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Everything posted by SupernovaRU

  1. I watched the video about saving the new changeable HUD layout, and lately I've been learning to keybind and remap my combat and movement keys to get away from mouse-clicking all the buttons for more fluid actions. In 1.2, will we be able to save the keybind changes we've made on one character to import to another? It saves having to make the same keybind changes to the quickslots for every alt, and it would be icing on the cake to be able to pre-map abilities to those slots - even those that you haven't already gotten yet but will do so in the future. For example, when I change from DPS to Healing on my Sorc, I have to sort around all my icons again to match with the preferred keybound quicklots. It would be easier to have a DPS version of the HUD saved and able to be swapped out with the Healing version, with their specific ability icons included.
  2. Just finished the Inquisitor storyline as a full lightside. Have to say that it was an absolutely fantastic ending, and I enjoyed being as brutal as a Sith as I needed to be to survive, yet as merciful and understanding as a Jedi. Truly the best of both worlds.
  3. Yeah, I saw the bracers up for a million, and laughed. Also on the Ebon Hawk. I'd say try pricing the robe for 750k and work your way down if someone doesn't buy it every two days. Its a vanity piece, not much else.
  4. Today I got both the Pants, Boots, and Robe of the set from Hoth. Just ran back and forth between the Dro Moth Champ next to the shuttle and the Heroic area that they ask you to run the +2 Heroic in. After I got the pants from the Dro Moth Talz I logged for a bit and came back a few hours later. Probably made 200k from the farming, not including all the other orange pieces I threw on the market. Still hunting for the belt and bracers.
  5. I went with a Sorcerer Advanced class, which is more ranged. If you want a melee DPS, go for an Assassin. I recently changed from Healing as a lvl 50 to a DPS Madness Sorc. Most of your damage come from your dots - which are all instant attacks - but I've been able to do a beautiful amount of DPS. I feel that its better than going for Lightning. Though I've had to bind my attacks to my keyboard to easily cycle through my attacks.
  6. Just curious as what your preferred play-style is, and how that meshes with the companion you use the most. Currently I'm playing lvl 38 Inquisitor with all my points in the Healer Tree. For most of the game I've used Khem Val as the glorious tank with his two lovely taunts. Unfortunately, I've now picked up the attractive and melee DPS maniac Ashara. Normally I'd toss Khem at a large group of enemies, let him draw all the aggro, and then keep him alive. Takes longer to kill everyone, but works. Ashara certainly kills things faster than Khem, but doesn't always hold the aggro. And god forbid if I decide to throw dots on something. tldr: Healer that uses Khem, learning to use Ashara. Probably could use her better if I was a tank myself.
  7. Still haven't died on an important fight yet (except for the one on Korriban where you fight that blood worm cause I didn't read its buffs). Though I've been over-leveled for most of my quests so far. The only class quest that came close to killing me was the final one on Nar Shaadda. Force draining sucks.
  8. Yep. Was reading it wrong. Was thinking of the difference between a modable purple I had and a higher level orange gear. Even when I stripped the mods out of the purple, it still had a higher rating than the orange with the purple mods in it. Much appreciated.
  9. Dumb question, but Orange gear related... Alright. Two questions: I recently picked up two differently leveled orange pieces - a headband a and a facemask. Though they both have slots, one has a higher armor rating than the other even when I strip all the gear out of it. Is the armor rating dependent on the level of the orange gear and not on the mods? Rather frustrating, since I've got some beautiful looking orange robes that have a pitiful armor rating when compared to some other ugly ones that I have. Sure, I can put in better mods, but I could really use a better armor rating.
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