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Everything posted by dlaselle

  1. So did I and I remember people crying that they had to wait 30+ minutes to get into the game. Each zone averaged around 100+ people in then. On the Lord Andreas server. I remember seeing over 400 people in the fleet. So what did Bioware do? release more servers! I don't think that was the answer, they should have let the the people complain about the Que and then after 90 days if they are still up then add servers. Now with about 10 or so servers in " Light Status" its an issue for those who rolled on those server. I understand the issue and the dilemma but its just a game. Loosing legacy and gear is nothing in this game.
  2. No its not. Yesterday (Saturday) when I logged in there was the first 12 servers all high and a couple at very high population. Just because because "choose" a light server doesnt the whole game is going to go "FTP" and have a server merger. In other words, either Reroll on a better server, or stop QQ
  3. I think TOR is more of an MMO then wow. Even in its prime Wow was nothing more then pointless questing. "Stop the Orcs or humans from stealing my cows" type of story. The only change to this was Wrath of the Lich King expansion, which was very heavy story driven, but Cat stopped that part of it. Rift: A decent game, but rift is a hardcore Endgame MMO. With cross server LFG, there is no sense of community. People join a dungeon, and then drop as soon as the piece of loot drops. Need any more?
  4. Don't you know by now that RP Servers translates to Raid Progression Servers?
  5. If you don't like then game instead of QQ about how bad PVP is when Bioware main focus is PVE which they said from the beginning. Hence the reason why they spent all the money in voice acting instead of 10 WZ. Here my suggestion either play the game for what it is, or quit. QQ will get you no where.
  6. Had Gault geared. I crit him with rocket punch for 2k. Gault averaged about 5+k. the guards died in less then a minute. Seems to me its a gear issue. Go run your dailies and get better gear.
  7. Honestly if you are making a judgement based on the $15 dollars a month then PERHAPS you can't afford and shouldn't be playing the game. I do not know your finical situation but I have never stopped playing a game for the monthly fee. Simple. To answer your questions where the monly is going is another simple answer. Patches and new content
  8. You truly don't understand the reason? Are you playing stupid or just plain stupid. Listen to your statement, That is like a marine saying, " Just run around and dodge bullets until the medic gets here" Instead of revamping your stragedy you just want to run and cower and pop a pill. LOl. pathetic...
  9. I disagree. Med packs are not suppose to be pocket healers. They are suppose to give you a boost when things go bad.
  10. First of all. I love to raid and raid continously with my guild. My point was nothing to do with raiding as a whole, but the acquistion of gear I personally believe that raiding should be for fun, challenge, and braging rights. Gear should be obtainablen by anyone. I have cleared all the content in this game as of now. I raid 3 times a week with my guild. So when you decide to run your mouth about "welfare people ruinin games" maybe you should learn more about the demographics of the people you are talking about it, instead of rage posting and making yourself look stupid.
  11. I am getting tied of the elitest attitude from people like you. "The Best Gear is for only Raiders", To hell with the rest of the gaming community. People who don't have countless hours and have real lives that enjoy other things otherthen gaming steill want to have good gear. So take your pathetic BoHoo story back to WOW and raid until your eyes bleed.
  12. Let that great franchise rest in peace. Do not resurect it only to publicly embarrass it.
  13. Yes they did, but it was never their 'focus" on the game. PvE was their focus.
  14. What I don't understand about people who grief over a game like this is that Bioware the whole time said that it was going to focus on Story. Investing time and money on voice acting, planets, and that summarizes to PVE. Yes, I understand that they have a PVP team in place now that is working on enhancements to PVP to make it more progressive and rewarding, but that takes time. In the guild summit, they said they were surprised on how many people wanted to PVP. So obviously it took them off guard. So cry away. All I heard on this post was pretty much, "Bohoo Only 1 warzone and PVE players get so much more" "Why do games keep regressing" Its not a matter of regression, its a matter of stability" It would be like building a sky rise from the roof down and hold it up while you build the floors underneath it." People who put unrealistic ideals on what the modern MMO is is only lying and disappointing themselves. Its that simple
  15. dlaselle


    Is it worth taking? I currently have a Biochem and have no desire on redoing it.
  16. What do you expect from "Rebels" They sugar count their mean by calling it "Just and Balanced" and think just because they think the empire is evil. they have the right to attack and destroy it. In modern days terms, That is called Terrorism and the IA have every right to infiltrate and kill Terrorists.
  17. Quit Trolling. You seem to forgot about the games that came before WOW? To list a few: Ultima Online Asherons Call Everquest DAoC and so on so before you start saying.. that this game copied WoW.. Wow is nothing more then a clone of the previous...
  18. No your wrong. Bad Players are those who can not coordinate without the use of of an addon. If you require an ADDOn to tell you that your doing something wrong, then your plainly retarded and do no understand your class mechanics.
  19. Maybe, people don't want to be judged by a DPS meter when they play? Be told by some kids that, " Your DPS sucks dude, I'm going to kick you from the raid"
  20. LOL - Grow up please. I bought my speed at 25 by simply farming mobs for their drops. I didnt need to exploit a craft skill like you did. If your not happy with the nerf because you can no mass produce money as will then /quit.
  21. I disagree. Her personality is her personality. If she doesn't like a do-gooder then that's how she is. Its just like Kailyo sor the IA. She dislikes anything good you do.
  22. I agree. I spend a lot of time gearing my companion and its paid off. I'm on the third planet now and she successfully tanked 2 elites and didn't die. Granted I am a Cybertech and she is wearing orange gear with all purple mods. The bottom line is, You get what you put into them. If they are wearing all green items, then don't QQ when they die alot. I can generally take 3 toughs on with Kailyo without getting her below half half health.
  23. I like her alot. Then Jack was a great charecter as well
  24. Then go play Rift or WOW. I played RIft since release about 9 months ago, and all my characters could be played with 3 buttons. I repeat that's 3 Button -> Solo Attack Button 2 -> Area Attack Button 3 -> Finishers or if I was playing my Healer 2 Buttons 1. SIngle target heals and HOT 2. Area Heals 3. Battle REz if you had it If that what you want is have all your skill macroed so you don't have to learn the game then go back to WOW.
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