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Everything posted by -SWA-

  1. Hrm I haven't seen that one either and I enjoy keeping tabs on warrior armors. That looks like a Juggernaut armor, but a medium version. Even now though, after months of playing, I still come across armors I haven't seen before. When they decided Marauders should wear medium armor, it seems some armors passed under their radar. I found this setpiece a few days ago: http://www.torhead.com/item/dmzyXdr/sith-archons-chestguard This only shows the chestpiece, but it's clear (also from the other pieces, amongst which is a dress as leggings) that is is a Marauder set, yet heavy. I also ran into an inquistor wearing the most awesome robe I've seen thusfar Imperial-side: http://www.torhead.com/item/3CUD9nM/supreme-inquisitors-robe It looks like jedi-robes, yet dark, armored and awesome. So there's hope for ya.
  2. The difference between medium and heavy armor is marginal at best. I did not specificaly ignore it, and yes, it is a slight advantage, but it is all too often used as argument why the Juggernaut is so much tougher than the Marauder. 5% however, is not that big a deal. And what? Because I can go to the Imperial fleet and change into a tank for money, I am suddenly at an advantage when all I am trying to do is deal damage? How the hell does that compute? The entire tank-tree offers me NO benefit. The fact that I -can- change into it, is somehow a good reason to make my TWO other trees significantly less effective than those of a Marauder? I haven't even taken into account the fact that I have never played the Immortal spec before, so changing to one at level 50 is not suddenly the end-all-be-all thing you make it out to be. Add to that the fact that I have no tanking gear whatsoever, and what kind of advantage is there left for me? And if you ask me what point there is to playing a Marauder when they deal about the same damage as a Juggernaut, here's what I think: before I even knew which class did what in this game, I had already decided I wanted to play a one-saber wielding class. Preferably a warrior. Had the Marauder been that class, I would've played a Marauder, regardless of specs, ultra sick damage, tanking options, armor and what not. Ergo, one could play a Marauder cause the style and classbackground appeals. But, if you still think that the mere fact I have a second option is enough for a significant difference in damage between the Juggernaut and the Marauder, then I am at a loss and can say nothing more than that I heartily disagree with you! I guess we'll have to let BW decide what to do in the end. Cause in the end, even if they were to decide that the Marauder should deal a lot more damage than a DPS juggernaut, I would still play a DPS Juggernaut, not a Tank, not a hybrid, nor a Marauder. Tl;dr: Strong or weak DPS, <3 Juggernauts. P.S. Your car-comparison is completely lost on me, I'm afraid. I'm not particularly interested in cars. I do not even have a driver's license; there has never been a reason for me to get one.
  3. Aye, I was writing my post at the same time as you were, only you posted it faster. And you were right. I was too lazy to give a full summary of a Juggernaut's defensive abilities, few though they are!
  4. But here's the whole point: Marauders have as many as or MORE defensive abilities than a Juggernaut. My Vengeance Juggernaut isn't more defensible than a marauder in any way. IF I decide to switch to Soresu form to get a bit tougher, my damage plummets like a lead bar. Also why the hell would I use a shield generator as a DPS Jugg? See, that's the point we're trying to get across. We might have the OPTION to play tank, but if we play as DPS, we're in no way or shape tougher or more durable than a DPS marauder. Hence, our DPS should be about on par with yours. Capiche? To summarize: Juggernauts are NOT tougher than marauders when specced for DPS. How hard is this to understand for crying out loud! Edit: the only reason I can think of why Marauders do not want Juggernauts to deal as much damage as they, is the fact that they, in spite of their overcompensating usage of two lightsabers, are jealous of our mastery of one
  5. *laughs* Good read early in the morn' Thanks!
  6. I've always found it odd that some mobs can endlessly use the same power. If we as players get interrupted, our power is on CD. In the case of mobs, not so. Some simply keep trying until you have run out of ways to interrupt them. Surely a workable strategy in certain situations, but it does feel unfair from time to time.
  7. Fair enough. Not the coolest, but also cool. Cooler than hiltbutting at least. Hiltbutting someone would make for a nice knockback or stunpower, not one of the hardest hitting abilities in our arsenal. In the end though, I don't mind that much. It's just fun playing with the thought!
  8. According to a number of posters in this thread, only the Sniper and the Marauder (Empire-side that is) are capable of doing real DPS. All other classes have two specs, and are therefore not allowed to deal as much damage. It's great to see how they base their opinions on nothing more than the argument that classes that can do only one thing should be better than those that can do two things (regardless of the fact that they cannot perform both these roles at the same time). I have to people who support this view these questions: what, pray tell, does it matter if a Juggernaut deals about the same amount of damage as a Marauder? How does this fact change your role?
  9. I have meticulously done all quests on Nar Shaddaa, all HC's and all bonusmissions, but never saw this armor offered as a reward. The HC that Torhead claims it is a reward for is certainly not the one. I am still interested to know which mission it is a reward for, so if anyone finds out, please post it here.
  10. Still, it would've been nice if our high damage, circumstancial minionkilling power, had some awesome animation that made its use something to look forward to, rather than a mandatory usage, cause of that high damage. It could've been called 'Coup de grace' (since the target is incapacitated) and could resemble a beheading or a thrust to the heart, at least something truly definitive! A swordhilt to the face, while probably extremely nasty and damaging, just doesn't have the same 'impact'. As a previous poster said 'lack of soul'.
  11. This chestplate isn't a reward from any Nar Shaddaa or Tatooine quests. Torhead isn't correct on this. Rather it is a crafted armor, but I have yet to find the recipe for it. The only sure way to get a chestpiece that resembles the one you want, is to get the Athiss-chestpiece. Same looks, different colourscheme (purple instead of red). I can understand full well you're specifically looking for the red piece though, but for now, it's exceedinly hard to get.
  12. I wasn't annoyed at Quinn for betraying me - in hindsight, this was a very real possibility - he is the kind of person that is honorbound (with no regard for himself or anyone else) to repay his debts (in casu to Baras). (In relation to this, I personally very much enjoyed the conversation with General Monk on Quesh, who pointed out Baras would betray me, his apprentice, too at some point or another. Upon which I simply answered something like 'I know, it's part of the game'.) What IS annoying, is the fact BW took away my chance at revenge. Nothing wrong with Quinn, he's just being himself. BW just didn't give ME the option to be MYself. Even if I had ended up without a healer, I still would've send him to an early grave, if only because I have been constantly killing people for MUCH smaller offenses.
  13. I suggest getting the Vindicator's Chestguard, which has the exact same looks as the Black Talon armor. http://www.torhead.com/item/eZwtL35/vindicators-chestguard It is a level 12 worlddrop and can be (easily) found by killing the champion bosses that populate the outside areas of Dromund Kaas (my advise is looking up a certain Dr. Pammel and his two pets - found in the heroic area near the Grathan Estate). This armor is currently the lowest level orange armor available to Juggernauts (excluding the bugged Black Talon Juggernaut Armor and the orange armor available to Bounty Hunters). Cheers.
  14. Since beta and now live, I have only played one type of character, namely the Vengeance Juggernaut. I have not ever had the urge to try anything else. I have three: one 22, one 32 and one 45. If you ask me why I have three, I cannot answer that question. Since I have only played Vengeance, I cannot compare it to anything else. I can't tell you if it's a better build than Rage, if I do more DPS than Marauders, if my abilities are underpowered, whether my ship looks cooler than that of an Imperial Agent, if Inquisitors get cooler pets, whether Bounty Hunters are better tanks. I do not feel more or less powerful than any class out there, based on the simple fact I have never even tried any of them. What I can tell you is that I think Vengeance is awesome, no, the coolest build out there. I would tell it to everyone, if not for the fact that I don't want too many people to play a Vengeance Juggernaut as well. It's mine ... all mine!!!!
  15. -SWA-


    I find most hairstyles to be ugly. I find ALL hairstyles to be ugly on someone whose face is corrupted by the darkside. Showing a head of full, wavy hair, while at the same time having a face that is bloated, black and ugly looks totally off, if you ask me. Then there's the fact that short or no hair makes your character looks tough (if you ask me). Also, I made a pureblood having the character 'Nomad' from the Storm-comics in mind (who is bright red & completely hairless). All in all enough reasons to make my character bald, I would say!
  16. I have experienced the exact same frustration many times. It requires but a simple solution. Right now, it's simply idiotic the way you get interrupted when busy doing other things. I know it is but a small thing, but it has annoyed me like nothing else in this game has.
  17. I'm on my second Vengeance Juggernaut playthrough now (@ level 32), using Vette first, then switching to Jaessa when I get her. While I must admit having Quinn back me up the first time felt a little more carefree, he is anything but mandatory as DPS-Juggernaut. For me, it took some getting used to not having someone constantly heal me. As soon as I had changed my strategy and adjusted to a more offensive playstyle, I could level at a leisurely pace, just as with Quinn. Also, I think BW meant for us to switch companions around in the first place, deciding per situation what would work best. Nothing wrong with a little switching now and then, depending on the fight. I honestly feel the game leaves enough room for people to make up their own mind regarding companions. I so dislike the 'this is the best, and therefore only solution'-state of mind seen everywhere in MMO's.
  18. I personally really like the combatanimations - the general abilities and those that Vengeance offers, that is. My personal favourite is Impale and I don't care that Marauders get it too ('sides, they perform it with two swords). The best part about Impale, aside from its animation, is the fact that you leave a (clearly visible) gaping hole in someone's chest! After having tried a Jedi Guardian as well, I was even happier with my Sith. The Guardian animations are truly awful. Jedi seem to be waving their sabers around like featherdusters (Monkey Island!), making useless and clunky looking twirls before they decide to actually hit the target. I for one like my animations!
  19. It still eludes me if people talk about (a possibly) underperforming PvP-DPS or PvE-DPS, in regards to the Juggernaut. I haven't fought a single PvP-battle in this game yet, so I have absolutely no idea how the Juggernaut performs in PvP. As for PvE though, to state that DPS-specced Juggernauts cannot find teams to get on - is this for a certain stage in the game? For 50's and Hardmodes only? Or the entire Juggernaut's career? I haven't heard a SINGLE complaint yet about my spec or ability to deal damage and I play on a large PvP-server. I have been playing nothing but a Vengeance Juggernaut, and I absotely love the class / spec. Would not play anything else! It seems to perform mostly as advertized. Or is there something I am unaware of, not having played other classes yet?
  20. Well, speaking from the Vengeance point of view, I am not sure what you're basing this on. I have been playing a Vengeance Juggernaut since beta, and I can solo champions just fine (I'm level 41 now). Some are very doable, others require medium to heavy use of my CD's. Still, as a well-equipped character with Quinn as my backup, I have had no real trouble thusfar. I'm sure there are champion-class enemies out there that I cannot solo, just as I'm sure other classes / specs can do it with much more ease, but to say that there's no way to pull it off as a Vengeance Juggernaut does not hold true. Not in my case at least. Edit: upon re-reading your post, it appears to me that you might have stated it's not possible for Vengeance Juggernauts to pull off taking out a champion with more than 80% of their health intact. Regardless, my point as a reaction to the OP still stands!
  21. A hoodless Robe, called 'Foeseeker's Body Armor', drops from the last boss in Cademicu. It looks almost the same as the one that drops in the Black Talon, with one exception: the Foeseeker's Armor shows actual armor on the body instead of what seems to be a simple shirt underneath the robe.
  22. I have been playing Vengeance from the beta-get-go, after deciding that I like the overall 'idea' of the build best. To me, it seems Vengeance is the 'true' swordmaster of the pack. I do not care if it's the strongest spec out there. If things get harder than I can handle, I'll find a way - either I bring friends, or I come back later. Vengeance might not always be the most survivable, but -if- I get the chance to put on some hurt, oh, it hurts! I have been in the game since beta and I haven't played any other character yet, neither build, nor class. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  23. I do not think this jacket can be bought for only one Balmorra recommendation - the price would be on the (very) low side. I have seen the Jacket drop though, as drop from a boss in the 2-man instance, named 'The Republic's Last Grasp', which can be gotten in the South-West side of the Markaran Plains. It dropped off of one of the bosses. No idea if it's a regular drop, but that's where I'd look first. Oh, I've also seen it on the AH on my server! Hope that helps Edit: corrected a spellingerror
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