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Everything posted by Nefczi

  1. You can play however you want, if it works for you than why not. BUT, I think you would have much better time if you got at least 1 char to 60 first. Gettign 1 char to 60 would earn you good money and a lot of commendations that you could use for easier, more pleasent leveling experience for other chars.
  2. If its 1 million for the whole set than its not bad. The fact that its a world drop only, makes it quite rare, and it looks very good. And 1 million is really not that much. I payed 500k only for a chest piece. I got other parts from blue lockboxes(lvl 46 I think) from the commendation vendor, but I "wasted" a lot of comms and didnt get a chest piece.
  3. If you like Scalene armor cut, then check out Vendetta armor set. Its basically Scalene without any glow(the hedgear is also different).
  4. Ok, thx for answers guys, Im gonna go for full DR before min/maxing. Last question, a bit off topic. Are you going Power or Cunning for DPS Operatives?
  5. Im playing DPS Operative, actually I was just thinking, wouldnt it be better to firstly replace the parts from armor set that have "unwanted" stats on them, like 2 of armor parts from the set have accuracy on them, that I dont need. So maybe before MH/OH and relics I should get those and replace the unwanted mods first? Kinda starting min-maxing while transitioning from Exhumed to Dark Reaver?
  6. Whats the best order of upgrading gear from Exhumed to Dark Reaver? I have full Exhumed gear with Dark Reaver ear/implants. Everything is already augmented, including relics which are still exhumed, I know it was kinda a wase of money since I will have to augment Dark Reaver Relics again, but I had an "abundance" on credits at the time, so I just went for it. Anyway, I was thinking about getting MH/OH next since it seems it gives a nice boost to damage(on paper at least) but somebody told me that I should rather go for Relics --> Belt+Bracers --> other armor pieces and the MH/OH last. Is that true?
  7. They are in good place but "amazing" is rather a bit of an overstatement, unless you forget for a moment about PTs,Sorcs and Sins existing. Even with upcoming nerfs those classes still will be on top as Bioware arent touching some of the main issues with those classes.
  8. I had a game some time ago when I was the only one in my group with max expertise... I usually dotn bother, but this time, in very polite way I wrote that they are seriously gimping themselves(and the team) and I ecouraged them to check out pvp forums for info about expertise and using pve gear in pvp. I imediatelly got jumped on by 3 of those ppl, one particulary agressive, who kept callign me names even after warzone. I kept my "sith" together and still, in very polite way, I tried to explain him that I was only trying to help him. While still being agressive and moving on to call my mother names, he firstly wrote, that how is he supouse to have max expertise if he dont have a pvp gear yet. I tried to explain to him about bolster and that he should use pve gear not higher than 156-162 in pvp, but he wasnt interested. He called me few new names, and asked that if Im so smart, why was he 3rd on damage boards with 500k damage and I was was close to the bottom with only 200k damage, then he called names my wife(who I dont have yet). At his point I got bored and just added him to ignore list. Didnt feel like explainign him that in huttball where we just played(where I scored 4 goals) its not about damage and that with proper gear and max expertise he would probably do close to million anyway. Generally ppl either dont know about exertise and proper gearing or they simply dont care, and queue up with their top pve gear just to do dailies.
  9. Yes, you get both, Stealth and Vanish as Lethality too Just in case you dotn know, you can respec between Concealment/Lethality/Medicine at any time.
  10. The safe bet would be a Sorc/Sage. Gread damage with very good survivalability with all the bubbles and healing. PT/VG may be a good choice as well, very fun class, a hybrid of melee with ranged abilites, hits like a truck, with good mobility with guard, tount. Altho I wouldn't write Operatives/Scoundrell off. I did that looong time ago in another galaxy (at release). I played few different classes but I never even thought about operatives/scoundrels, cos I thought that all that sneaky, single target, melee wasnt for me(I actually tried scoundrel till like lvl 15 but then i moved to another game). I came back to the game 3 months ago and started couple of new classes, those I havent played before, still ignoring the Operatives/Scoundrels. But nothing relaly "clicked". Then I stumbled upon some video of Lethality Operative, and decided to give it a shot finally, since it looked fun and quite different that I actually imagined. Best decision I made in SWTOR. I leveled mostly as Lethality cos it was fun mix of ranged dots and granades, mid range shooting and close range stabbing. Add to that decent self healing or off healing your mates, and good mobility with rolling, nice CC, and for me, its one of the most fun classes I ever played in my mmo history(despite some of its issues). I later tried the other dps spec, concealment, and suprisingly I felt in love with it as well. I even started to like the stealth, which is more like an utility then requirement(in Lethality especially). I dont even play other classes now. My alts are sitting there, gatherign dust since i started playing Operative. And the great imperial agent story was a nice cherry on top. But of course its subjective. Everybody likes somethign else and Operatives, Scoundrels may not be for you. But I encourage you to give it few more levels(at least to 30 or so), cos low level gameplay often looks quite diferrent than higher level one when you get most of your abilities.
  11. The problem with Lethality is that everything takes huge amounts of time. In order to start doing meaningfull damage we need few GCD's to "set up" a target. Its same thing with defenses, in order to get our heals rolling you need 4-5 GCDs(roll(1-2x)> infusion > probe > probe). Thats 6-7.5 seconds. Its a very long time in pvp, during which you arent doing any damage (beside weak dots). Also all this effort "worth" 6-7.5 seconds can be easly neglected by some dps classes that can apply like 20k+ damage in a matter of 2 gcds(or even 1 in case of PT). Furthermore in a situation when you get heavily focused by 2-3 dps its not even worth starting our "healing rotation" cos you will be dead half way through, even if you have your defenses up( like shield probe, 20% damage reduction from stim if you take revitalizers). Keeping kolto probes up all the time may be a "fun challenge" as you said, but its simply impractical and it only adds to the problem of everythign taking too long to get going In lethality. I personally would like to see some damage reduction buff to the Roll. Somethign that could let us survive a bit better/longer in those situations where we get focused. Adding full damage immunity(like concealment has) would be too much. But, for examble, a 30-50% all damage reduction on roll, would be a fair buff imho.
  12. Creeping Terror Rail Shot Death Field Affliction Chain Lightning Force Lightning Magnetic Blast (Discharge) I fixed that for you
  13. I wish they changed this skill to 360 , with like 8 meter radius and some new cool "spin" animation and remove the TA requirement, even at a cost of adding a cooldown.
  14. I have to say im rather sceptic about what you wrote. I have fully agumented exhumed(168) gear with 3 dark reaver parts and the highest crit on CA that I seen was 7183. And Im pretty sure it was on some guy with pve gear, cos most of the time my CA crits for like 5-6k. Unless the difference between Exhumed and Dark reaver is so great, but it doesnt look like it on paper. Unless Im doing something really wrong
  15. As I would love to see a buff/changes to Lethality, I belive that implementing all the things proposed by OP would be an overkill. We really dont need another hatred assassin. The main problem with Lethality right now is that along with long setup time we dont have a dot spread, and I mean reliable dot spread. Making Corrosive Grenade spread the Corrosive Dart would be a great improvement alone. Also I like the idea of taking Toxic Blast off the GCD. But thats it. Those changes would be more than enough imo. Rising the damage of the dots along those changes would be simply too much.I would rather like to see a small defensive buff, either rising damage absorbtion slightly on Shield Probe or making roll(Exfiltrate) refresh Kolto Probes, or maybe add like 20% damage reduction on roll.
  16. There is a bolster at lvl 60 as well, so dont worry Just make sure you use proper pve gear(not higher than 162 rating, with lower rating on mainhand/offhand, there is a whole thread about it somewhere on this forum) so you get bolsterized to full 2018 expertise. You will be weaker than ppl in full pvp gear obviously, but you shouldnt be a cannon fodder either. And getting full set of pvp gear( Exhumed - first tier) doesnt take long. Also it would be wise to rip off the mods from your pvp gear, put them in addaptive/moddable gear of your choice and augment that gear asap. Why ripping mods? Cos you will need those pvp pieces to upgrade to the next tier. There are two types/ranks of pvp gear, first tier is Exhumed, and the second tier is called Dark Reaver(a bit better). Exhumed gear costs warzone commendations, while Dark Reaver costs ranked warzone commendations. You also need a "corrsponding" Exhumed piece, meanning, If you wanna buy ranked chest piece(dark reaver) for example, you will need 3500 Ranked Warzone Commendations AND unranked chest piece(Exhumed). And yes, Ranked(DR) gear has a bit better stats than Unranked(Enforcer), both in pvp and open world.
  17. As I love Lethality spec(despite its issues) and I play it regularly(I switch between both dps specs often) I have to say that for PvP i find Concealment to be overaly better, more solid spec. You can pull off bigger numbers on dps charts with Lethality, but a lot of it will be a "fluff" damage from your dots. Becouse of the long setup, if you try to focus target with other players, often he will be dead, before you even start doing real damage. Also switching targets may be aqward, due to the same reason, especially if you want to switch targets to finish off an enemy on low health. Concealment doeasnt have those problems becouse its a hign burst spec where all abilities are hitting hard. Concealment also has better survivalability. Immunity on roll is awesone and is hands down better than the free heal that Lethality gets. Generally speaking I find myself to be much more usefull playing as concealment. If it comes to capturing nodes/pylons, the high burst on concealment is simply better. Being able to burst down defender, fast gives you a chance to cap the node before his frinds show up. Its harder to pull of with Lethality. Also in Huttball, Concealment is hands down better. Immunity on roll is great for carrying the ball/rolling throu fire/acid etc. Same story in Arenas. I find myself more usefull as Concealment. Operatives seems to be often focused as soon as they pop out of stealth, and in this case, 3 seconds of immunity is much better than the free heal that is meaningless if you get focused by 3-4 ppl. I just feel that I can accomplish more and generally be much more usefull as Concealment in pvp, sadly. I cannot comment on engame pve, as outside of leveling(for witch concealment is better...again) I am only focused on pvp.
  18. For the first and last time you are right about the dots, but you are dead wrong about cc immunity. High damage dots combined with powerfull targettable dot spread, that hits like a truck, is definatelly over the top and needs to be tonned down somehow but its not the main reason why the class in OP. It is a combination of great aoe damage combined with strong single target, and great survivalability that consist of self helaing, amazing cc immunity and stealth. And the main offender here is in fact that 12sec cc immunity. 12 seconds is a lot of time, especially in arenas, and its a huge deal in a game that has so heavy emphasis on CC. Im not an expert, but from what I seen so far, winning or loosing arena is often decided by which team manages to catch one of opponents with CC breaker on cooldown and burst him down first.
  19. If you care mostly about topping damage charts then you picked a wrong spec(or even class- you can get high dps numbers as Lethality but in big part its gonna be "fluf damage" that comes from dots). Concelament shines as node/pylon stealer, ball handler in huttball, harrassing healers,ambushing, focusing particular enemies to burn them down fast. So numbers at the end of the warzone will never be your friend. Furthermore, you can be the most valuable player in your team by stealing nodes/pylons on your own, ninja opening doors, using stealth and cc or often figting off 2-3 ppl for long enough to prevent enemy team from capping node, that will give adventage to your team, that in the end wins the match, and you almost never be recognized for your effort or value to the team - unsung hero . Even if you basiclaly "single-handedly" win the match for your team, the mvp votes will go usually to top dps(who often are the least valuable aoe/dot spammers). There is only your own satisfaction
  20. Reading your posts Stingerz, I get a Vibe that the problem lies in your mindset. If you are constatnly top on damage charts and die a lot in the process shows that your are playing very offensively, maybe a little bit "kamikazi like"? Vanguards/Powertechs ARE one of tops classes right now, those arent opinions, those are facts. Blaming others for lack of support wont solve anything and is not the main reason of your multiple deaths. In some games you will get a guard and excellent healing, while in other you will be "on your own" in survivalability department. The fact that you play as dps doesnt mean that you can forget about defenses and count only on others to keep you alive while you just blast away. Even if you get a guard and good heals, when there is 5 ppl focusing you, you have to often "get out of dodge". Running away, or lets call it, performing a "strategical retreat" if you get focused and you see that there is not enough support, is almost always better than dieing. Its just btter to run away/los enemies for 10-20 seconds when you get into trouble, than dieing which may cost you often 30-40 seconds being out of fight(waiting behind doors and then runnign back to the "action"). You just have to focus more on surviving and depend less on others, learn when to use your defensive CDs and keep fighting and when to simply run away/use line of sight.
  21. Moving dot spread to Frag Genade would be probably easiest solution. Rise the aoe splah/radius a bit as well and I would be happy. Or they could just make Corrosive granade to spread corrosive dart. Also they could redesign the dot spread skill( carbine burst/blaster voley), maybe make it a 360 skill with 6-8 meter radius(around your character) and some cool "spin" animation, and remove the TA requirement, add cooldown instead. It would be still inferior to death field but at least it would be fun to use and much more reliable.
  22. So just to be clear, you dont use any piece with accuracy, right? Also hwo importand is accuracy for lethality? Can I get by without any?
  23. Im not expert on the class(just hit lvl 60 3 days ago) so treat this post more as general thoughts. The diference, gameplay wise, is quite big actually. Scrapper/Concealment is strictly a melee burst class while Ruffian/Lethality is a kind of melee/midrange delayed burst class with a lot of dots. All Scrapper core abilities have 4 meters range and all hit hard, while as Ruffian your core abilities are a mix of 30-10-4 meters and you need to "set up" your target before doing main damage. By "set up" I mean that you need to put your dots first on enemy before unleashing you main damage ability(as its damage relies on number of poison effect on enemy). Due to the range of abilities and importance of backstab(backblast?) as Scrapper/Concealment, this spec is more position dependant. Also becouse of a bursty nature, Scrapper seem to be more stealth/ambush dependant, while Ruffian is a bit more "direct" class since you usually want to start putting dots on your target from range, while you are closing in. Also as an Concealment/Scrapper you basically wont be "using" you rifle/pistol as almost all offensive abilities have animations involving knives(concealment at least). As for defensive ability, there is basiclaly 1 major diference. As a Scrapper you get 1.5sec damage immunity on roll, wchich means you can get 3 seconds of damage immunity every 10 seconds basically. While as Ruffian you get an instant heal after roll every 10 seconds. May look like a fair trade off, but from what I experienced so far, the Scrappers immunity on roll is way better than Ruffians free heal. Its mostly noticable if you have more than 1 person attacking you. One well timed roll as a Scrapper can negate much, much, MUCH more damage than what you get from Ruffian's heal.
  24. By "full power and surge" you mean you dont use any pieces with critical/accuracy/alacrity? is that 25% crit with or without 5% buff?
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