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Everything posted by StarMagus

  1. And yet, over the past week I have run 12 flashpoints and not failed one of them. The only thing all of your failures have in common... is you.
  2. I do have to wonder why people come on the forums and present their complain as a problem that they need help solving. It's clear they don't really want help solving the problem as they tend to get really snippy when you tell them what they need to do. "Oh sure, all of those methods would easily fix this problem that I have. I don't want to do ANY of them. So other than all the easy ways for me to solve my problem, Bioware has made it impossible for me to solve this issue!" Riiiiiiigggghhhhttttt.....
  3. I wonder how the OP came up with their 75% number. What if it was 74% or even 92%? What is the standard deviation of their findings? Was the number 75% or 75.0%?
  4. All comps can be either DPS, Tank or Heals. Choosing the comp you prefer has nothing to do with the fact that you have picked the wrong stance to put them in for the fight you are trying to beat and with the skills and gear you have. You have a couple of easy to do viable options. 1. Put the Comp into Heal Stance. 2. Level up the companions influence so they are stronger.
  5. There are 3 specs that Juggs can be, only 1 of them is Tank. The more you know.... *cues music*
  6. Why would it be time? This is an American Game based off an American IP.
  7. I made no judgment on their actions or if it was good or bad or whatever. You're clearly reading into my statement what you want to, not what was actually said.
  8. I'm pretty sure he's talking about FF14, which does indeed have raids of 8 people. Launched in 2010, crashed and burned and was so bad it got yanked off the market. Relauched in 2013? or so and is currently the number 2 subscription based MMO behind WoW.
  9. And yet Wildstar, which was focused on catering to high end raiders and people who wanted their MMOs to be brutal and challenging... crashed and burned.
  10. Answer: No. Reason: He hasn't been introduced yet back into the story so there is no way to kill him.
  11. Actually what is on the decline is the idea that in order to play an MMO you have to spend hours of time out of the MMO reading theory crafting, watching raid videos, reading raid summeries, ect ect ect. The information that you need to play the game should be in the game. You should be able to learn to raid, by actually raiding, if that's your thing. We're closer to having that in this game then ever before, and I'm happy about it.
  12. Guys, I've decided the OP is right. I found this last night and it shows what happens when a raider walks into an area with non-raiders to show off his fancy gear.
  13. Still over your head. Your reflexes are not so good that can jump it and catch it.
  14. I'm waiting for a post from the people who RP the naked Twi'leck dancers complaining about how their community matters and how the rest of the game population looks up to them and admires them as something to aspire to and what all is possible in this game with enough hard work. We need them on those tables, dancing and shaking their characters pixels. Damn right they ordered the Code Red.
  15. He didn't have to explain to her.... The Point Your Head
  16. If you have to explain why you are famous... you aren't famous at all. Or... Any man who must say, "I am the king" is no true king. Basically the fact that somebody has to explain who the "famous" raiding guild is, and why they are so important to the rest of the community has just proven that they aren't important at all.
  17. The OP kinda reminds me of the scene from the Breakfast Club where Claire is convinced that everybody else in the school looks up to and admires her group. The only people who care about NiM raiding, are the people involved in it.
  18. In 4.0 companion conversations are tied to main story progression not affection levels. So when I did the romance first, it all happened after the main quest story and her conversation about her life being complicated and wanting a break seemed fine. When I did the romance path in 4.0 things unlocked in a totally different way because her wanting to take a break because things were complicated for her happened in the middle of the Sith Inq's darkest hour. So it seemed really selfish.
  19. The only one other than the Emp who defies fate and set's their own course. That isn't the most powerful being, just the only independent actor. Of course the Emp could just being blowing smoke up your wazoo.
  20. I think the flirt 3 times options = together 4 life is pretty much the default. I recently made a new Sith Inq and followed the story as it was progressing and talking to companions the second their conversation became available. My guy got into a relationship with Ashara, and then right when the following was all happening to him.... 1. A powerful member of the Dark Council is trying to kill him. 2. He has ghosts in his head that are not only trying to take over his body, but are slowly killing him. 3. Everything that he owns is being taken from him and killed including other apprentices by the Dark Council Guy. Ashara pulls this... "I'm not so sure we should be together, things are complicated for me right now and I just don't know if I can keep violating the Jedi code by being in a relationship. Totes sorry!" For whatever reason it struck me as one of the coldest things you can do to a person in the middle of the worst moment in their life. Like telling somebody who is dying from cancer and in the middle of aggressive Chemo that your life is really complicated right now and you need to take a break from being with them while you sort your stuff out. I spent the rest of the game trying to break up with her, telling her nope didn't want to sleep with her, didn't want to marry her, didn't want anything from her. I still got a stupid love letter from her that a character who had romanced her fully from start to finish including marrying and wanting kids got. It's like what is wrong with you woman, I don't want you... stop acting like we are still a couple.
  21. Your character has the title in the story, people refer to you as if you've done the story. However the floating golden name plate above your character that has nothing to do with the story and is 100% vanity doesn't have the option. You get the vanity name plates for actually doing the quests, not skipping them.
  22. Sure and the Canon sources are wildly different. In the movies he's slow, his form sucks, and he gets owned by somebody with at most a year of training. In another canon source he's basically able to take on the avengers by himself.
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