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Everything posted by Ryvirath

  1. Everyone loves to win and there's a couple little mindset things that help you win no matter the class or matchup. -Always- find something you could have done better. Assume that your team would have won if you performed just a bit better regardless of how skilled your team might have been. Even if you win, find something you did wrong. Blaming things on which you have no control (bioware, teammates, lag, etc...) just puts you in a foul mood. Actively learn and adapt to the nuances of every class in solo queue (especially the pure dps matchups.) There -is- a solo ranked specific playstyle. It is not the same as regular warzones or team ranked. Most important, always always stop queuing after a string of three losses in a row. Statistically, the majority of my losses come after losing three games. I've noticed a substantial reduction in effectiveness when I'm in a poor mood (which results in more losses and a perpetuation of the poor mood which results in more losses etc...). Stopping after three losses might be unsatisfying, but it's better to cash out while you are ahead.
  2. There's a couple little mindset things that help you win no matter the class or matchup. -Always- find something you could have done better. Assume that your team would have won if you performed just a bit better regardless of how skilled your team might have been. Blaming things on which you have no control (bioware, teammates, lag, etc...) just puts you in a foul mood. Actively learn and adapt to the nuances of every class in solo queue (especially the pure dps matchups.) There -is- a solo ranked specific playstyle. It is not the same as regular warzones or team ranked. Most important, always always stop queuing after a string of three losses in a row. Statistically, the majority of my losses come after losing three games. I've noticed a substantial reduction in effectiveness when I'm in a poor mood (which results in more losses and a perpetuation of the poor mood which results in more losses etc...). Stopping after three losses might be unsatisfying, but it's better to cash out while you are ahead.
  3. Ryvirath


    On the contrary, I think the solo queue is pretty consistently delineating the best players. I'm not looking at the leader boards and thinking those guys are just lucky. I'm thinking, yeah that's pretty consistent with what I know about the better players on my server. Pick something that you could have done better every game and work on it. Blaming your teammates might be cathartic, but the ratings favor those who can consistently carry their team. The luck variable hits everyone. Personal skill and communication are the only things in your control.
  4. This is probably the biggest problem with the game atm. The Oricon bosses are sensationally easy. I'm sorry the game has coddled you into believing you are better than you are, but it shouldn't be possible to be level 55 and struggle with Oricon bosses no matter your gear. Class quests should force people to learn about interrupts and rotations.
  5. Ryvirath

    Patch 2.5

    There will be very little change, you people are crazy. Shadow tanks will be insane; that's about the only real take away from the patch notes.
  6. What!? Don't do me like that Donna; also got a copy of Terethyn onto the Shadowlands.
  7. Without a doubt yes. In normal warzones I seem to gain 500 or so dps flat when switching from Pot5 (pvp) to the shadowlands (pve). At least a part of it is that players are so poorly geared in general on pve servers.
  8. The only thing you really miss from the full infil build is the acc/armor penetration talent and the guaranteed proc of your shadow technique. Not so much because you use discharge less, but because it does a fair amount of damage. Normal wzs it's no contest 31/15. Ranked arenas is a bit tougher to say.
  9. The removal of leap immunity is one of the better changes BW has made. My opinion: lower the periodic healing of kolto probe by 10%, emergency medpack now costs 10 energy and is refunded if below 30%. Make all healing generate supercharged gas for the merc and make supercharged gas grant 25% alacrity. Change the wtfrubbish talents (Peacekeeper and Kolto Jets) and replace them with the following: Emergent Triage 1/2: Healing a target below 50% health has a 50/100% chance to reduce the cooldown of Emergency scan by 9 seconds. Kolto Mastery: Targets affected by Kolto Shell receive 5/10% more healing from rapid scan, healing scan, rapid shots, emergency scan, and kolto missle.
  10. Min/maxed obroan is going to have roughly a 15% damage increase over pure green augd bolster stats. You have no way of picking up significant amounts of crit, alac, or surge with greens. It's also impossible to build a tank set with greens. That's a fairly large difference. I think the point you should be making is why are people so stupid, going into warzones with fully auged poorly tweaked gear that is worse then what a simple set of greens would get them. The difference between pure bolster/aug and min/max aug is significant. The difference between pure bolster/aug and generally ignorant gearing is a wash. Yes, it's frustrating to watch stupid people be stupid, but they aren't going anywhere.
  11. You are missing about 200 bonus damage with the greens... just saying.
  12. I get the feeling the OP frequently struggles with both captchas and the turing test. Sentience is hard, you'll get there some day!
  13. Yeah, darn you clever Bioware! Giving us free things to use then giving us more free things we wish we had saved the previous free things for. Why can't I just have all of my instant gratification at once? ARE YOU LISTENING BIOWARE? How dare you make me want to buy things by giving me free stuff. This is why I get into fistfights with the food sample vendors at costco. /evilcorporation somethingaboutea
  14. Why start off with the assumption that you are the only good player on your team? You can't become a better player with generalizations like 75% of my team always sucks. Statistically, that's extremely unlikely unless you are part of the group that sucks. Your first step should be to determine whether you can improve, not whether your team can improve. If that is your goal then you should start by posting anything at all relevant to your pvp experience. A short recorded video or even just a screenshot of your user interface could go a long way.
  15. How scary is an ungored ravage really? Tool tip damage barely exceeds series of shots. So, while I agree the buff might be a tad inelegant simply because marauders possess the same ability, it's not a bad change. It's probably enough of a nudge to make vigilance a real contender for 'meta' arena dps. Along with the anni changes (6 second uptime on annihilate within 30 seconds of arena combat could prove interesting) and the operative/scoundrel cover nerf it's one of the more intelligent patch decisions. Certainly compared to the shadow/sin buffs and the blandness of the madness buffs it was extremely well done.
  16. If you don't mind showing the equivalency calculations for crit and power I'd love to see it.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong. Instead of sitting at 33% damage reduction as a full tank sins will be sporting around 48% damage reduction post patch (with the loss of heals). That's a pretty massive buff anyway you slice it. I kind of agree that they are simply creating the 1.0 situation all over again. Too tanky in pve, too much damage/tankiness in pvp. Regardless, they are clearly listening which is a positive thing.
  18. I absolutely disagree with stacking health over mitigation. Unshieldable damage (crits, elemental, internal) make up about 35% of all the attacks you'll encounter. You are guarding a target so the number actually becomes smaller. Heavy shield, heavy absorb, a decent amount of aim and always always pick up ~130 surge. Do not touch defense with a thirty foot pole and aim for about 34k health. Having more health doesn't change the rate of healing or damage and will lose out to mitigation in any fight exceeding 45 seconds.
  19. This. Provided you bring a healer, tank, and two dps you can beat anything. It might be harder to win with say a commando heals, shadow tank, and two soundrel scrappers, but it's far from impossible. If a target is not a tank and not guarded it can be dropped in two to four GCDs no matter the comp. It's all about CC coordination, something that even the very best teams sorely lack.
  20. Correct me if I'm wrong but the 6%+ force crit chance affects shatter as well as all your bleeds (count as force damage). That makes taking brutality a very natural choice for the dispatch procs. I'd definitely lose the sunder stuff as unyielding pretty much covers rage resources. Then it's kind of between payback and strangulate. For both normal warzones and arenas the faster stun is invaluable. Payback has its merits, but it's going to have only one application in most arenas whereas strangulate will get you at least one extra choke. As per the original question, pooled hatred is terrible. If it procced on damage with a .5 second rate limit at 5% instead of 4% it would be worthwhile. As it is, the dps gain is tragically small. Side note: seething hatred should just go ahead and boost melee crit damage by 5/10%. It's utterly worthless.
  21. This is a fairly easy answer. There's a lot of interesting comps that can work, but there's only one indispensable competitive class and that's operative healers.
  22. Given a large enough sample, adequate participation, and class balance; rank works (arguably some of these criteria are not met). The better players with the better classes are pushing 80%+ in solo queues and that's how it should be.
  23. Stopped playing for a bit, level your pot5 commando so I can nomnom Oricon and arenas with you.
  24. Where tf did you go? Donnnaaaaa....
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