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Everything posted by Brucesim

  1. It's the requirement to use a BFG that has stopped me from rolling a commando. In my opinion they look bloody stupid. If they could use a normal rifle, I might actually roll one.
  2. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I'm having a similar issue with UT at the moment. it seems there are 3-5 companion gifts in the list at ALL times. There are times when I get 5 gift missions several time in a row. Can the gift missions be made less frequent please?
  3. I'm one of those that hated it. I vote no in lieu of an opt out.
  4. I don't know where this idea comes from. Been subbed since Dec. 2011. Currently running a couple of characters with NO xp boosts at all (not in guilds), and I'm having no trouble keeping leveled with quests. I do most sides etc, don't do any pvp and VERY few fp's. I do wish people would stop spouting this mantra, as from my experience, there is no truth in it.
  5. Well, I'm a subscriber, and the last thing I want is xp boosts. We already get them gratis throughout the storyline. Is that not enough? I already have 12 or so boosters unused on one toon. Rep token I know nothing about. As I don't buy them of the CM, I've not had a lot to do with them.
  6. My latest toon I run with just the guild xp boost. No other boosts at all. Another I have made a point of keeping out of a guild, and use no boosts. I have 12 various xp boosters unused. And then we get some that are pleading for "double xp weekend", and can't understand why some people don't want it.
  7. Not to mention he is totally wrong. Most of my toons are tanks, and with a high presence (which is almost impossible to avoid with the human legacy bonus) your companions will have a higher hp than your toon till mid-late game, geared or not.
  8. Or a clandestine officers outfit.
  9. You are missing the point. What I'm saying is that say you are on Nar Shaddaa, at level 27 for instance, you cant craft the level 27 gear, because you will never find the mats you need for that gear on Nar Shaddaa. Planetary comms help you get around that, but if you have a full set of orange gear, good luck getting enough comms to keep up. And the more you outlevel a planet (as double xp will exacerbate) the worse it becomes. My operative is level 25 on Nar Shaddaa, and has only used 1 xp token (on the starting planet), and still has 1/2 Nar Shadda to go. So while my level 27 example might be an exaggeration, it's not by much. This is why I say we need an opt out option. Or do you think it's fair that those who don't want a double xp period should be forced to not play the game while said double xp is running?
  10. So those that don't have to suck the hind t.i.t? I guess having options is not an option, hmmm? edit: I cant believe t.i.t sans stops is filtered.
  11. If they do it, they gotta have an opt out option. It's impossible to keep your gear up to date (thinking cybertech here) when you've outleveled the planet you are on, and you cant gather mats required to update because the current planet is set to drop mats 2 generations out of date.
  12. A GF group doesn't have a leader iirc. And you cant be kicked from a GF group except by a vote kick. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
  13. The better question would be "will Bioware ever answer this question, let alone fix the problem". Personally I would rather a hood toggle have priority of this.
  14. In a way they do. Go back to Dromund Kaas when you are level 30 and run through a clutch of mobs. 90% of the time the mobs won't attack you.
  15. All they would need to do is redo the top so that the front flap is the same size as the rear flap. 90% of the clipping would go, and it would be more aesthetically pleasing. At the moment my Inquisitor uses this set with the bastila leggings swapped in, and a red/black dye on the top. Looks quite snazzy. Cheers Bruce
  16. I'm getting access denied. And yes, I'm logged in. Cheers Bruce
  17. It does unlock the pack when using the customisation kiosk. I changed one toon to use one of the new hairstyles, then later created another toon using another style from the pack.
  18. /signed I very rarely post on the fora, but I have to sign this thread. In this country (New Zealand) the fair trading act stipulates that a service or good must not be miss-represented. It could be argued that the previous developer posts have done exactly that, and as such they are in breach of the act. Food for thought Bioware. If you do business in a country, you are bound by their laws, even if you are a foreign company. Cheers Bruce
  19. You could use a symbol for the i. Alt-161 or Alt-141 (on the numpad) will give you a name that looks almost identical. And it may scotch any (admittedly rare) gold sellers that want to sell there wares. Cheers Bruce
  20. I wonder if the CM dye packs will work with this? If so, I can see the CM will only stock the common colours. The ones that people most want will either be CE (which would suck if they cant be on-sold) or they will be random drops (even worse if they are random pvp drops). Cheers Bruce
  21. From New Zealand my ping on harbinger is 170-260. Now while I don't pvp or do ops, I have absolutely no problems playing the game. If I did pvp or raid that opinion my change, but at the moment it strikes me that we have more than a few drama queens on the south side of the equator. Cheers Bruce
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