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Everything posted by Bgiffo

  1. You mean Second Wind? Probably because it's a pvp talent. And the other pvp talents higher in the tree seem a bit better.
  2. Pretty sure it's just red, green, and blue that are restricted.
  3. Imo, Revan's version of the rule of two made a lot more sense. Two sith lords, one master one aprentice, and lots of cronies.
  4. Their homeworld wasn't destroyed, just a colony world.
  5. http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/file.php?2,file=36164,filename=Can_t_Tell_if_Trolling.jpg
  6. No rational person minds, and all the crybabies will stop caring the moment, and I mean literally the moment, they receive their early access invite.
  7. I will **** in an envelope and send it to Bioware. Then cancel my Preorder. Then ***** at everyone on the 20th while I wait in line to buy TOR.
  8. Please leave. I'm totally serious. You may think you're being "reasonable", but your empty threats are really just childish whining. So if you're going to leave over an entirely trivial issue, do it now.
  9. You get what you pay for. And thus far, all I (and many others) have paid for is the five bucks that guarantee that we get to buy the game on the 20th.
  10. Who the **** takes a week off from work to play a videogame they don't even own yet?
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