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Everything posted by FalconDroid

  1. I would piss and moan like the other tanks but I'm only lvl 40. I want to see what happens when I have champion/battlemaster gear and are not getting bodied by DPS in full battlemaster stacking relics/adrenals. In the good old days (pre-release), my Powettech was eating the **** out of everybody. I am waiting for 50 to touch glory again.
  2. OP knew about the bugs and didn't tell anyone. I blame him.
  3. Lotta you guys are trying to sound ghetto fabulous by saying you kick for this and that. You aren't that good, put the tiny thing away before you break it. The one that gets me is the kick for cutscenes. Not a timed instance, get over it. I tell people I'm watching the CS if it's my first time, if they don't like it I walk. I'm a tank, I can do that. To the OP, sorry for the rough ride. Healers get a lot of **** and it's natural. That one flashpoint is buggy. The best way to do it is stand on the middle corner of the tile that the fire is not on and move to the next inward corner of where the fire won't be on the next round. Died there twice, once by glitch fire, once by being too far from center. It happens. Screw the jerks, just try again. Nice part about being a healer, 10 min later you would have gotten another party.
  4. Let people do it but roll them back to level 20 like anyone else who is starting an advanced class.
  5. This is why I don't roll on RP servers. If my names was Ballsoffire I would get reported cause it ruined some Jedi's immersion.
  6. You guys should put your money where your mouth is and quit. /bye
  7. There is a speed hack. A player on my server named himself Speed... and was using it. Promptly reported and was reviewed. It happens, make a note and report. BW will take care of it. As far as the coding things, it's very frustrating to grapple an opponent, see them drop and them mystically hop out of the pit somewhere else. Doesn't happen often but maybe 1 out of 5 games (which is often enough).
  8. You're a PT. Are you flame sweeping to check for stealth? What about your stealth search ability?
  9. In the meantime, run a flash point a few times to get the custom gear set look you want and put mods in it.
  10. FalconDroid

    Level 50s

    Not what you think. Huttball match 1: 2/8 were 50s. One team mate said he was leaving, only two 50s and wasn't worth his time. We won 6-0. Lots of passing, trickery, always someone on point for ball spawn. Huttball match 2: 7/8 were 50s. I am lvl 38. Lost 0-6. Team wanted to play defense, never go to the middle for ball spawn, no passing, no team work. Sure, 50 brackets are needed for PvP gear wearers but just because there are 50s, it doesn't mean they have skill or can play well with others. I know this is obvious but has to be said when I facepalm over 7 teammates playing in our pit.
  11. Need = any gear I can equip unless I don't want it Greed = any gear I can't equip or gear I can but don't care (I sell it or give to companions) Pass = I'm feeling generous today
  12. Methinks OP wants a free month to spout hate on the forums more then quit before his 2nd free month is over.
  13. You want purple? Give Empire cyan.
  14. There's a lot of people on these forums who just need to look in the mirror and realize the thrill is gone and MMOs are not for them anymore. But it's hard, ya know, cause that would mean showering, getting a job, a girlfriend... a life. It's easier to reminisce about Azeroth and troll the forums while hiding under a blanket.
  15. I guess a POS computer can still log on to the forums! Great job, OP.
  16. It's definitely bannable. "Warnings" went out to player who were doing this but I think the next warning is a ban since the reps already made a post about this a few days ago. Report them and kiss them goodbye.
  17. Go outside OP. Try real life the MMO. You can kiss girls or go to bed sad. There's some story arcs you can control!
  18. My name is OP and if I can't get it by raiding or PvP then it doesn't belong in the game. P.S. I am lazy.
  19. Just cause my guild likes to do stuff together, doesn't mean we are some premade elistist group. Kinda sick of being called that when we enter in a zone.
  20. When I join a PUG flashgroup I just tell them if it's my first time and that I will be watching the CS.
  21. I agree with what's said and will reiterate a bit. Obviously hot key it to something you can get to fast. The AOE needs to shine red (blue for Pubs I guess) for a successful throw. Watch your depth perception, I sometimes think I'm not throwing far enough and realize I am too far out. A wonderful strategy is to get a rouge to stealth on the opponents side near the edge of the pit, take the ball into the pit and throw to him from the center of the pit (THEY HAVE TO BE OUT OF STEALTH TO CATCH IT!). Have someone run over fire, stop in front the fire and throw the ball across the fire to them. Unless you are a boss, if you get the ball in your own pit, throw it away and tell your team to go mid to grab the respawn.
  22. Post the screenies and we will get on board. To the REAL protector here, OP, that's awesome. I play Powertech and I aim for better protects each round. I can only single guard one target but I have self guard and two darts (one AOE) that reduces att which counts as guard. I love it.
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