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Posts posted by SnapWolf

  1. The races are just skins, nothing more. There's no real advantages whatsoever in playing a different race. The social abilities are nothing more than gimmicks for RP-ing.


    In World of Warcraft, the races were different enough both in looks and in stats to make a difference. You could also know who was the Human and who was the Worgen (in human form).


    So. I'm just saying : it would be nice to make the races actually different. Right now, there's no real distinctions. We can roll anything we want, in the end, it's just a human with different kind of features.

  2. hahaha you think this game went well at launch i do not think so they had so many problems and still have the same problems from launch im not putting to much promise that 1.2 will save this game ill give it a year before it fails the stuff they are adding in 1.2 should have been out with launch date like the ui and char transfer's people are getting mad cause they will not say about the transfer's it needs to happen in 1.2 or more people will be gone because the server's are dieing my old server is dead along with a bunch of other's are dead


    Holy lack of punctuation batman.

  3. Right now, the only redeeming factor of this game is the Class Quest storyline. It gives you a good leveling experience. For soloing it.


    That asides, I have no feeling whatsoever in grouping with other people aside my friends. I'm not even considering getting into a guild to beat the harder content.


    I don't know. Grouping just doesn't appeal to me right now. It's not a matter of being too hard. I can play just fine. I suppose that I just don't have the time to get a group together when there's barely no one online, or when no one is interesting in grouping with me or doing the same flashpoint or heroic as me.


    So yeah. We need better group finder gimmicks.


    Autogrouping... Flashpoint Finder... Operation Finder... Whatever it is. It would help a lot.

  4. What's the point of rolling on discussions? To give a fair chance to people who may want to see the story play out differently (light side/dark side stories).


    While some people don't care about plot gimmicks, some do. And when you group with people who may not play the same alignment as you, there has to be a system which will decide who's choice will be played out.


    And I think that system is fair, to be honest. It is all purely random. And in luck, everyone is treated equally and fairly.


    And the reward for such a system is Social Points. And what better idea to reward the winner of the roll with Double SP? It seems a fair advantage to the winner.

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