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  • Location
    Bellevue, Nebraska USA
  • Occupation
    Playing SW: TOR
  1. Yeah, all the servers are down but there's no description in the server alert. At first I thought the update broke something but it seems the problem is universal.
  2. My problem is the mission locks up when I get the Shield Control Console. It goes into a conversation prompt and, noting. I've gotten stuck at the same point after several reloads.
  3. Seems the overall consensus is no on a new cinematic trailer. Pity. Those were well done. Better than the game itself or even the movies for that matter. Ah well, hopefully 6.0 will have a good story to go with the renewed battle between the Empire and Republic. Something to justify the gear grinding I've been doing on Osus.
  4. The game is still fun but is very much lacking in players now. I love playing my Smuggler still but it's getting harder and harder to do so with my lvl 50 Smuggler given the lack of players. I haven't done an ops run since January IIRC and I don't think I've even done a FP on Ilum since February. I WANT to keep on playing the game but it's getting harder and harder to find a reason to do so.
  5. Mine is the "pimp suit" one or very similar to it. I don't mind the long coat but it's the collar the freaks me out. Not even the 70's had such radical collars. I like the low and mid lvl "Han Solo" looking outfits better.
  6. Maybe I just don't have enough practice with it yet as I just recently acquired proton torpedoes but is anyone else having difficulty actually firing them? I've pulled it off a couple times on the spire on space stations or the command center on Sith battlecruiser (I'm playing Smuggler) but more often than not I somehow don't get the lock-on and/or fire the torpedo even though I'm holding the right-click button down on those specific targets. Any pointers?
  7. My Sawbones approves of this request as well. Lots of characters and toons have gear slung over their should, no reason the Scoundrel can't have the same I think.
  8. Any time DA doesn't work for me it's usually been against an Elite who will not go out of agro on me. Or at least that's when I've noticed it happening but not always.
  9. I think the mistake I made was I picked up Bowdaar last on Nar Shada and then went off to Tattooine with his default gear which is NOT holding up against basic enemies. I working on getting him better equipped but it's a slow process and I don't want to use what little money I have (spent a big chunk of it on speeder training) to equip him. In short, make sure you don't sell all the gear you and Corso don't use. Heck, I didn't even realize you could equip the droid on the ship until recently.
  10. My Smuggler (Scoundrel-Sawbones) is awesome. She's a great medic and is always appreciated in group battles. Heck, I even heal random people when going from A to B on my own missions. I started a Jedi alt when my character was stuck on Taris for a couple days but the moment it as fixed I haven't gone back (I will eventually but no time soon). Plus, she's got some hilarious lines, a cute giggle when certain skills or abilities activate and as others have said, the careful and tactical nature she must be playing in this game is appealing. And yes, I channel my inner Han Solo, Malcolm and Spike when playing. Out to make a few creds but a heart of gold. I'm the exact same way with the Mass Effect series. I'm a huge champion of the engineer class.
  11. My healer has saved the day with a lot of the group fights I've been in. it's all about energy management. heck, there have been a few boss fights where I literally didn't fire a shot, I'm just constantly healing and keeping the dps/tanks in the fight.
  12. I've run into a couple female NPCs who have a striking resemblance to my Smugger. Hair style (short) and color (red), skin tone (light but not pasty) and everything.
  13. So my Dad stops by yesterday and I of course happen to be playing TOR and he looks at my female Smuggler (a medium physical build, not the short petite or the tall amazon build) and notes, "She has a butt J-Lo would be proud of." To which I laughed and told him it's not my fault some designers at Bioware have a fanny fetish. I told him if he thought that was bad (or good depending on your POV) then he should see how they focus on it during certain conversation cut scenes which I showed him and he laughed some more. I then went on to show him the combat and he was quite fond of the shotgun and groin kick attack and quickly understood why I'm addicted to this game. Anyone else have a TOR sharing moment?
  14. My Smuggler told Satele to build a big statue of her if she died, a big and EXPENSIVE one! LOL! The group I was with was impressed with her response.
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