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Everything posted by DariusCalera

  1. All of the teleport abilities need to be removed. This includes Phasewalk for counselors/inquisitors, the one for ops/scoundrels, the second one for assasins/shadows allowing them to teleport to their target, and the transpose/translocate for PT/VGs. If they wanted to give PT/VGs something like intercede, ok fine, but not something that switches places between two toons.
  2. Merc arsenal dps is no more bursty than MM. In fact, I would argue that the burst of a MM sniper is still superior due to the fact that their autocrits are not gear determined. i.e they can line up their autocrits with a lot more dependability than a merc/mando can. On top of this, an auotcrit from a MM sniper is going to hit as hard, if not harder than an autocrit HSM/Demo Round.
  3. I have not seen a significant uptick in mercs/mandos in WZs on JC. I have seen new ones, but not in the numbers necessary to indicate any thing more than just new players joining. I know that some of them that I have seen are experienced players that rerolled to have the toon and try it out. Of the others, pretty much all of them are extremely green and have no idea about how to play the class in WZs. I have seen far more jugs/guardians but that is to be somewhat expected with the new xpac along with the new movie being out. For some reason, people always want the "Star Wars Experience" which means running around face tanking everything with a glow bat. As with the merc/mandos most of these new jug/guardian players have been absolutely terrible.
  4. Merc/mando heals have not been "the best" since well before 1.0 and even that is arguable. Of course, that was back when not every class had an interrupt and players didn't know how to use CC effectively. But mercs/mandos received one hell of a nerf batting and they still haven't recovered. Normally, i would be against nerfing a healing class but would argue to buff the under performing ones. However, sorc/sage heals are so ridiculous right now that buffing mercs/mandos and op/scoundrels would just be supremely idiotic. They either need to have a much tighter resource management, their heals need to heal for less, or their mobility needs to be toned way down. Now, I know someone is going to say "Well that will ruin them for PvE!!!!". No, it won't. Mercs/mandos and, to a lesser extent, ops/scoundrels have a much less forgiving resource management pool than sorcs/sages and have much less mobility and they are fine in PvE.
  5. Can a merc/mando healer top the healing charts? Yes. But given equal skill and gear a sorc/sage is going to do far, far more with the same amount of effort. For a merc/mando healer to be on par with a sorc/sage they, the marc/mando, would need a significant buff to resource management and to survivability either through upping their mobility or dcds. Or, conversely, sorc/sages take a nerf to resource management and defenses. Personally I would choose the latter. Having two healing classes capable of putting out what sorcs/sages do now would be idiotic.
  6. Actually, they didn't say when they would fix it, just that it would be around next month. However, this still leaves the possibility of it being broken. Simply put, the fact that they are unwilling to fix the issue at this time, for whatever reason, shows the importance that the devs have put into making sure that everything is running right. In fact the bugs like this and the time that it takes for the devs to fix them, if they are able to, shows that they really don't care.
  7. I understand that. Just saying that the bubble look of Bolt Storm is terrible and that the one for Blazing Bolts looks better.
  8. Personally, I would love it if they changed the animation to something other than the current Bubblestorm. Hell, I'd be happy if the just went the easy route and used the same animation as Blazing Bolts. Seriously though, the Boltstorm animation is one of the reasons I don't play my commando. That animation is just so off putting.
  9. It's not just mobility but also resource management. A sorc/sage has a much, much easier time at managing their resources than what a merc/mando does. If it comes down to crunch time a merc/mando is going to burn through all of their resources, and their Vent Heat/recharge Cells, faor quicker than a sorc/sage will. In addition to your suggestions, I would also either increase the cost of their heals or decrease the cost of merc/mando healing abilities.
  10. Except that would hit the other two healing classes as well and it's been quite a while since anyone has suggested that merc/mando heals are OP.
  11. Because every class should be able to participate in the highest level of competition successfully. In every single previous season mercs/mandos, of all specs, have been 2 of the 3 lowest classes and by a good margin. The only classes that are consistently below mercs/mandos are the snipers/slingers.
  12. Merc/mando survivability in regs is fine. There's plenty of room to run, kite, and escape. That, and you can respawn. However in ranked, which is what this thread is about, their survivabilty is terrible. Though, I think it's funny that someone that doesn't play ranked is saying L2P in a thread about merc/mando survivability in ranked.
  13. 1: if your opponents are competent in a 4 dps vs 4 dps yolo, you're not going to live through that first stun even with the 30% DR. 2: The Suit FOE is very nice and even with the base alacrity of arsenal/gunnery its CD is shorter than its duration. Not sure why more people don't use this. 3: If a player has taken Thrill of the Hunt and the 30% stun DR they're only going to get 1 instant heal from Power Overrides if they decide to use it for that and it's a weak heal at that. Of course, if they do that, then no instant mez. You can say "Do this" or "Do that" but the fact remains that merc/mando survivability is the lowest in the game. Pretty much any PvPer worth their salt knows this and it's one of the reasons that mercs/mandos are targeted first. People know that they can burn through their defenses very easily and without a tank and healer supporting them they are going down fast. Of course, if a tank and healer are available, more than likely they will choose a sniper/slinger instead of a merc/mando because of the superior burst and since they don't need to be babysat quite as much.
  14. DariusCalera

    4.0.3 patch

    I'm going to assume that by "20K on an instant" you are forgetting about the grav round/tracer missile that has to be used first that's easily interruptable. Of course that is if it crits because merc/mandos have no autocriting abilities like snipers/slingers.
  15. You have to have a team that is willing to support you long enough for you to get your rotation going. Barring that, you try to kite long enough that your team mates are able to kill one of your opponents before you die.
  16. Have you tried talking to them in your ship or a cantina? There are a few convos that only happen in those areas.
  17. On a lot of those I can agree with but on some, I don't. 1: I don't think juggernaut tanks are over performing. They don't have the cleave ability like a PT/VG tank does which is the only tank spec that I have seen come close to the numbers that you describe. I actually don't think that juggs/guardians in general are over performing. I think that they are one of the most balanced classes atm. 2: Your forgot about arsenal and gunnery. It has the same defensive issues as the other merc/mando specs. One of the changes I would make with this one is to have it's range increased to 35m. The other is to unnerf its HO. Note: I said unnerf merc/mando HO/HtL not PT/VG because there is a difference and I swear, considering how the devs do things, they can't honestly tell the difference.
  18. Not sure why people always call madness "fluff' damage. Their DoTs can easily overwhelm a healer's ability to keep up with them. Especially on multiple opponents. If that sorc/sage knows hot to kite, eventually, those DoTs are going to wear anyone down.
  19. Except there is a difference between what you describe and what is going on inside of the war zones. I can guarantee that if you, or that other stealther, were on the way to an objective inside a war zone, one of you would have gotten stomped by the group running by. As others have pointed out in this thread, the over all objective of the WZs in SWTOR is to win. The more time that an enemy player spends respawning the better the chance of your side winning.
  20. If you really, really, think sages/sorcs are under powered you should try playing a merc/mando. Of course, if you are as bad as what your post suggests then you will be even worse on one them.
  21. The point about this is that 216 gear bolsters terribly. Blue 190 gear, which is extremely easy to get, is the highest PvE gear that bolsters to the PvE max of 1936. 216 gear, if I remember right, only goes up to about 1100 expertise. That is a huge difference in damage taken and healing output. On these forums you will see people talking about getting hit, or hitting people with, crits in the 30k range. These hits, in most cases, are against players in PvE gear with low expertise. On top of this though, being in 216 gear puts your hit points just under 80K. PvP gear for healers/dps will put their hps at about 70K, give or take a little. PvPers can be asses, but they're observant ones and seeing a healer with almost 80K health is like throwing a deep fried twinkie to a fat kid. It isn't going to last long. FPS and OPs are a far cry from PvP. Mostly this is because in OPs and FPs, a healer isn't going to be target #1. You will need to learn how to move, use your escapes, your roll, and your CC breaker in whole different ways. I would also highly suggest going to the GTN and buying the seismic or freezing grenades. The low level ones are cheap and they work against 65 toons just as well as the high level ones. A little extra CC is always nice. Yeah, everyone has that one map that they don't like. But as a scoundrel healer, I wouldn't give up on it quite yet. With your rolls and now a teleport, scoundrels make damn good ball carriers. If nothing else, you can stealth to the enemy end zone and wait for a pass. Unstealth before trying to catch it though. What server do you play on? It's possible that the people you a re asking don't honestly know the answer.
  22. Your boyfriend set you up for failure. He should have helped you get a blue set of 190 gear first. I would have made your experience a bit better since your expertise would have been a lot higher. (1936 vs 1100 or so) Secondly, as a new healer, he should have found you a tank if he wasn't tanking for you himself. Finding a couple players that would help peal for you to round out your group would have been smart as well. Did he explain the maps at all or did he just say "Stay close to me."?
  23. I am going to assume that your friend is 65 and has never PvPed. As a new player she, and her boyfriend, should have expected to have a rough time of it for the first few games until she does learn. Have your friend do a little research on bolster so she will have a minimal understanding of that, there's a couple good threads in these forums explaining. Have her also check out youtube to see if she can find any streams of WZs so she can see from that point of view what is going on. Jumping into 65 pvp on a undergeared healer is going to be rough because experienced players will notice a healer and go after them with a vengeance. It will be even more brutal if they notice that she is undergeared. I would suggest that she try and stick it out for her 20 matches and get some PvP gear. I would also suggest that she trying grouping with more experienced PvPers. Or, at the very least, find an experienced scoundrel healer and ask them for tips.
  24. Probably wouldn't be pointless if it actually work as an escape to help alleviate the issues that mercs/mandos were facing in ranked. However, the devs just kind of half assed the implementation of it and decided to throw a nerf into HtL/HO for an extra kick in the junk. Hell, probably wouldn't be pointless if BW hadn't also decided to had out even more gap closers and speed boosts to other classes that nullified the new merc/mando ability. While some did ask for an ability like this, they also expected it to actually address the issues in ranked PvP. In it's current form, it does not.
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