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Everything posted by allexj

  1. I have thought about trying to get my willpower up as high as I could to try and augment my dps however my worry is that with the non-ranked gear on I will not have enough absorb to be able to defend myself as I have heard that 40/40/20 is optimal for shadows. If I have enough defense without having to augment it I would love to go willpower on everything/power. But what is the conversation ratio with willpower? Xwp=+?damage as well as the same with power
  2. Its up to 1200 now out side wz however inside I'm at 1600 last I looked. Well it seems the commen consensus is that tank don't kill things in PvP however I feel like other tanks don't have this problem. Do they have summarily issues?
  3. I understand im not meant to kill however if im defending a node then how can i defend the node if i dont have a chance to kill anything
  4. Hey in play a Shadow Tank, and our single target DPS is horrible if you go 1v1 to half the classes you lose because you can't tank the damage they put out or kill them fast enough to survive without a healer, this might balance it out some not sure if it will work I think they need to make mind crush do more damage for sin tanks would be better off but we will see
  5. Today , 05:12 AM | #1 EDIT REPORT POST QUOTE http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=794701 I have a shadow Kenitic Combat spec now its not completely geared out I currently have about 1K expertise so I know I'm far from done but I do have a few questions. So I have noticed that I really can't damage anyone much nor can I out tank the damage they are putting out if I'm 1v1 for JG/SW, Merc(no idea which spec) and snipers. Either they burn me down as I vary slowly take their health down or just can't damage them enough to kill a ant before I have 50k worth of damage done to me. So from my understanding I should be able to out tank the amount of damage they are doing while slowly killing them however I just don't see how? I I have a bit of a ways to go before 2018 expertise. Now I have done like 500.000k damage in WZ before but its mostly AoE. So I know I can damage people just not one person at a time dose that make any sense? Not sure I see how that helps the group as a whole if I'm a tank. I just wanted to get people opinion of this. And how I should go about fixing it? Now the changes that may be made to force breach will it help? I'm not sure this is the right direction for ken shadows as a whole if this problem is much more wide spread wouldn't it be more advantages to make so we have some single target DPS not much just a bit more so we can have a chance to do more damage, I was thinking making the one DoT we have (can't rember the name 3 second cast time) do more damage? Its interruptible so they can stop the damage if can remember to hit the right button. Anyway just wondering if that made more sense to anyone else
  6. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=794701 I have a shadow Kenitic Combat spec now its not completely geared out I currently have about 1K expertise so I know I'm far from done but I do have a few questions. So I have noticed that I really can't damage anyone much nor can I out tank the damage they are putting out if I'm 1v1 for JG/SW, Merc(no idea which spec) and snipers. Either they burn me down as I vary slowly take their health down or just can't damage them enough to kill a ant before I have 50k worth of damage done to me. So from my understanding I should be able to out tank the amount of damage they are doing while slowly killing them however I just don't see how? I I have a bit of a ways to go before 2018 expertise. Now I have done like 500.000k damage in WZ before but its mostly AoE. So I know I can damage people just not one person at a time dose that make any sense? Not sure I see how that helps the group as a whole if I'm a tank. I just wanted to get people opinion of this. And how I should go about fixing it? Now the changes that may be made to force breach will it help? I'm not sure this is the right direction for ken shadows as a whole if this problem is much more wide spread wouldn't it be more advantages to make so we have some single target DPS not much just a bit more so we can have a chance to do more damage, I was thinking making the one DoT we have (can't rember the name 3 second cast time) do more damage? Its interruptible so they can stop the damage if can remember to hit the right button. Anyway just wondering if that made more sense to anyone else.
  7. I have always loved the JC story its by far my favorite, how that trap was lame....
  8. Story Back round for the guild The first council were once one with the Jedi order however foreseeing the attack by the Sith has been out greatest accomplishment. After hearing whisper's of a empire in the unknown regions of space through the councils work with forbidden knowledge we decided to build a Enclave unannounced to the Jedi high council. At the time of the attack we had already planed our escape, however many perished during the battle to protect the younglings Now we live in the shadows of the order in order to insure the all force knowledge is kept safe and alive. Now as the order rebuilds so do we..... Recruiting Message "Distant Whispers" We the Council of First Knowledge, We whisper thoughts who can hear us, come seek us. Learn from thoughts who only see the force.Jedi only see light or dark we see the force, come do not limit yourself open yourself come. Website onlytheforce.enjin.com Hello everyone! The Order of First Knowledge is a guild based on the last part of the jedi code there is ONLY THE FORCE. We believe that all force knowledge should be used in order to achieve the goals both the Jedi and the Republic have. However due to nature of our work we know the Order is not accepting of that so we have placed our members in side the to help them achieve their goals. Our guild is vary young, and is looking for base line member's to help build it up! If you are interested please message me on here or go to the website listed and put in a app! We are a pvp/pve/rp guild with the intent on teaching jedi how to play the game while including rp into the teaching. We are mid/light rp guild, we have everything established for rules and teachings and trials. Our goal is to create amazing players! Come join in! Play Times Our play times vary we have some who play during the day other that play late at night and other that get on at varying times! Have FUN!
  9. it simple in comparison for other games i have played, which is why my concept of diminishing returns is so different then what it really is in this game. In my old game once you hit diminishing returns the stat did not stop going up at half the rate like this game, it went up at the same rate however the stat would start causing the toon to perform horribly. thanks for the info!
  10. So for diminishing returns as a shadow what are they? What is too high? Also for defensive stats which types of attacks do they block? I thought that shields blocked everything that was not force/tech attacks and defense chance for tech/force attacks; and Damage reduction applied after the shield roll happened, however i feel like this is incorrect as my shield chance and absorb rate are current in there 30% ranges and i feel like im taking more damage then i did when it was lower, Can i get some clarity on that? Shield Rating Absorption Rating Defense chance
  11. The way I have always looked at it is on the sith side on ballamor had already been taken and there was a resistance however the main resistance general was killed galactic politics heated up and war broke out again leading you to Balmmora I as a counselor
  12. I have a question that I have been meaning to ask, Iv played the JC story Line about 25 times and I still can not figure out if the empire ended up with balmorra or the republic. In the Jedi Counselor story line we take the planet but during the with jugg story we kill the rebals. who won?
  13. Lol I'll retype it when I get home.
  14. Iv played shadow from the start of time itself and have recently started a new shadow and guild on this server with the intention of teaching people how to play there class with a bit of rp mixed for Jedi only, and I can't list my name because I will most likely mis spell so as far as the guild goes council of First Knowledge, is the guild name. Sapitina is the legacy name. I'll post more info later. I can help almost any shadow and guardian. Thanks will update name soon
  15. OK so leveling shadow tell about 25 is going to suck! However if you can leave Coro by level 20 and hit taris at level 20 by the time you finish the taris bonus series your going to be almost 30 of say, so by then you go to tar shadaa you already over level the planet to the point you can do all of nar shadda and that bonus series and be almost lvl 40 and your almost done with leveling!
  16. I understand that. But when they do that the next one they will focus on is tanking shadows/sins. As they would still be on the top as far as I can tell.
  17. Iv noticed now that I started a new shadow and am leveling a shadow again but I have noticed combat is really high as a whole and I'm only level 22 on this toon. So what are the chances of Nerf and what do you think it would be?
  18. ok il see what I miised, but I still cant use spinning kick outside of stealth as a cc and I don't see anyway to get it like that either
  19. my shadow is only level 50 so that may be the reason: so do shadows have no heals now? and if that is the case why havevnt our non active defensive stats gone up?
  20. I have to agree iv played jug and assin both and with the new 3.0 update it would be hard to say who would win in those fight tank jug vs. Assign tank. As far as one on one its all about how the players are reacting to what's happening in The dual and who knows what going to happen next it get really complicated
  21. OK so questions about shadow 3.0! Harnessed shadows no longer heal?why? Spinimg kick no longer use able outside of stealth why? I think that's about it oh and I'm a tanking shadow
  22. Yo guys I'm thinking about moving my first toon over to this server. I don't mind a bit of rp, and love open world PvP, I would be looking for a guild. Anyone interested let me know.
  23. So i have been doing allot of looking into gear for pve because i am normally a pvp kind of guy. But a buddy of mine wants to start a pve based guild so i need to get into the up and up on gear and information dealing with it over all. So i have a list of question if my fellow community member might be able to answer for me. 1. What is the best gear in pve game play? Crafted or Comm stuff? 2. How much dose the average full amour suit cost? i would think something like 10 mili for a whole suit is what its looking at fully stated. 3. How do you get the best implants and ear piece for the game? 4. How do you make the best relics? 5. At what point will Specialty stats i.e defense change overpower the usefulness of a basic stat?
  24. right now i have all 172 in, my amour is about 6k, reduction is at 46%,shield chance is at 37.00 and absorption is at 30, defense chance is at 12.00, should i be stacking shield stats or defense chance stats?
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