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Everything posted by teemoor

  1. Because there's a Scoundrel forum, where ppl know that skills' names.
  2. Yep, single-target concealment, I didn't take a lot of SS, but I have this (not my best actually).
  3. I tanked EV normal on my Jugg alt in Tionese/Prototype purples mix. Columi implants/Recruit ear, Rakata bracers/belt, Champion relics, Rakata End stim. Was pretty easy actually.
  4. I start to think they fixed it only for new pve content :S e.i. LI/EC
  5. 1st of all - I run LI HM every week with no problems (for rak conflicts). I also have Infernal/Unyielding titles. I'm a healer oper and our static doesn't stand in **** ofc. But this FP is very healing and movement heavy. And when ppl say 'We wiped on donkey kong because we lag' and still that lag didn't mess with their movement on robot/interrupting Incinerate - I start to doubt them. I also doubt that a sniper with lvl42 mods has enough dmg to beat very tight enrages there. Did I say 4x5k dot? I said bombs. Dr. Lorrick, you know? Anyone who is not interrupting Incinerate should be shot out of mercy lol.
  6. Don't forget that ops are spies and masters of disguise, so when you see a team of 4 sorcs/2 BH/2 maras that maybe a team of disguised operatives!
  7. Right... Pre-50+couple columi... And how did you manage to heal your tank from that 4x5k bombs+dots+heal dps from aoe dmg+heal yourself and what about enrage timers? I would believe you if you wiped on the robot. Not Donkey Kong.
  8. I tried to heal myself after CS today - nope, nothing changed. Still get healing debuff.
  9. You do realize that different classes scale differently with gear, right?
  10. Now you have proved you're a baddie if you can't reach those number's in concealment spec. Nothing else to see here.
  11. So... a month for top tier pvp set? ZOMG so hardcore... -___-
  12. Not only acid blade. Lots of off-gcd skills tend to trigger gcd. I level my Jugger now and the same happens sometimes when I use Retaliation. Sometimes it happens even on gcd abilities! If you spam it it goes like: Press the button GCD animation starts Spam button GCD animation restarts from the top
  13. Keep your stim boost up. Kolto probe (healing over time) x2 - at least at 2 members (or yourself + tank). Your heal bomb - Kolto Inj + Surgical Probe. Diagnostic scan spam when there is no need for healing to regen energy. Don't know about RecNano - haven't tested it in 1.2 yet lol.
  14. 1st - now you're talking about skill eh? I thought we talked about conceal vs leth and you said you WILL survive conceal opener with your Escape on CD. 2nd - fake numbers lol? Now I see - you don't even have an operative toon or you never ran geared concealment op. Those numbers are pretty average, not top.
  15. Champ/Bm gear is nuff for any HM. Crafting mats will be tradable in 1.2, so - GTN.
  16. Good thing you explained everything. I think you mean those lol crit orange stuff?
  17. Erm... Why would anyone need an offtank in EV? O_o Maybe that's why you are hitting enrage?
  18. 4500+3000 HS + acid 3000 Lacerate 500 Debilitate (4s stun) 3000 Lacerate (GCD) 3000+3000 Backstab + acid (GCD) 2500-3000 Shiv or Lacerate (GCD) ----------------------------------------- 22500-23000 HP Assuming you have around 16-17k HP I don't even have to crit on half of my hits. And I still can use double-opener. You were attacked by bad conceal ops and now you assume you some kind of unkillable machine lol. I'm an operative myself - we are squishy and die very fast, too fast even. Unless specced heals.
  19. What other crew skill can you take? Only Bio. Best PVP gear comes from vendors anyway. Armortech/Synthweaving/Armstech - you buy BM/WH gear from vendors Cybertech/Artifice - you get those mods/crystals in the gear bought from vendors Level Bio to 400, then take 2 gathering skills for moneymaking (UWT/Slicing for example). Crafting your own crit orange gear with augument slot is nice, but you can just buy it on GTN, ask your friend/guildie craft it for you or level an alt to lvl 10.
  20. I would rather have composite prefix/suffix titles. War Hero Derp the Unyielding
  21. Gief Aion Dredgeon. Pure team vs team with some objectives, lots of tactics and strategies.
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