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Everything posted by Fdzzaigl

  1. High level underworld trading materials go for a lot of money on my server, so it potentially is a good moneymaker. You'll need crafting missions for the purples though (if you don't want to depend on luck), and those cost a lot of money too. So the real profits might vary. It's a mission skill, so you can only level it by sending companions on missions, which cost money.
  2. I'm level 50 now, 400 armormech (been at that point for a time) and can't say I've every worn anything made through it, sadly. It was simply far more effective to run instances and pvp, do quests and then upgrade my gear with new mods (through commendations) as I went along. I'm currently making some stuff for my smuggler alt, I just RE greens I make until I get blues, then RE those until I get purples. Problem is underworld trading (which I don't have on my main), which I will level on my alt. I'd make epic lvl 50 gear, but I first want to level up underworld trading myself. That seems like a better investment than buying mandalorian iron for crazy amounts of money.
  3. They have either shields (vanguard) or grav rounds and heals (commando). Not both.
  4. Basically this. Basing what procs shields off damage type is not going to work. As whole classes use certain damage types in their main skills, they're either going to bypass us completely or (if they made them shieldable) we could shield all their attacks. Imo, they need to go on an ability by ability basis to look at whether that attack should trigger shields. But way more attacks should trigger shields than is the case now.
  5. Fdzzaigl

    Ranged Wins WZ

    A healthy balance wins WZ's imo. If you have only ranged, melee can get into the middle of all of them and rip them apart. Either that or the melee gets stunlocked and kited to death and they're doomed as now they trickle in instead of grouping up on 1 guy. But if you've got a couple of melee and a good bunch of ranged you'll do better against a group of mostly melee and a small bunch of ranged imo. As the couple of melee can distract the majority of the other team while your ranged rains down death and destruction and heal you.
  6. Probably How can you tell one red circle aoe from another anyway? I mean, sure, when things are raining down you get it, but before that it's kind of ominous what is being cast. As for the BH animation being inferior once the delay is settled. I don't think it has that much more of an effect on people tbh. In each case it's not an excuse for the delay, as several other classes could also complain about that, primarily sorcs who have the flashy lightning instead of pebbles. You could even say fat characters are more eye-catching than thin ones and spiky gear gives a disadvantage to Sith Warriors. All of that might be a little bit true, but it's so unimportant that it doesn't have a big effect on the major imbalances imo.
  7. I'm not sure where you guys get the "one free respec a week" from. On my vanguard, I respecced twice during level 10-20. After that I've been steadily building shield all the way up to level 50 for weeks. When I hit 50, I respecced again and it cost me 1500 credits or so. Not much, evidently, but still not free.
  8. Idem, pre-50 warzones Republic wins most of the time on my server. Post-50 we lose most of the time, mostly due to gear differences and healer shortage republic side in my opinion.
  9. Yeah, around 150k as well. Taunt does not get you that high, protecting guys while being healed is the key. If you're not healed, you can forget about that. It's not as easy as people think.
  10. I agree with point 1. Point 2, first off, mortar volley only does damage at 1.5s into its duration. And if you prefer that over death from above, I'd think you're insane. When people are scurrying around together, the first thing that counts is getting that damage in, most players will only look for the person who's causing that blue/red circle after they've either escaped or taken the pain. I don't see much of a difference there between the trooper and BH. The murdersquad is inevitably going to get you, the difference is getting in some damage before that happens, or not.
  11. I feel for that guy, but at the same time, he's not really that high in valor either. I'm only about to hit 50 and am valor rank 32, not too far off from his rank (38). I definitely don't expect to get full epic gear after a couple of days of farming at 50. The problem is just that people have no control over what happens. They should work out some system where you are assured of a piece once you've done XYZ.
  12. I don't care about how well they're doing in regards to other developers seen from beta etc. If you want to compare, there are plenty of horridly and better handled examples out there to have endless discussions about who does what better. All I care about is that the irritations get fixed, I'm happy to hear that's on its way relatively soon now.
  13. I only got jumped once by one of the little suicide droids during the "Stay Frosty" quest and couldn't complete it (didn't update either) and didn't trip any wires. I'm not sure what the objective was supposed to be exactly. I just ignored it and could abandon it after the latest patch (not sure what I did with it actually, but it isn't in my log any more).
  14. I raged this morning, I really *********** raged at the ability delay. I raged because in one WZ, I was surrounded and smashed Neural Surge like a madman, but nothing happened before I was dead. I raged because I slammed my 25% shield only to find out 2 seconds later, that it still hadn't done ****. I raged because for the 100000th time, I noticed my full auto wasn't doing any damage, even though I was channeling and pointing at a guy (maybe they should have a little flag with "surprise!!!" come out of your gun when you use this ability, it'd work just as well). And first and foremost, I raged because you see red circles of doom everywhere, constantly, pointing out where BH's aim their actually working ability, while Mortar Volley remains completely and utterly pointless to cast in 80% of the times and when you do start casting it, it points you out like the idiot you are for using it, before it can even begin to do damage. Yeah, sorry, all the little annoyances have build up to one *********** big one. And I'm *********** tired of it.
  15. Absorption is cool, but I find it to be more effective against some mobs in PvE than others. Mobs that cast a lot of "special" abilities like lightning and force attacks and other elemental type attacks like flamethrower seem to bypass it very quickly. I'd still go for absorption and shield chance though, simply because our tank tree itself is also build around that. Though you shouldn't neglect defense of course, especially once you've got a decent amount of shield chance and absorb. Doing that, I found myself easily tanking most instances while leveling, some groups of mobs didn't even seem to do much of any damage at all, while other tanks I saw that depended on defence were struggling against them. For other groups of mobs, you'll have trouble and the healer will need to spam heal you. The same is true in PvP, but amplified. Many abilities that are thrown around by players seem to bypass shields. Which sucks not only damage wise, but also because stockstrike depends on shielding.
  16. Maybe, but there should still be a valor rollback.
  17. Countering this, pre lvl 50 warzones are much more enjoyable now. And behold, imps are getting owned now that they don't have the advantage of having more 50's than the other side.
  18. A video someone made of "Death from Above" vs "Mortar Volley". It's done on the fleet of each side, so no damage on mob comparison as in the project video. But still, the difference is obvious, as "Mortar Volley" only starts to fire its first projectile about 1.5s into the channel, with the last projectile firing after the cast time has finished.
  19. You formulate it as feeling "entitled" to champion gear. But in reality the frustration is just with the RNG mechanic. You're buying "champion" bags, which at least gives the impression champion gear should be awarded. RNG is simply frustrating when people don't feel like they can do anything to compensate for their lack of luck. I think it would be far better to offer the different tiers at fixed rates and with certain valor rank requirements (these would be higher than they are now). That, or they could make it so a higher valor rank gives you a better chance at receiving an item. For example: at rank 60 you'd have a 100% chance to receive a champ piece from bags, at rank 80 a 100% chance to receive a battlemaster piece. At least make people feel like they can do something to compensate for the RNG.
  20. You must have been buying a lot of stuff. As 500 credits are easily made through any vendor trash you get while questing, questing itself also gives you plenty of money. Remember this: the secret to having enough money to spend on your stuff is to NOT spend any money while you're leveling up, buy everything with commendations and do the heroic quests / flashpoints. You do not need to buy anything off other people or do crazy amounts of mission skills. Any gear you buy at those levels will be irrelevant after a couple more hours of playing.
  21. I think that's the big problem. You can assume nothing from that as your results are incomplete and give a limited image of a certain area in the game at a certain time. Honestly, BioWare has the results, that's not the problem, they'll know which class is the most played and which class the least. But a class having some very powerful mechanics (OP even) doesn't immediately mean people will stop investing in their current character and start a new one. Especially because there a various problems that lead to big burst and definitely not everyone is lvl 50 yet, or geared. If the situation remains unchanged and the perception of that reality persists, then people will probably gradually begin changing. But it's far too early for that imo.
  22. Vanguards / Powertechs have a shield that decreases incoming damage by 25% for 12 seconds or so, on a 2 minute cooldown. Seeing how we're often focused that's a handy, but hardly overpowered skill in WZ's. As for massive damage, if we spec in the tank tree (which depends on shield absorption that is apparently useless against a great number of abilities in PvP), I don't think you'll be seeing massive damage at all. I don't have much experience in the DPS tree, but I think you can look toward consumables there, as with any class atm. It's a very strong 1vs1 class yes and a tank, but not much more than that imo.
  23. The rubberbanding is annoying, but often harpoon will fail because of lag or because the projectile didn't hit. I see this often when I'm standing in the pit in huttball, trying to harpoon a ball carrier down. When you fire harpoon and the target walks a bit further out of LoS, harpoon will fail. Lag and the above mentioned rubberbanding make this much worse.
  24. Mortar volley is simply unusable in PvP due to the massive delay in casting. With a little bit of lag happening on peak hours, even if you target a group of opponents who are occupied elsewhere and not paying attention, they'll have plenty of time to relocate before any damage happens. It could be an interesting test to see how many times Death from Above is seen or used in warzones versus Mortar Volley, would be interesting. Personally I don't bother any more, most of the time.
  25. While doing the gauntlet, I extended one of the bridges (when heading to the last explosives location) and fell through it and died instantly when I was walking over it. I foolishly used the medical probe and got stuck in the belly of the gauntlet while my camera totally freaked out. /stuck didn't help, but I could use my fleet pass to get out.
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