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Everything posted by wishingwell

  1. Ha! Can't argue with that. A while back, I had a lot of free time but little to do with it, so I ran a LOT of 50 HM FPs through GF. I would say that probably 5%, if that, involved bizarre/cruel/rude comments... and most of those were from people who were bored out of their skull from having done the runs so many times. And probably not even 1% of those people were intolerable. Most of the time, my GF runs are pretty quiet. I've ignored waaaaay more people over not playing their queued role or being a jerk over a mistake than I have ignored people making strange comments about NPCs.
  2. Honestly, I've heard something horrible said about an NPC in every 50 HM FP. Yes, even Directive 7 -- the cyborg guy you run into was referred to as, well, a deluxe model toy. Now, Bioware had absolutely nothing even pointing in that direction, but suddenly the entire FP had a side-story about how Mentor is just angry that his cyborg "specialty interests business" never took off. Ashara in Esseles has had more than her fair share of rude comments. Heck, so have the engineers, and even the dead captain at the very beginning of it. And anyone, in any flashpoint, who has ever been stabbed or shot. Revan and Satele are the "hot ones" and I honestly wish I could forget some of the things people have said about them. And every FP has at least one NPC where someone has said they either enjoy killing the guy or wish they could kill the guy. ("Guy" being a neutral term here, of course.) Or maim, or torture, or bend over a barrel, or whatever other horrible thing. It's the players. Now, in OP's exact situation, I agree that her teammates went too far. Re-starting the convo and then kicking her out is, in my opinion, worthy of writing out a report for player misconduct. But that is a problem with the players themselves, not the game being played. Most people, in my experience, will stop making comments if/when they are asked to stop. Most people are pretty decent people trying to relieve some boredom and would never really do even a fraction of the awful things they say -- heck, I'd be willing to bet the thought often wouldn't even occur when facing a real, live, breathing human instead of pixels on the screen. Yes, we get to hit the NPC at the end of that flashpoint. But we never get to lay a finger on Ashara and I guarantee some of the things that have been said about her were just as bad, if not worse. People are going to think and say bad things even if the entire game turns into fluffy bunnies. If we don't like it, we can use the ignore feature; if we feel the other players have gone too far or abused the system, we can report them. The only thing BW needs to do is decide whether or not they agree that the jerks who mistreated another player for their own enjoyment deserve to be punished.
  3. Yes, it exists. My group had one drop last night off of Rasmus.
  4. Huh. 8 minutes seems a little short for SM to run into a timer. I would submit a bug report (if you haven't already)... unfortunately, I don't think there's a lot more that can be done. I've 2-manned the FP a few times since it hit Live and we haven't run into any issues -- I have no idea how long the fights ran, though. Something to keep an eye on I suppose.
  5. On the PTS, if you took too long killing the cores, he would enrage in SM. I have to ask though -- did all your adds spawn properly during the fight? I ran SM solo a few times (on the PTS) and he enraged the one time I managed to bug out the add spawn.
  6. I'm not saying this is the case, but with something like that it's possibly the result of some bad advice. I was once in a WZ where, while waiting at the start, a Sentinel asked, "Sorry to be a noob but I've seen some medium armor with Cunning and some with Strength. Which am I supposed to use?" I answered strength... everyone else answered cunning. Now, you'd think a Jugg would get the hint by 50 after seeing all his armor selections from rewards are not only heavy armor but strength-based... but you never know. Or maybe he was roleplaying?
  7. I'm not being a stick in the mud, but you may want to black out the names on your images. It could be seen as going against forum policy.
  8. When this happens to me, it's only while switching layers/instances within the same world. I've never had it happen while going into a FP or a WZ. 1: It doesn't matter if I switch instances while grouped, while solo, from the map, from the ops frame, starting with a mount, starting with a companion out, etc. Nothing seems to make a difference. 2. There doesn't seem to be a way to predict it. It happens every so often (and tends to happen in bursts, then goes away for a while) and only while switching layers/instances on a planet/the fleet/etc. 3. If I target myself, I won't be able to see my name above my head. I do not lose nameplates over anyone else's head; however, I also don't keep a static nameplate over my own head, so maybe that is a related bit of information. Or maybe not; I dunno. 4. If I target anything else, I won't be able to see the plumbob above my target. I can still see the target circle below the mob/NPC, however. 5. About 50% of the time, if I target something, I won't be able to un-target it (i.e. I have to target something else and cannot have an empty/open target) even if the mob is dead or the NPC is very far away. 6. Mapping to another area of the same planet does not help. 7. Resetting my UI with ctrl+U does not help. 8. Traveling by elevator, ship, shuttle (not taxi), or any other mode of travel that causes a momentary black screen or a loading screen fixes things sometimes. 9. Zoning into a FP or WZ will help.
  9. Yes, I made a bug report about it. Just like I've bug reported all the other things I mentioned which seem to relate to companions and PVP-flagging. As for tab targeting, I was doing only healing, so that was definitely not the case.
  10. After a few things that happened last night, I am pretty convinced that there is something going on where people use their companions to flag other people. The most obvious case was when I was out doing the Gree dailies with a guildmate and we were both level 50, so we were probably seen as easy pickings. Regardless, we were off on our own, out of the way of most traffic, fighting some dogs next to a crystal, when I notice a flagged companion right next to me. Suddenly, my companion takes some damage and I'm flagged. Guy runs up and starts attacking me, of course. Now, I was healing. The only AOE I used was my puddle. I double-checked to make sure my companions AOEs were off, and they were. My guildmate did not get flagged until I said, "Hey, this guy is attacking me." We proceeded to wipe the floor with him, then we waited out our flags in the base and continued on with our questing. However... the system is obviously not working as intended. Even workarounds do not work all the time. There is definitely something wrong. Did his companion AOE us somehow? Did my puddle somehow trigger something because of his companion standing in it? I don't know. But something DID happen to get me flagged even though I never even attacked anything, much less him or his companion. Other things I have seen that I have reported as bugs... randomly getting the "reduced healing" debuff for engaging in PVP even though I am not flagged. Getting that same debuff and having it not go away without a relog; I'm pretty sure that one happens when an enemy companion does some sort of AOE nearby, whether it be an attack or a heal (or vice-versa, my heals/my comp's heals are too close to a flagged player/companion). And my favorite... companion attack AOEs getting you flagged and completely ignoring everything about AOEs no longer being able to get you flagged. So, yeah, are there things you can do to avoid/prevent getting flagged if you don't want to? Absolutely. Does it work all the time, and are there no issues with this system? Absolutely not. It's definitely flawed.
  11. Wait, so... the primary color of the chest piece will no longer carry over to the other pieces if we used a secondary color dye in it? Is that what you are saying? Because if so, that kind of stinks... For example, if a character has a white primary chest piece and used a grey secondary dye, the grey will carry over but the white will not? Is this the case?
  12. Honestly, I'd like working animations for any/all of the un-animated ones we currently have. More vocal ones would be great too. I would also like to stress that making emotes available directly and not part of a cartel pack would be incredible. Seriously guys, we need some more direct purchase stuff. Many of us are willing to spend our coins this way. I also like AlexDougherty's silly idea for a /fonz emote. Probably couldn't call it that, but the idea is so goofy I can't help but want it now. Magnusheart's /dread emote is also a good idea, but for obviously different reasons. Some more instrument ones would be nice. Something for /afk would be interesting... maybe standing there sipping a drink, or fiddling with a toy/screen of some sort, or, like someone else mentioned, sitting on the refresher. Some others I'd like to see.. /kick (just use the kick-in-the-junk animation already in game -- and no, I don't mean kick from group) /boo or /scare /rofl /thinking (a little holo-thought-bubble would be cute) /rakghoul (a little hop and a moment of rakghoul posture... rawrrr clawhands) /handstand /whistle /drunk (a little stumble and some floaty drunk bubbles) /scold /grumble /sneak or /sneaky (maybe a "shhhh!" and that cartoony tiptoe posture) /hattip (just the hand motion, for a polite hi/bye/thanks/etc. emote) /crazy (as in "you are crazy")
  13. 1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Why do you want to be a part of the Czerka family? I have a long history of experimentation without strict boundaries, and I've heard that Czerka is the kind of place where creative minds can truly thrive. To be perfectly honest, my mother nearly donated me... I mean, talked a Czerka scientist into tutoring me when I was younger. Unfortunately, there was an unforeseen scientific event which destroyed one of my creations and about half our family's home, so my mother decided to drop me off at my aunt's place while the cleanup crew took care of the wreckage. It must have taken a lot of work to get things back in order because Mom never did come back to get me. And I never got to see that nice Czerka employee again, which was a real shame. I am also keenly interested in finding someone capable of removing my third bellybutton. I could live with two, since most humans only have one (and I don't mind being a little different)... but three is just unsightly. Regardless, I can't help but think my previous experience as an inventor would make me a prime candidate for working on a vast number of creative/prototype/experimental droid designs. You say you want to shoot something; I say why not have a droid shoot it for you -- and fry it and freeze it all at the same time, and all in just three easy steps? 2. At Czerka, we pride ourselves on our accomplishments. Please name three of your accomplishments that you are most proud of. (Please do not include family milestones such as marriages or the birth of your children.) My first successful invention was completed by the time I was 18. Ever heard of the "Gizka Roaster" Automated Dinner Processing Machine? Yep, that was me. Even had a jingle for all the holo-ads: "Roasted gizkas taste so yummy, roasted gizkas taste so great//Roasted gizkas in your tummy, roasted gizkas on your plate!" After that, I was hugely successful in avoiding the angry mob that tried to kill me after the first wave of Gizka Roaster ADPMs had faulty B-socket interfaces which caused the tricopper caps to overheat and melt through the interior buffer panel coating. And we ALL KNOW what happens after that -- kablooey! However, I must stress that it was the manufacturer who did not follow my exact instructions, as was proven in my eventual court case (wherein I was proven to be innocent of all charges). I can provide an extensive database full of evidence, including my blueprints and notations, should Czerka have any concerns regarding my competence in this matter. Third, have you seen my starship? When I picked up that baby, she was practically held together with Thranta-Chew and Rodian fibercord. I fixed her up in no time though, and now she purrs like the sweetest Manka kitten you ever did see. Her guns are fully calibrated (a feat difficult for even the most advanced ship weapons specialists, if I do say so myself) and she's even got some custom piloting algorithms set up for some of my trickier navigational experiences. There is, of course, an enormous list of projects I've been working on over the years. I'd be happy to submit my holo-journals on these inventions upon request. 3. How did you go about achieving the accomplishments above. Would you say you would do "whatever it takes" for success? Remember how I said I have three bellybuttons? Yeah, well... let's just say that attempting to build miniature power reactors out of a plethora of household objects just so you can successfully fire up your incredible, life-changing, the-future-is-now-style kitchen appliance does have some drawbacks. Yes, Susie Homemaker. I have three bellybuttons. I have three bellybuttons for you. 4. Would you say you have a strong moral compass? Do you think this could get in the way of your job, should you be asked to do something...questionable? Here's the thing about compasses: They tell you which way is which, but they don't tell you how to get there. Sometimes you have to go east or west a bit before you can go north. Sometimes you even have to circle around back to the south and then make your way back around all over again. So, really, at the end of the day, all you need is a goal to reach and a first-class navigational system that gets you where you need to go without throwing a hissy fit over which exact direction you're going at any given time. 5. You are about to enjoy our wide variety of complimentary cocktails and snacks, when you notice that your esteemed colleague's newest experiment is likely to break out of their confines while you are gone. How would you handle this situation? Obviously this would be the optimal opportunity to test one or more of my aforementioned projects-in-development. After all, since I'm certain Czerka will be thrilled by my designs, I would likely be hard at work adapting them to a variety of droids. I'd probably start with my Cryo-Blast 6000, followed by the Automated Asyyyriak Netter (with extra special magnatronic-powered spine-throwing action for optimal subduing power). If necessary, I'd escalate to the Bantha-Buster Handheld Vaporization System, but I should stress that containment would of course be preferable. After all, I would hate to let my colleague's work literally evaporate right before their very eyes. That's the sort of thing that causes too much stress in the workplace, you know?
  14. Title says it all. It seems silly that these "special" outfits from the CE vendor cannot be dyed. I was almost positive they could be dyed before, but I went to pick one up today and saw that it had no dye slot.
  15. As others have said, you and your companion have to be completely free of channels, DoTs, and AoEs -- this includes ones you or your companion may have put on the mobs as well. Put your companion on passive first and run a bit if you have to before stealthing. Now, I will say one recurring bug (which I feel is actually a bug) is mobs following your stealthed companion without actually knocking your companion out of stealth. I have seen this one come and go while using Vanish and other Hide In Plain Sight abilities. And, yes, it puts you back in combat no matter what, and taking yourself out of stealth will cause the companion to go attack the mob that was following along... which will aggro that whole group all over again. It will also cause other nearby mobs to aggro on occasion, which can be a real mess. When this happens I just run like heck and hope for the best.
  16. Had a couple interesting ones recently... First, in HM Hammer Station: A DPS who, despite being somewhat decently geared for the flashpoint, apparently hadn't trained all their skills. We wiped at Sugar Smacks (the frog bonus boss) due to enrage and, upon returning from rez, the DPS asked if anyone had a Hutt statue so they could "train some more levels" before trying again. I dropped mine and then we proceeded to down the frog, but... seriously?! Second, HM Cademimu, probably one of the funniest DPS pairs I have ever seen. Tank and I regularly group, and usually we like when we see both DPS are from the same guild... not this time. Two gunslingers, both decked out in 55 PVP gear. Should be fine, we thought. Just to be on the safe side, as usual, we spend the first couple group pulls doing a little CC with the dogs. Each time, I notice very little gunfire going off around me. As in... none. Tank's doing all the damage. Then, several seconds in, I finally see a Freighter Flyby. This goes on for each pull where we've done some CC, and from what I could tell the 'slingers were trading their flyby casts. Tank asks me (privately) if it was just him or if things were going slow, so I tell him what I had noticed and we agree to skip the CC and see what happens. What happened was... suddenly no Freighter Flyby. However, not a lot of gunfire going off either. Things are going even slower. I've now noticed that one of the gunslingers (henceforth referred to as DPS 1) is not taking cover. Like, ever. I think he's throwing grenades on CD and occasionally hitting his default attack; he's not running out of energy hardly at all. I also notice he's doing a lot of running back and forth for no reason (something I had not previously noticed because he was always behind me). Pew pew pew, run run run, grenade, run run run, pew pew pew... just like that. At this point we're at the first boss, so Tank asks if everyone knows the flashpoint. No response. A minute or two pass. Tank says, "Okaaaaay... is that a yes or a no? We're nice, we'll explain it if you need." DPS 1 says, "Ready." Tank and I have a little laugh and agree to see how it goes. Fight goes alright, despite DPS 1 almost dropping every blue circle bomb on at least one other person. I don't know if that boss enrages or not, but if he does, I'm pretty sure we cut it close. We get to the Wookiee boss, and it's a Freighter Flyby party from both DPS as soon as the ugnaughts show up, which means they are both running around like headless chickens while the piggies eat their ankles. I've now realized that DPS 2 is going into cover and using skills, but using them veeeeeery slowly. Can't tell if she's specced heavily into Engineer (Sabotage? Middle tree) or not, but it looks like she's got some kind of hybrid build going on. Her energy levels are also barely being touched; it's almost like she is using a skill, waiting to refill, then using a skill... etc. We tried coaxing them into a conversation where it'd be easy and polite to ask if they knew their classes well, but all we get is crickets. So, instead, Tank flat out asks them to step up their DPS if they can, because the bonus boss is no fun with low DPS. DPS 2 responds with, "We PVP, we can DPS lol." Umm... okay. Bonus boss enrages. Tank and I manage to barely squeak out a victory without wiping, just barely; he dipped down into double digit HPs more than once at the end. Sigh... almost done though. I do what I can to politely explain that skills need to be executed faster in 55 HMs and that cover is really important for gunslingers. I even make a side-remark about how I "recently discovered" you could trade out the roll-to-cover skill for crouch on your quickbar, and you'll never end up where you don't want to be. (Not a recent discovery at all, but I was trying my best to not come off as snotty.) Still no response. I give up and cross my fingers for the rest of the run. We get to the final boss and I can honestly say I have never had to run around the room so much. Even when it was my first time in there on HM, back when the boss was buggy as heck, and I didn't know exactly what I was doing and my own DPS/gear was crappy. I can honestly say I've never had to rez someone because they didn't move with the group (and no, I'm not talking about being stuck with shackles; I'm talking about flat out standing there going pew pew pew). And I can honestly say I've never watched someone die that way, get rezzed, and then do the same thing again. But, hey, at least he finally used cover. Throwing down all the DPS I could muster at the end and managing to kill Ortol with a nut-kick was strangely satisfying, however.
  17. I agree with those who say to let them post in some, but not all, forums. I'd say make a sub-forum in New Player Help and let them post there. Maybe also the Suggestion Box and Bug Reports. I want to say Customer Service as well, but do CSRs even deal with F2P at all? Is it possible to open up CS forums to Preferred? I'm not entirely sure how that part works, honestly.
  18. For what it's worth, your bugged "t-shirt" version is exactly what the vestments looked like when I tried them on (ctrl left click, not equipping) with a female character, then switched to the Companion tab to see them on a male companion. In other words... Try them on (not equip) with a female character. Switch to Companion tab in dressing room and look at a male companion. Male companion looks like he's got discolored skin in the shape of a shirt with the band across the center chest, just like your bugged screenshot.
  19. I'm not 100% convinced that the actual face shape is different. Color and shading can make drastic differences very easily. (Ever see someone with really great skull makeup on, for instance?) However, I decided to do a little comparing. It seems all the fur colors are off, not just the original standard Jorgan. The under-eye area is also way too dark for some reason, regardless of customization. I didn't have screenshots of the old/non-bugged looks, so I snagged this one off a fan site: Jorgan's customizations as he looked before. My own screenshot of Jorgan's standard/normal face. My own screenshot of customization 2. Now, here's how some of those look in-game today: Regular Jorgan, no customization: Close up and on fleet. Blue Jorgan, customization 4: Close up and on fleet. Spotty Jorgan, customization 2: On fleet (could not get a good close up.. no ship yet on this one). So... if you compare the jaw angle and some of the oblique portrait shots, ignoring the color, it looks like his head might still be still shaped correctly. However, the color and shading, even with customizations on is undeniably very, very wrong. Also, if you look at the jawline, he has some very strange lumpiness going on -- I think that's probably supposed to be ruffled fur, but it was not there before (except, perhaps, in customization 3). EDIT: I see that we have a BW response now, but I'm still posting this in case the issues with customizations and the jawline fur still being different can help at all.
  20. I had this same thought, so I went through the conversation in the Foundry multiple times. I did my best to change my graphics settings around as much as possible and I tried several different combinations. I, at least, could not reproduce the darker robe appearance without also messing up the rest of the outfit (and, well, everything else). More to the point: I could not get a current in-game screenshot that looked anything like an old screenshot. In my post here I put Revan, in the same pose, next to himself. This was the closest direct comparison I could make. As stated, I have no strong feelings on the subject and I did this out of curiosity, so I at least did my best to approach the issue with a skeptical eye. If others would do the same and see if they can make it happen, I'd love to see the results. Furthermore: If the complaint that 1.6.1 "broke" the coloration is correct, then that patch was several months after the biggest graphics optimizations were put into the game (1.2 and 1.3, unless I am missing something). I tried skimming the patch notes to see if there was an actual, intended, noted graphics change at the time, but I didn't see anything. Long story short: I did not, at first, believe it to be an actual color issue. I now feel I have reason to believe that it is.
  21. I tried finding a screenshot of my character with the robes on when they first came out, but I came up empty. So, instead, I am using this picture as a comparison. If you inspect the file data, it shows as being last modified on 12 November 2012, before 1.6.1 according to the Patch Notes page. Here is side-by-side of Revan in the same pose. Bloom is off in my screenshots, marked New, just because it was brought up earlier in this thread that bloom could make a difference. For what it's worth, I attempted to fiddle with my settings multiple times, and I could not re-create a darker Revan armor (like the Old ones here) without also messing up the belt portion too much. Here is Revan, my character, and even a companion in the closest approximate black-dyed outfit I could manage. (Enshrouding Force with the Black/Yellow dye.) Bloom is off in this one as well. I'm including this only to be thorough and show that, yes, the colors match the current version of Revan in-game. However, as has been stated multiple times, these colors are not the colors of the old Revan, shown above. EDIT: I forgot to add this Youtube video I found, which is old enough to show the original color of Revan's robes. Oh, and personally, I don't feel strongly one way or the other. I actually use the robes for the secondary color, that coppery color you see on my character's lower robe. Heh. I was honestly just curious and wanted to see it side-by-side for myself. I do feel it was a bit misleading of BW to make it seem like the old color was coming back, however, when in reality they merely made sure the colors matched to the current version of Revan.
  22. Sadly, as has been stated this is an old bug that has been around since launch. Nothing much to do other than report it (include character class, gender, companion and quest name) unfortunately.
  23. I've never had the stuttering bug, but I have noticed recently that my Scoundrel runs strangely when her gun is out now. She used to run all-out, leaning forward a bit and arms swinging. Now her arms stay closely tucked to her body, her legs make smaller steps, and she doesn't really lean forward any more. It looks bizarre; it's a little bit like someone running with their pants around their ankles. I'll try to make a video of it when I get the chance.
  24. Assuming you mean the one with the crystal at the bottom... I'm not sure of the name, but if I recall correctly you can get it as an offhand saber from the Belsavis vendor. Pretty sure it's on both Rep and Imp sides. However, I'm not sure if it's available as a mainhand any more -- it used to be Master Chanma's saber (Sage Tionese MH) and a Columi MH for Jedi Knights.
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