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Everything posted by spookyBen

  1. poop in a bag, then use it as ammunition in space combat.
  2. I don't see a button to do that. Help?
  3. So in other words, Commandos get even worse when it comes to surviving in PvP.
  4. What AC Should you choose? Sniper or Operative?
  5. Well, theres already a semi-mandalorian class named Bounty Hunter. They technically are mandalorians.
  6. Just found out how to. Someone please lock/delete this thread.
  7. No there is no way to change your username.
  8. Note: All updates on the thread are now complete.
  9. Note: I am currently updating this thread.
  10. Maybe not normal comps join family tree, How about your Wife or Husband comp?
  11. When Obi-OneKenobi used a blaster to kill General Grievous, wasnt that against the Jedi code? Im pretty sure that a Jedi using a gun is against the jedi code.
  12. I'd love to make cat man shutup. He is so annoying....
  13. "Powerful saber" *solo's a operation* nope.
  14. Abusable. *Looks at guild list* *Sees a guy in a ship named "Sexy"
  15. According to the developers, its supposed to be coming in a future patch and is DEFINITLY before patch 2.0
  16. Title: The Emperor's Last Stand Description: This operation is an attack on the emperor in his cloaked fortress above Dromund Kaas [ which according to records that is his current location ] and will consist of a large amount of NPC's guarding him including his royal guard force, his children, his voice, and his wrath. (all of the emperor's prime defenses/eyes and ears) Each NPC will be a champion (as normal ops always are) and will have AT LEAST 200k health. There are 4 bosses, each boss is actually more then one. Boss #1: "The Emperor's Children." [unknown amount] Boss #2: "The Emperor's Voice." [unknown amount] Boss #3: "The Emperor's Wrath." [1] Final Boss: "The Emperor." [1] The Emperor's health (Final boss) will have 2,583,249 max health. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS The emperor never had a cloaked fortress Incorrect. He did have one according to a thread I recently read in the spoilers forum section. That threads info may of been inaccurate No, it was info taken from everywhere about the emperor (including the holonet) Therefore it could not be incorrect. Why is the emperor's health so HIGH? I realize it is very high, BUT you need to realize that is the emperor. Not the final boss from KP, its the emperor. Which is the guy who is currently known as the most powerful man in the Universe. So, considering that, he cant have the normal health another operation would have like KP or EV. If that is his health for story mode, what would be his health in hard mode? His health would be this in hard mode: 4,785,396 His health is way too high for the HM. True, But like I said before, he is the Emperor. Just instead, this is a HM. In HM's, the final boss always has more health then the story mode final boss. Even if he is supposed to have more health in HM then in SM, why another 2 million? Because he is the hardest operation boss. Any additional questions? Ask them in the comments! Hopefully we may see this operation in a future patch!
  17. Wow, thats pretty big! And i read it all till the controversal stuff! No offence, but I couldnt read anymore without my brain exploding due to reading so much... But besides that, Good job!
  18. Dude. a bioware employee already stated that Revan never died, rather he dissapeared in some sort of way therefore they could bring Revan back if they ever felt like it.
  19. That gets to kill the Emperor?
  20. If you dont want spoilers, leave the spoiler forum. k?
  21. wow, they look pretty stupid now. :/
  22. Cat man dies in the attack on the gauntlet.
  23. all Im seeing is them just exploring.
  24. I read the book. Ahsoka Tano died from Order 66 because at the time (according to the movies as well) she was being trained by Master Yoda. Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader killed them (including ahsoka tano).
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