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10 Good
  1. a well written petition critical on all points an couldnt have been said any better /signed
  2. yeah same im hoping too, my bro an i play religiously but with our work schedules its hard...weve both completed all the class storys an most of the ops, but we both love lvling new toons via. pvp and other means an some storys are jus fantastic to play through again an again.
  3. Heya folks i was just wondering if anyone knows when our next double exp weekend will be ive done a pretty thorough search of the forums an cant find anything but old posts. My brother an i play this game to the bone but it kinda sucks cause he works an i work alot an we both wanna play our toons but can never get much done as far as content goes. Would be really great if anyone could answer this as we both watch the dev tracker an other posts vigorusly looking for this! thanks in advance!
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