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Everything posted by Jaxtaro

  1. The damage is only reduced from other snipers... but trust me, a sniper focused is about a 50x easier kill than a focused healer. There's nothing "off topic" when it comes to being marked from a mile away, snipers have to do it, and healers are crying about it.
  2. Again, only when active, only when healing, and only after wasting time focusing on an individual for far too long. Ball carriers have big giant beams of light, snipers have "kill me" signs, the fact that any class or role can also be marked, the argument healers make is pretty weak considering.
  3. And I don't want to scroll through targets to find healers, who in every other MMO are distinctly visible and easy to spot from a distance. As long as snipers have a neon "Free Kill Here" sign, then marking healers or anyone else is perfectly fine.
  4. You're telling a sniper, please.... at least you take a little effort to kill and don't have to have a big red neon sign in front of you saying "Free kill here". Your tears fall on deaf ears, and to be frank, if you didn't get camo in terms of looking like everyone else, then markers wouldn't be necessary.
  5. In pretty much every other game, healers are visually distinct from all other players/classes. This thread is asking for essentially healer camoflauge from the Waldo effect.
  6. Just get a couple folks to help you, and move on.
  7. Disclaimer, don't take my identifying the lack of anything special about snipers as an indication that I think they're broken. I do feel strongly that they need a few fixes, notably; - Range on Ambush/Snipe should be at 40 or 45, not 35. - Cover Pulse should be a "trap" rather than a fire when you need it skill. You should set it and forget it, then when someone gets into range, they get KB'd. - There needs to be *escape* mechanisms in place, not a stupid root, but something which allows a sniper to escape from players. Something like land mines that you lay when running that blowback and snare your opponents. They need to be useful when not facing your opponent, as they shouldn't be CC's, but should enable you to escape without being stalked and gravelled to death. - Finally, it shouldn't take 50+full champ to start enjoying a sniper, the skill/gear curve is set way too high - Lethality really really needs dispel protection especially now that it's primary use (cap prevention) is being nerfed. - Engineering needs to be converted from it's current mess to a fairly massive AE tree that focuses almost entirely on AE damage. Outside of those, I think the class is useful and workable, and I do enjoy playing it. I can thrive without them, but I prefer to have them.
  8. Who doesn't have all or most of those, and then a ton? Those are not exactly anything special to snipers, my powertech tank has ALL of those except for a version of cover pulse and he does't care anyhow, and then a whole ton well beyond. Many classes have FAR more burst, especially considering the lack of prerequisites than most snipers do, snipers actually excel not in burst damage, which they don't actually do very well, but in sustained damage (from 12-15 seconds onwards). You can't mash taking cover, armor debuff, then either instant snipe or 2.5 seconds of ambush, then FT, THEN EP/Snipe, then SOS and call it "burst", it's not burst at all, burst is how much you can do RIGHT NOW in 1-2 moves, snipers outright stink at real burst damage, ALL of their damage has a rampup with the sole exception of insta-snipe and even THAT has a prerequisite of temporary immobility, and it's hardly "bursty". If it takes 5 seconds or more without even counting the prep time, then it ain't burst damage. Just because it all takes PLACE in a short time doesn't make it burst, burst is "on demand" and big sniper damage takes too much prep to be "on demand".
  9. Nonsense, a DPS should be able to kill ANYONE, the healer should survive a tank, and a protected healer should survive a DPS type. The value that you want to give DPS types is astounding: "Do enough damage to only kill each other, but god forbid they kill a healer or a tank".
  10. I actually think I have it figured out what the dislocation is between sniper factions. I play on one of the top servers population and pvp wise in the game (Helm of Graush), and my performance ALWAYS, ALWAYS ALWAYS is dictated by the skill of my opponents. There's some seriously good pvpers on my server, so hearing stories of snipers who are NOT being stalked by BM level Ops/Marauders/Mercs is actually a complete surprise to me. The #1 key to high scores at the end of a WZ is how long you're alive. There is no other factor more important. One thing I've seen is that a lot of these guys who talk about their pro-gaming, will always mention "The off chance of someone chasing me".... this isn't an "off chance" on my server I can tell you, this is the norm, and the only thing even that makes this class playable under these circumstances is when using a mobile spec such as lethality. I'm also of the opinion that there is no way to make the claim that snipers are "good damage" with no analysis tools of any kind available, no logging, no parsing, no nothing, just a hunch, because some dude can sit unmolested against relatively crappy teams and do a lot of damage. This is particularly true when comparing setup times, mobility sacrifices, defensive sacrifices, skill timers, and prerequisites with those of other classes. There is no way to do any kind of comprehensive balance analysis without the ability to log data. Finally, the idea that it's "OK" in an MMO for one class to have a significantly higher skillcap than another to achieve any sort of equal performance is absurd, and shows no understanding of class balance in any way, shape, or form.
  11. Not for a Sniper... Your description shows MM, it never actually grows, as a matter of fact, you'll notice your damage going down as you level, and as your opponents armor up. Getting 1k and 3k defender badges while perched on the 2nd floor being left completely alone (something that on a server with decent opponents never, ever happens), means you got 4 badges related to being a sniper. I'm guessing: Killshot, 10 kills, 75k damage, and 2500 in one hit. None of these are all that impressive (a lethality sniper even has to put forth some effort to get the 2500 badge), but get used to it, thats gonna be the lion's share of badges for you. You're describing it as harder to play, however you're also describing playing against blithering morons (I play l50 sniper and powertech, my PT hunts snipers just for the free kills, light them on fire, punch them in the face and goodbye). There's nothing hard about going upstairs in Alderaan and being left alone.
  12. Jaxtaro

    The Force is Weak

    Non-force users apparently CAN kill Jedi:
  13. Yes, the 3 snipers would be dead from the kick of their guns.
  14. Ha, my powertech makes my sniper look like a wet tissue in comparison, there's nothing I can't engage and beat with my PT, with ease. There's several encounters on the way to 50 on your sniper that, especially if MM, really are difficult to solo, particularly relative to PT, which is insanely strong next to sniper.
  15. Yeah, I didn't notice you didn't have points in Slip away, my bad. I do agree about the third cluster bomb, the energy refund is too good, and it is very likely to be set off by someone else, however it's important to, when discussing your damage, that you be able to generate it all, or count it as "ancillary provided".
  16. OK, you'll need to remove 1/3 of your damage from Cluster Bomb, since CB requires a 1.5 second delay between explosions, and relying solely on cull to explode them, you'll lose the 3rd explosion. I don't think that the response that you will have takedown available for that 3rd CB is particularly valid, since the only thing you'll be fighting that won't already be dead by the time takedown is up would be NPC's with enough HP to survive such a rotation, and there's no guarantee they'll be in takedown range by the time the rotation is finished. If you took the 2 points from Flash Powder, and put them into Experimental Explosives, You'd gain quite a bit from OS, Explosive Probe and Corrosive Grenade without losing anything at all (how often is accuracy after a flash grenade a big deal?). Sadly you don't have anywhere that'd gain you from the one point you don't need in imperial methodology, because it's really a waste of that 3rd cluster bomb. I suppose keeping it there just to have as a failsafe or if you felt like adding a rifle shot at the end of your rotation wouldn't hurt. I can say it doesn't fit my playstyle, because I hate cover with a passion and any rotation which requires cover doesn't work for me, but it looks like an interesting way of pumping out a lot of damage.
  17. Things to consider: - Does the orbital strike assumption include the extra pulse from 2 piece Field Tech? - Orbital Strike is assuming only one person being hit? I would never, ever use this rotation, simply because the inclusion of explosive probe requires cover, sacrificing the entire reason to use a Leth or Leth/Eng build. I'm pretty certain I could do more with a MM rotation using OS/EP, especially if your counter starts with the explosions of OS, since you could do an ambush windup during the OS animation. Also, if you laid explosive probe during the OS animation, you'd be able to add a frag grenade in the spot where explosive probe is. Finally, where are you getting the blaster rounds from to explode the cluster bombs?
  18. Only a true internet warrior wannabe can manage to fail so colossally as one who demands exacting evidence to back up a statement that begins with the words "It seems" or "It appears", or any other disclaiming preface intended to make it crystal clear that the author wasn't putting his statement forth as fact, rather as simple personal observation.
  19. With the trophy imbalance in this game, is that what you're telling us? That pure DPS classes who don't tank are simply unworthy of achieving the same number of trophies, thus the same valor advancement/points as other classes?
  20. Jaxtaro

    Alderaan WZ

    There are multiple speeders that show up based on whether you control a turret or not. Those speeders drop the passenger off right on the side of the turret.
  21. He's not bugged, this is just the most skills managed fight you'll encounter. You need to manage all of your skills well, between how to time your interrupts with cast times on your shots, when to strategically let him heal, HOW to use your interrupts most efficiently with other skills (i.e. dissect what would cause you to want to behave differently after interrupting with a distraction vs. a flashbang, and what shots to use both before and after), and if you're losing at 30%, then it's not because you're not hitting the refresh timer on your skills well, it's because you've not managed your energy well and can't do the kind of damage needed to exceed whatever healing gets through. Remember, your function on this fight is to do more damage than he does heals.... any more can be an awful waste if it sucks your resources dry. Be methodical and think it out, you'll win.
  22. My only issue with a deserter debuff is the current "Join Huttball in progress, get in with enough time to get to the locked gate in front then get kicked" bug that happens to me all the time.
  23. I am so tired of zoning into an existing Huttball game, immediately upon zoning in, getting the "Leave or you'll get kicked" warning, and being blocked by your stupid barrier from entering.
  24. Punch him in the face and light him on fire, the sniper is dead.
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