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Everything posted by Herculieas

  1. Serkis' voice in the Star Wars teaser also sounds just like Lord Vitiate. EDIT: Also found this: http://ootinicast.com/2014/06/ootinicast-episode-147/ At 39:15, the talkers mention that a BioWare developer confirmed that they were working on a story-arch of some sort that would be in episode 7. I believe that is the story of Vitiate.
  2. Leaks about Andy Serkis' character being ancient, having mysterious motives, and being above the rule of 2 seem to indicate that it could be Vitiate.
  3. Considering the Reddit post was made half a year before SoR launched, before any datamining was made on SoR, and before the Episode 7 teaser was released, here's why I think that the OP at least wasn't lying about being leaked some information. I'm not arguing that all the things stated will come to pass. This post will contain spoilers. Obviously. I'll be using the spoiler tag to quote from the Reddit post. The planet mentioned is Yavin 4 and appears in the Episode 7 teaser here. Some set photos of Episode 7 indicate that Yavin 4 indeed will be a planet in the film. The OP also successfully predicted that Yavin 4 would be used in SoR. I think it's important to add here that Star Wars content released after April 25th of last year would be considered canon. Does that include a SWTOR expansion? Considering , I think so. The personal stories did continue in SoR (when they didn't in Makeb). The Consular's story had you and the Inquisitor's story had a you . A SWTOR fan stated in that Togruta was confirmed to them, at a cantina event, to be the next playable race. The important subject in this statement is the fact that the Republic and the Sith work cooperatively in SoR and questing hubs and areas are in the same regions for both factions when they haven't been in the past. This is a little reaching, though. While saying that Lord Vitiate would be included in the next expansion could have simply been a lucky guess, stating that he regains his power was spot on. Pretty much everything else in the Reddit post was either wrong or can't be commented on because it's for future expansions. The optimistic fanboy in me believes that the OP wasn't lying, but things got changed in the time before the expansion or things were interpreted incorrectly. One thing important to include, I think, is a statement made by a chief financial officer for EA who stated that SWTOR was "profitable" and that the business was "very repeatable". Obviously it's far from a confirmation of anything, but it does underline a lack of hesitancy to produce a SWTOR 2.
  4. In order to slot accuracy, you'd have to sacrifice the ideal ratings of surge and alacrity, though (unless you're playing infiltration/deception, in which case you don't need alacrity). Considering a large portion of serenity/hatred damage comes from force attacks which can't be dodged, I'm thinking 0 accuracy might be the way to go.
  5. Infiltration basically has 4 free crits with the full PvP set, so... Power?
  6. They just seem to CC and burst me to death. I heal, sprint away, try to CC them back but it all fails. Any tips? My sage is now 51.
  7. Herculieas

    500k+ DMG Club!

    I find it odd that you mention your high damaging skills, then the arsenal build, but don't say anything about Heartseeker Missiles (aka that one ability that does 1/2 my health in damage).
  8. Not sure how you inferred the OP clicks, but considering clicking is less efficient than using keybinds, yeah. Or was I misinterpreting your sarcasm?
  9. Source? EDIT: Found it. Nothing about Champion Bags. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=108551
  10. I play a level Sage. I have been doing Warfronts for the past 2 and 1/2 years and have come to realize how OP Marauders are. I was in Voidstar, spamming my CC and DoTs, wracking up my damage, when this level 12 Marauder came up and started attacking me so I had to kill him which took took ridiculously long because my team wasn't passing the ball and wasn't defending the middle turret. This class is stupidly OP. What was Bioware thinking giving it a saber throw and in combat stealth? Facerolls so easy. 3 Marauders came at me while I was win-camping Ilum and I only got one of those noobs down before they CCed me to death in a matter of 7 or so minutes. Already unsubscribed. I'll be back when Bioware fixes this mess.
  11. This. You can only have one in your inventory at a time (this includes the bank).
  12. Yep. I'd recommend having Biochem as your crafting crewskill, and Bioanalysis and Slicing as gathering skills. Missions crewskills are bleh.
  13. As in, which class has the best healing? I'd wager either the Sorc/Sage or the Merc/Commando. The Sorc/Sage because their utility and shield is fantastic, and the Merc/Commando because they can heal pretty consistently as a fairly tanky class. I haven't seen a lot of Operative/Scoundrel healers, though. I'd wager they're pretty good as well. Honestly, as far as healing is concerned, the classes are fairly balanced.
  14. Want: Your magical system that gives you high FPS in Warzones and screen cap software.
  15. You and those Ebonlore folks should go out on a date.
  16. Nothing biased, really. Just broken. And you can't expect to make a point when the information you provide is false. You also should be a grateful you're not a healer. http://imageshack.us/f/12/500khealing.png/
  17. You're right for the wrong reasons. You're mixing up a lot of what the Sorcerer and Assassin get. They earn different medals, the Sorcerer earning less... a lot less if they're heal spec.
  18. We are. The love is worth the lack of rewards... well, almost. 550k Healing = 3 medals http://imageshack.us/f/12/500khealing.png/
  19. Herculieas

    Huttball ties.

    Yep. I don't really like this too much, though. I'd prefer the team with the ball to make a desperate last rush for a score rather than just sitting around for a minute. It would make it more exciting. A tie should mean overtime in my opinion... with more exp, credits, valor, and commendations.
  20. I usually hear that the Sorc/Sage's healing is OP. Not familiar with the Scoundrel/Operatives mechanics, so I can't say much. And I don't see them healing often either.
  21. Stop right there you guys. You really don't want to have this discussion.
  22. Really, really, really hope you're not referring to the Sorc/Sage. I really do.
  23. Then it's bugged, because I was doing just that. I'm fairly certain you're wrong though, but I'll agree to disagree. I surely wasn't noble sacrificing in a corner, as you have said, which I feel is ironic because I remember you posting something about "not having context to situations means nothing" when you have no context to this, but yet you made that outrageous claim. Happy new years, and goodnight.
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