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Everything posted by galliant

  1. There is no need for a fix on this since it is working as intended. The 26-27 schematics were never sold from a vendor, so same way if you want better schematics you need to reverse a 30-31 mod. This is on par with the old 400 schematics from vendor where you only got the A ones as well. So in no way should we receive a schematic from trainer that is better than the ones you get from reversing a drop, even if it is a 27 one. More, are the As schematics so bad for companions? No, you are just using this as an excuse to cry for better recipes for no trouble. If your companions is already equipped with 27s BIS then you need to use drops or 30-31 crafts. Again like it used to work pre 2.0. Last, if you compare the other crew skills you will notice that they get the best 28 schematic available (like hilt, barrel, enhancement etc) but so does Cyber with Armorings. Giving cyber the best for mods as well would just make an op profession even more op (mind you i already have all crew skills so i wouldn't' mind receiving such a buff but it would cause more balance issues)
  2. I tried soloing him with most of my toons. He did enrage on my assassin tank, but he was in a mix of 61/63/69 (about 32k hp) and the comp i had out was the heal wearing mostly his starter gear (about 16k hp). He enraged from the ~5-6th core, but managed to kill him with enrage in my 3rd try. The thing i had to do was to kill the outer cores first due to the fact that after you destroy them you get hit for about 19-20k if he is enraged so my comp always died. The inner ones just spawn the 2 strong adds so there is no problem with them. When i engaged the enraged boss i just popped every legacy ability and every def cd i had and managed to kill him with a97% hp left. In conclusion, both fps can be soloed easily if you and your comp are about 61/63s at least. More difficult if you or your comp are not that geared
  3. Since the scamper bug is still occurring, with several reports from several players why isn't it listed in the known issues? It's getting really annoying trying to pvp with so many knock backs around
  4. Same problem with my body type 1 scoundrel, body type 2 scoundrel and body type 1 powertech, all single blaster users
  5. Λίγα λόγια για εμάς Οι Odyssey είναι το μεγαλύτερο ελληνικό Republic guild στο SWTOR. Βρισκόμαστε στον σέρβερ Tomb of Freedon Nadd και ασχολούμαστε κυρίως με το pve κομμάτι του παιχνιδιού, αν και έχουμε casual και pvp-only μέλη. Σκοπός μας είναι να έχουμε μια φιλική κοινότητα με συνεργασία ανάμεσα στα μέλη μας και να διασκεδάζουμε στο SWTOR. Playstyle Δεν είμασταν ουτε και θα γίνουμε ποτέ ελιστιστές! Βοηθάμε όλα τα μέλη μας που ενδιαφέρονται να συμμετάσχουν στα operation μας και τα εκτιμούμε περισσότερο από την πρόοδο μας. Αυτός είναι και ο λόγος που έχουμε υιοθετήσει ενα πιο casual τρόπο να κάνουμε τα operation μας. Παρόλα αυτά και παρά τις δυσκολίες που παρουσιάζει ο μικρός αριθμός ελλήνων παιχτών είμαστε περήφανοι για την συνεχή μας μέχρι σήμερα πρόοδο στα operation του SWTOR. Τι ψάχνουμε? Ψάχνουμε έλληνες παίχτες ανεξάρτητα από ικανότητα και εμπειρία σε mmorpg με μοναδική προυπόθεση να έχουν μια ώριμη παρουσία και να συνεισφέρουν στο guild. Όποιος ενδιαφέρεται να γίνει μέλος του guild μας μπορεί να κάνει μια αίτηση στο site μας odyssey-guild.eu ή να μιλήσει σε κάποιον από τους ακόλουθους officer μας στο παιχνίδι (Demian, Boeotian, Galliant και Jun'ta).
  6. Can u upload a log where u start at 0 focus, cause since sentinel isn't my main class i'm still trying to figure out some stuff, and logs give out many specifics on rotations and secondary stats that could hep me
  7. Galliant - Republic - Odyssey Armoring Advanced Might Armoring 27 Advanced Commando Armoring 27 Mods Advanced Deft Mod 27 Enhancement Advanced Acute Enhancement 27 Advanced Initiative Enhancement 27 Advanced Insight Enhancement 27
  8. Galliant - Republic - Odyssey Armoring Advanced Skill Armoring 26 Mods Advanced Aptitude Mod 27 Advanced Deft Mod 26 Advanced Weighted Mod 26B Enhancement Advanced Adept Enhancement 27
  9. Galliant - Republic - Odyssey Implant Black Hole Demolisher's MK-1 Implant Black Hole Duelist's MK-1 Implant Black Hole Pummeler's MK-1 Package Armoring Advanced Resolve Armoring 26 Mods Advanced Agile Mod 26 Advanced Aptitude Mod 26 Advanced Aptitude Mod 26A Advanced Artful Mod 26 Advanced Elusive Mod 26 Advanced Keen Mod 26B Advanced Mettle Mod 26B Advanced Robust Mod 26 Enhancement Advanced Acute Enhancement 26 Advanced Adept Enhancement 26 Advanced Assault Enhancement 26 Advanced Bastion Enhancement 26 Advanced Battle Enhancement 26 Advanced Bulwark Enhancement 26 Advanced Cognizant Enhancement 26 Advanced Intuition Enhancement 26 Advanced Volition Enhancement 26
  10. I think it's more like this: 5 x 7 = 35 just from doing a random HM Flashpoint every day ( if you do a tier 1, you won't be able to get another 5 for LI alone) 5 x 3 = 15 for the SM ops, as stated correctly 48 from EC in SM and Hm, but think that these are usually guild runs so you won't take the 5 from group finder for the story mode since you won't queue for this, but if you won't queue for this the reward won't be available for the EV and KP SM too, and so on 12 from KP nightmare 8 from the weekly for killing the 3rd boss in Denova in either mode 6 from Black Hole weekly 8 from Rangkoul Infections To sum up a total of 132 BH comms, minus the 5-15 for the story mode ops EDIT: forgot the Nightmare Pilgrim which I haven't killed yet since we never gather 16 people. I think it provides 4 bh comms.
  11. Don't forget that having a tionese piece provides you the bonus of the sets, which I have done on my shadow tank and just exchanged the mods with some 136-140 rating mods i had so i got a very good piece that still provided the bonus of the set. Some set bonuses are too good to ignore (like the shadow tank's one) and you can't have it with 49 purples or orange ones with 50-51-54-56-61-... mods
  12. 1. Naboo 2. Endor 3. Dathomir 4. Kashyyk 5. Telos 6. Mirial
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