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Posts posted by AngryErik

  1. I say Yes. So i have these Nice items and I cant even Sell them. What is the point of keeping any crafting skill after you make them.


    Should be noted that you wouldn't be able to sell BOA items either.


    That being said, my vote would be a resounding no. Each profession provides (or at least, should in an ideal world) a unique advantage. To have a toon with the best of everything would encourage a steep curve - you aren't ready to raid the HMs until you have every BIS from every crafting prof.

  2. Thought it'd be interesting to see what people would say is the best part of their story driven experience.


    For me, it was a letter I got from a quest NPC near the end of Taris.


    A trio of captured Republic scouts was brought to me for questioning, but all had suffered severe radiation poisoning. Apparently, at least one nekghoul escaped the reactor you destroyed --albeit temporarily.


    The prisoners were attacked by what they described as a "glowing, flaming rakghoul", which I must confess forced me to leave the room for several minutes. By the time I stopped laughing, two prisoners had succumbed to poisoning from their contact with the creature.


    Regardless, the thought of an irradiated nekghoul tearing through Republic forces in its final moments filled me with unexpected glee. I simply had to share.


    Someone give the writer of this letter a bonus; I've kept it in my mailbox on all 3 of my toons, purely for laughs.

  3. I just made another alt... female toon this time.


    Customized, couldn't think of a name, so I just started hitting randoms. Found a few that I liked, they were taken. So, I decided to widen the parameters a bit and accept "female-ish" names.


    It took no less (I counted :)) than 18 random names being accepted, before I found one that was not already in use.


    Would it -really- be so hard to make the random name generator choose a random name not already in use on the server?

  4. So, I can see how it could be either.


    Hydraulic Override - Provides 8 seconds of free movement, and increases movement speed by 30%


    The problem I'm having is that it's not increasing my movement speed by 30% - that is a noticeable increase... my speed increase is a fizzle at best.


    My thought is that if this isn't a bug, the speed increase simply does not stack with Sprint and Pneumatic Boots (where pneumatic boots provides a constant 15% speed increase). If that's the intended effect, it still gives me free movement and I can be happy with the extra 15% movement.


    But, it could just as easily be a bug... inquisitors/consulars have a speed boost that sends them away at an insane speed. Given that it's inconsistent, I'd like to make sure it's known.

  5. Probably already people complaining about this. But I'm going to complain too.


    Light Armor classes get a full set of mod-able gear at a very early level. Whats more, it actually looks cool and not like, well, a patchwerk abomination.


    Being a tank, I can't wear light armor. No, the armor mod does NOT give it the same armor as a heavy piece. In fact, the light armor with the exact same mod, has a substantially lower AC. Not complaining about that... don't mind that I can't tank in light armor!


    I do mind not being able to wear social gear, simply because I rolled a class with a heavy armor requirement.


    I also mind not being able to stick my romance companion in slave dancer gear :o


    Are there any plans to implement these in the near future?

  6. Except there is no balance to consider when it comes to medicine. The analogy is totally flawed.


    On top of that, I will never use something made by the community. I will only use things made and implemented in a mandatory fashion by the official developer. That is a perfectly legitimate stance.


    You want to use things created by the community and not official. That is also a perfectly legitimate stance.


    However, because you using said things made by the community gives you an advantage I don't have, my stance is right, while yours is wrong.


    If it were the other way around, then mine would be wrong and yours would be right. But as it stands, everyone already uses what the official developer provides. It's those who want addons that want to have advantages that those only using the official product don't have.


    As such, the developer has more reason to not implement addons because they want people to be paying THEM and buying more expansions from THEM, as the one and only true source of content for their game. They are the be all and end all, and many players will only buy and use things from them.


    If they want to keep said players happy, they'll not implement addons. And if they don't implement addons, they will also keep those who want addons happy, because it is an optional feature that isn't going to make people unsubscribe, seeing as it isn't part of the actual game's content.


    In short: addons have no place in a commercial online game where everyone needs to be equal both for game balance and to not feel unfair treatment.


    In short, this is completely off topic. This topic is about MACROS, not Addons.


    But, since I can let something sit, my rebuttal:


    If they want to keep players happy, they will let the players do what the players want. It's not about rage quitting, it's about long term subscriptions. People who tire of the game because the interface is not ideal will simply not last. And that hurts the game as a whole.


    What your post seems to be concerned about, is unfair advantages. There is nothing, save your stubborn ideals, preventing you from leveling the playing field and using the addons that work for you. You hide this concern under the guise of "only using what is official".


    I on the other hand, do not fight fair. I will kick you in the nuts, I will pull your hair, I will scratch your eyes. And I will use addons in a game, because they give me what I need to maximize my efficiency. Nothing stops you from doing the same.


    Abstaining from something does not give you the right to make others abstain from it. I realize that at this point you're saying that the devs have not included addons, which means that the inverse of my argument is also true: lacking addons does not mean we should force everyone to use them.


    Here's the difference though; giving the person the choice, is better than making it for them. Giving me the flexibility to make my UI look better, giving me the flexibility to be more aware of my surroundings, and be more productive with less time, is better than telling me to use something that is rigid, inflexible, and nowhere near ideal.

  7. ...what?


    This is a multiplayer game.

    A multiplayer game with competitive PvP aspects.

    A multiplayer game where everyone needs to be equal for balance.


    With addons, you force everyone to use ALL EXISTING ADDONS at the same time to be equal with everyone else. That is not okay.


    This is absolutely nothing like medical treatment...


    It has everything to do with a person's choice. In my analogy, I chose medicine; idiot people often avoid medicine because they believe that rather than helping them, it will harm them. Others avoid medicine because they believe that it violates some code of ethics (or religion).


    In truth, people avoid addons out of principle, or because they feel it is not safe to do so.


    Lines up perfectly. In both cases, the problem is not the medicine/addons, the problem is the people who refuse to use them out of some misguided thought process.


    Nobody is forced to use all addons. Everyone is given the option of implementing addons to improve their efficiency in areas they believe it is needed. If you had a way to augment yourself in real life, would you? I would. Free buffs, for the taking - all yuo have to do is take them. But you don't want to.

  8. I don't want mods.

    Everyone's technical capabilities should be the same.

    Everyone's information on the screen should be the same.


    It's not fair giving people advantages through mods when some people refuse to use anything but official products made by the primary developer and officially, mandatorily added to the game.


    I am for macros though because they allow me to add /say and /yell quotes to my abilities, which is nice to have on an RPPvP server.


    By your logic, it's not fair to give medicine to sick people, because some idiots out there refuse to allow themselves to be treated. Especially when that mistrust is bred by being uninformed.

  9. You're already awesomesauce if you can manage all that. You don't need macros. We mere mortals don't need them either.


    I do manage all of that. Inefficiently... some of them I mouse click, for example. Each ability has a role, it gets used when it's time to use it.


    Macros make that inefficient management extremely efficient.

  10. 1-5 = easy access

    Shift+ 1-5 = easy access

    Ctrl + 1-5 = easy access

    Alt + 1-5 = easy access


    That's 20 buttons. You'll be set.


    I never have an issue and I play Marauder.


    I micromanage my pet, so ctrl 1-5 are taken


    I have more:

    1. Assault
    2. Sundering Assault
    3. Backhand
    4. Crushing Blow
    5. Retaliation
    6. Vicious Throw
    7. Smash
    8. Vicious Assault
    9. Ravage
    10. Force Scream
    11. Taunt
    12. Disruption
    13. Saber Ward
    14. Unleash
    15. Invincible
    16. Enrage
    17. Threatening Scream
    18. Force Charge
    19. Force Choke
    20. Force Push
    21. Pommel Strike
    22. Sweeping Slash
    23. Chilling Scream
    24. Savage Kick
    25. Intimidating Roar


    Those above are just abilities I use regularly. Others that I like to have on my bars:

    1. Shii-cho Form
    2. Guard
    3. Soresu Form
    4. My mount
    5. Sprint
    6. A medpack
    7. Call on the force
    8. My OOC channel heal
    9. My class buff


    Have I gotten past 20 yet? I count 34 abilities that I keep on my bars. You want me to have 34 hotkeys?

  11. The game is fine like it is, we dont need to be able to one button push to pvp, or to raid etc. thats so lame and I actually was very glad to see this game didnt have macros. macros ruined many MMO's and I hope that Bioware decides to keep the game the way it is , because first of all it is more challenging and you cant be lazy to pvp, raid or whatever. Im sorry but using macros in a already push button game is just lazy.


    Thank you so much for actually reading my OP, I'm so glad you saw the part where I specifically said I didn't want to one-button play, and where I specifically said that mind numbing button mashing is boring.


    +1 for you.

  12. I don't understand the argument that having smart sequence macros detracts from the game. it lets me be FAR more immersed in the game, because I can WATCH the game, and not my buttons.



    In large, I agree with you. This specifically, I disagree with. It's likely true to an extent for PVP, but for PVE it completely numbs the game down to button mashing... oh there's the fire, better move, and back to button mashing.


    Perhaps a compromise of smart sequences for reactives.. not a full rotation, but the chance to use reactives without staring at your bars.

  13. First, what I do not want:


    One button playing. Did that in Rift, it was fun for a day when I could say "hey lol look I'm playing with one finger". Also tried parachamp while it was OP. Fun for a day.


    What I do want:

    The ability to cast abilities in sequence, and the ability to have multiple spells castable with the same button, WITH a modifier key (shift/control/alt).


    What I am NOT asking for is an intelligent autocast, like Rift. I'm asking for the ability to cast an exact sequence -if one such ability is not ready, the sequence either waits for the ability, or the sequence will not even start.


    Why I want this:

    I've got an ability in almost every bar on my screen... I don't even have that many hotkeys. A little macro management will go a VERY long way towards cleaning up my interface.


    This does not reduce skill requirements, I could easily line up all 3 abilities and hit the hotkeys in order (assuming I mapped them). Just as easily as I could hit the same button 3 times to cast all 3 spells, in fact.


    This does not break gameplay, as it will not auto-cast reactives, priority-cast, or take any decision making away from the player.


    An example, perhaps, from the perspective of a sith juggernaut:

    Force Push, Saber Throw, Force Charge


    When do I use this exact rotation? Every time push is off CD. Is it a challenge for me to do? No. I have all 3 buttons lined up, and I press shift+1,shift+2,shift+3.


    Perhaps another example?

    Force Choke, Pommel Strike, Backhand


    Again, not going to break anything. Still pressing a row of hotkeys one after the other.


    Ultimately, I just want to clean up my interface, by turning 3+ buttons into one button.

  14. So, I don't mean to sound like a troll... and I must admit I'm using information found on the interweb - I take it with a grain of salt, and come to the forums for perhaps a second opinion.


    I'm a sith warrior. My crafting profession is artificing.


    And I have no companions with artificing bonuses. Am I supposed to be pigeonholed into certain profs, or otherwise be destined to make lower quality gear?


    Am I misunderstanding how the bonuses will affect crafting professions?

  15. *points to signature*


    If you suck, that's okay. But I don't want to raid with you if you suck.... and you may still want to raid with me even though you suck. I don't carry people, I raid with them.


    If you don't suck, dps meters won't matter.


    If you don't like people spamming meters, point out that it's rude to spam - do it 10 times in a row to make your point if you need to. They'll get the hint. If they don't, you should boot them from your group.


    DPS meters are neither a crutch, nor are the elitist. They're for progression, and for players to determine what works best for them. Anyone that uses them to epeen is simply using them wrong - but that's no reason to punish the rest of us.

  16. Maybe I just haven't seen it yet... if so, please kindly point me in the right direction.


    I've seen a huge number of duplicate threads - the community support staff close the thread and direct the viewers to an aggregate thread. A great way to consolidate feedback and keep your forums clean. It's also a good way to post one official response for all to see.


    Except I've yet to see any way to locate official responses... which frankly are what I'm looking for most of the time.


    Though I hate to draw comparisons between Blizzard and BW, I would like to reference their forums having a 'next blue post' button, which will take you through the massive number of player posts and get you to the meat of the thread... official posts/responses.


    It would be incredibly helpful.


    Also, server transfers please :)

  17. Still can't find the search button... sorry if this is a dup.


    Please give us server transfers. I would love to transfer off my 'full' server (which when I made my toon, was one of the lowest populations listed -incidentally, that was "high" :()


    Space Slug is my server, please please let me get off and onto a low pop server. I would be ever so happy.

  18. Just so you know I'm not lying, here are my specs. This was bought from Bestbuy and even setup by a Geeksquad computer expert:


    - 24" Viewsonic flatscreen monitor

    - Dell gaming mouse

    - Windows Seven Ultimate

    - Intel quadra processor

    - Memory with 12 gigabytes of ram power

    - One TERABYTE Hard Drive

    - BluRay player

    - Foxconn power supply with 400 wattage

    - Sound Blaster sound card

    - GE Force GT 520 video card


    So after getting a $1500 gaming computer ($2100 after signing up for the extended warranty and 2 years of Geeksquad protection) the Star Wars game is STILL laggy! Not only that, but it can take up to 40 minutes just to log in if I do it after getting home from work.

    I've verified with the Bestbuy salesperson that this computer should speed up my game, and if it's not then it's Star Wars' fault.

    Nice job Star Wars, you fail at making an MMO.


    First guess, the OP is trolling. But on the off-chance that it was a serious post, here is my serious answer:


    Rofl, what a **** machine. You got flat out robbed. My machine blows that out of the water, and I got it for $1,100 with a 3 year hardware warranty. Mind you, I must admit I did laugh that you accented the TERABYTE hard drive.


    And tell me, did your geek squad "experts" (of whom each that I've met knows less about computers than my 2y old son) troubleshoot the documented nvidia driver issue in this forum?

  19. You aren't beta testing. They aren't asking for your feedback.


    As for my anger, I direct it where it should be directed. At kittens.


    And they aren't telling their customers to suck it up, they're telling their customers that they're aware of it and working to fix the issue in a responsible fashion.

  20. Yes, they know. In fact I imagine they are getting a HUGE number of complaints about it already.


    Many wonder why. My theory is simple. They're balancing the population as much as they can, by effectively maxing out each server. The only way they can do that is by encouraging new people to join other servers... such as the ones without 2 hour queues.


    Many demand a fix. They will. All they have to do is change the caps on the servers... I haven't got any perf stats to see, and thus this is complete theory, but my guess is they could probably double the load on each server... which leads me to the next question?


    Why don't they fix it? Well, they are. Slowly. The purpose behind the rolling invites is to gradually increase the loads on their servers. I'm guessing that if you could see a real-time chart of the server populations, you'd see that they're all rising at an extremely consistent rate. Remember, they're rolling people in, not flooding people in.


    I'll cancel my sub if you don't fix it. Okay you do that. And when they do fix it, after you've cancelled, you'll meekly come back and likely pretend you never left. They are already fixing it. This is, as they've said many times and as I've said before already, a roll-in. They're dialing things up slowly, and very carefully watching the performance.


    Be patient, they will fix this. And stop logging onto space slug so that I can get on sooner :)

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