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Everything posted by OrionBowman

  1. EA created this issue so swtor fans cant play and might run out an buy the new Battlefront and boost sales!
  2. Spot on! I was taking leave from the game for a couple of months when this happened and when I heard about it from a guildie my first response was "ohh Crap".
  3. This is getting beyond a joke now. New zones have been unplayable with lag every few steps a character makes, and server outages occurring all the time. What ever the reason for these problems they need to be fixed because its killing a casual gamers game time. I'm not one of these players that can spend 20 hours a day nutting out an expansion, my times valuable as I'm sure is all your players and the few hours I get to play is also valuable to me, to unwind and relax - neither of which I'm getting with the servers down. Time to go bother the wife
  4. All your comments guys I totally agree with, apologies if I've just added to a growing number of posts on this subject it was really just a tired late night vent. If any of you do know a guild that does PvP regular for the empire let me know id be interested to group up/join a guild that has more members trying to do PvP, im not great but im not bad lol. I do worry that the space PvP could have massive impact on warzones, at least temporarily but that being said maybe it might get the juices of interest in PvP happening for some people to pick it up again.
  5. PVP on this server is shot, I play on both pubs and empire. If I play on pubs we win if I play on empire its a wipe. Lately I've been playing more on empire trying to see if the situation really is that bad and it is. As republic i used to think it was fun, smashing empire chasing em down and killing em, now when the shoes on the other foot I just see it as sad. So what to do I do, I switch to pub side and start getting some wins but the taste of victory is bitter sweet, half the war zones are against other republic and the other half are just kill fests with no challenge. It seems on empire side every time I meet a new 55 excited about PvP they last about a day or two before saying "whats the point" and thats the question what is the point, the Merc comm gear grind is bad enough without adding in all the constant losing = little comm gain, so I go back to Pub and join the masses. People have said it will switch that its a cycle but in all the years I've been playing mmo's I don't think Ive eve seen PvP as bad as it is right now on this server. I know people have tried to change it, switching across, teaching new players etc and that's great but I don't see it taking any effect, what I am seeing is the excitement of rated warzones dwindling away very fast as new pvp empire players realise they haven't got a chance. I had a family member tell me he wanted to come play and join up, he likes playing the "Bad Guy" in all mmo's and is a bloody good PvP'er, told him tonight don't bother, wait until the next big mmo comes out and we will give the a run together, mainly because I don't want to cop the grief of him when he experiences PvP. So when im next on Pub fleet and I see the usual comments like "im sick of playing pubs v pubs, think back to when ya camped the respawn point against empire and barelly let them get down before dying in huttball etc, thats why we have to play other republic a heap and all i can say is Its very sad. Just an opinion, maybe its time for a change.
  6. Hi guys, if anyone can help me out that would be great because this is doing my head in. Im a Lethality spec sniper, Ive read these forums, guides and everything in between trying to get my gear right - im asking for advice but even if that points me to an appropriate guide Id be greatly appreciative. At the moment my Leth-Sniper is in full Conq gear so i have my 2018 expertise, the two things im wondering but is my accuracy and surge, my accuracy is 97.17 or 107.17 on specials/tech, do I need this to hit 100/110 and to do so should i sacrifice cunning or power to do so whether it be from Augments or Enhancements, the same goes for my surge, its at 69.94 and once again ive sacrificed to get it to close to the 70. i want to be able to at least impact someone wearing Obroan set and basically I'm trying to work out whether to cap these and work around the stats for the rest as I work towards getting my Obroan gear. The way I see it is Obroan gear is a long enough grind and id rather have my stats in the right place working towards that grind then not. I dont know im so lost atm I dont know were to go with this and im on a server thats heavily dominated by republic which isnt helping. Im not a big numbers cruncher etc or into theory crafting I basically want to know all things being equal I can do some decent damage and pull my weight. Ive got my rotation/spec down to were i wont it (I read so much im overloaded with information ). I did sacrifice cunning and a small amount of power so far to get to those above numbers and have noticed a bit more penetration on my cull etc. As I said any help advice on anything to do with Lethality and PvP would be great. Thanks for your time Jon
  7. Hi guys, if anyone can help me out that would be great because this is doing my head in. Im a Lethality spec sniper, Ive read these forums, guides and everything in between trying to get my gear right - im asking for advice but even if that points me to an appropriate guide Id be greatly appreciative. At the moment my Leth-Sniper is in full Conq gear so i have my 2018 expertise, the two things im wondering but is my accuracy and surge, my accuracy is 97.17 or 107.17 on specials/tech, do I need this to hit 100/110 and to do so should i sacrifice cunning or power to do so whether it be from Augments or Enhancements, the same goes for my surge, its at 69.94 and once again ive sacrificed to get it to close to the 70. i want to be able to at least impact someone wearing Obroan set and basically I'm trying to work out whether to cap these and work around the stats for the rest as I work towards getting my Obroan gear. The way I see it is Obroan gear is a long enough grind and id rather have my stats in the right place working towards that grind then not. I dont know im so lost atm I dont know were to go with this and im on a server thats heavily dominated by republic which isnt helping. Im not a big numbers cruncher etc or into theory crafting I basically want to know all things being equal I can do some decent damage and pull my weight. Ive got my rotation/spec down to were i wont it (I read so much im overloaded with information ). I did sacrifice cunning and a small amount of power so far to get to those above numbers and have noticed a bit more penetration on my cull etc. As I said any help advice on anything to do with Lethality and PvP would be great. Thanks for your time Jon
  8. If you don't like it, don't play it. Bloody hell its just a mount, never ceases to amaze me how people can get shirty at the smallest insignificant things, ffs their bigger issues in the world. Get a grip:mad:
  9. I havnt been able to buy cartel coins in store for about a month now, living in Australia we don't have cards I can buy here as far as I know and my paypal doesn't work either. Ive spoken to customer support about the issue and the have been bloody useless informing me id have to wait a month. It has been a complete joke and eventually I had to buy coin cards from ebay. I hope another mmo takes my fancy sooner rather then later so I can piss off this ****** customer service and spend my hard earned coin elsewhere. Whoever heard of a business that doesn't want profit or cash, WHAT A JOKE!
  10. hehe yeah your probably right, fingers crossed it doesnt take too long.
  11. Original Server: Jekk'Jekk Tarr Character Names: Vol'ryn Destination: Dalborra issue: Drop down buttons do not work, tried Firefox and Internet Explorer. The cursor changes to hand but nothing happens when I click on it.
  12. Hi all, I was just wondering if because of faction inbalance on my server ( and others from what ive read) if anyone thinks it would be a good idea to reduce the number of kills required on Ilum from 30 to 15 and the win's in a warzone maybe reduced to 2 or 1. Today it took me a long time to get my kills on Ilum, I was in an Ops group and we had to play it cagey because we were outnumbered or seemed to be anyway hehe. So we played it smart but overall it took me roughly 3-4 hours to complete the Ilum daily. Then came the wzone and that literally took me all day to get the 3 wins. Now I dont want dailys to be super easy (criscrossing imp/rep nodes on Ilum was stupid) but i dont want to spend my whole Saturday trying to complete them too. I think im one of the lucky ones because i have the time to invest in doing them but wouldnt this be really hard on the servers minority faction casual PvP'ers? Anyway I give a little bit of thought and I think it maybe should be looked into but if im wrong thats cool too because theres probably other factors i havent thought of. Anyway thanks for reading. MTFBWY
  13. Well said, exactly what I was thinking.
  14. Maybe you guys should of released some Oceanic Servers from the start even though the countrys werent scheduled for purchase release, wouldve stopped us clamming up the US west coast servers for one.
  15. This is Awesome news, being an Aussie my CE wasnt due to arrive till the 21st. Thankyou Bioware, much appreciated.
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