer does not kill all people, but kill some people, so cancer is OK~~


    Really nothing to say.


    Your analogy makes no sense. It's like comparing murder to stealing. Both are bad, but you live through out of one.

  15. That isn't what this thread is about. There are a few other threads that clearly state the actual problem with the engine optimization, I suggest you go check those out if you want actual proof. But you don't to be a certified specialist to see the problem, maybe people who don't know anything about computer's and games, but not us.


    Again, how can you tell this is the engine? I will cast my doubt on this, in this thread specifically, thank you.

  16. You guys are awesome. You must all know about programming and hardware specifications. You must be experts or specialists to know that there is something wrong with the game's engine and not your computer.


    I should just buy the latest in gaming computer and see if I can run it and get the same results as your guys and blame it on Bioware's engine as well.

  17. Bioware must be stupid. For months there was a huge problem in WoW at wintergrasp which only had 30v30 this game tries to do 40v40 surely they could have done some research to see why there was a problem and what was done about it.


    I love massive pvp battles but being melee you may aswell not take part.


    Even if this is. It am engine problem it is still something biowares end that stops us from having fluid play on ilum.


    I am investing in a new PC to try get better performance but I am under no illusions that the problems I suffer during gameplay everywhere are a system problem, they are definatley 70% at least on biowares end. Minimum requirements are doubled.


    What's the poi t in listing minimum requirements if you need them timesd by 3 to play the game.


    Expert : Because you're a certified specialist in hardware? May I see your certification, sir?

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