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Everything posted by Bloodylittle

  1. Anyone know of a site like this or have heard of one possibly being created? My old brain needs my hand held when it comes to items these days
  2. How bout play a class before knocking them? Guaranteed you play a shadow/assassin you will delete this thread.
  3. Infiltration is how the class should be played IMO. We are a sneaky shadow dps guy...why the hell there is a tank spec is beyond me. they will boost Infiltration...just give them 3 hours to nerf everything else:rolleyes:
  4. lol like it matters man...people need to realize Bioware doesnt listen and doesnt care about Open world PvP. Their only goal is to nerf OPvP into the ground so you have to grind instances.
  5. IMO...it's just Bioware's plan to shut down Ilum because they are clueless and want to focus on instanced pvp/pve...sound familiar?
  6. that nerf was the softest nerf to any OP'd class I've seen in a while for PvP. We should all be so lucky to receive "nerfs" as easy as this and all OP/Scoundrels should be counting their blessings and ducking their heads. Why they nerfed their PvE is beyond me though.
  7. http://www.dominusthegame.com/ There's always hope my friend....hope.
  8. Best system by FAR in any PvP MMO to date. If SWTOR was to scrap everything and start over with this type of system, IMO it would save their game. And I am being serious.
  9. I think it is now becoming clear that their understanding of PvP is hit and miss. I honestly don't hold much fate for PvP in this game, I was just really hoping they would LISTEN to their player base and implement changes that WE wanted. I just think they are out of touch, and frankly, don't really care. The model has changed Bioware...I think you can easily see on these forums that PvP is a priority in MMOs now....this is not 2007, where PvE was king. If you don't listen to your players...your players will leave at the drop of GW2 or even the WoW expansion.
  10. So reward those who already have it and crap on those who don't. Nope I don't accept that as a good "fix" I have full Champion gear too.
  11. I am confused as to why they are rewarding people that have rushed to end-game pvp status by punishing those who have taken their time enjoying their "story-driven" game...which btw takes time. Seems to me they have no FN clue what the hell they are doing. PS...I'm almost BM and in full Champion gear and I find this change ridiculous for those just hitting 50.
  12. Exactly...it gave the person time to counteract with skills that REQUIRED watching what your opponent was doing. It also had backup styles that could change based on what transpired previous swing. Running around spamming buttons in today's MMO is hardly skill. It's just what people know from WOW.
  13. DAOC's skill based system. Why more companies dont look at this is beyond me.
  14. DAOC's skill based system was/still is the best system out there. Period.
  15. Welcome to Shadow/Assassin world. Please...get off your high horse already.
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